January 24, 2023

Gruberment (FDA) uses National Public Radio to float a "trial balloon" for a decision they're about to implement

If you're an adult you may have heard of a thing called a "trial balloon."  (If you're under 30 you probably haven't.)

That's when some agency (either gruberment or a corporation) wants to do something but they're a tiny bit concerned that if they do, some of the peasants might revolt.  Cuz stupid deplorables don't know what's good for 'em, eh?

So the agency or company uses a trusted, warm/fuzzy source, like NPR or the NY Times, to plant a story ("float a trial balloon") describing the proposed plan NOT as done deal but merely (!) as "an idea."

See, if they tell the peasants the decision has already been made, it makes some right-wing conspiracy freaks think the Powers That Rule Ya routinely run the hell over you.  

So with the "trial balloon" floated, the agency waits to see how the public reacts.  If there's only a little outrage, they pull the trigger (i.e. do what they planned to do).  But if there's a HUGE outcry, they don't implement the idea right away, but use their Media allies to plant stories to convince Americans that whatever the agency is about to do is really a GREAT idea.

If you're a young American--or just a naive adult--this probably sounds too complex to be true. Yeah, well...and wearing a  mask keeps you from getting or transmitting duh Chyna virus.  And gettin' duh jab does the same thing.  Except all that is a flat lie, and they knew it.

Example # 594,695:  Dat warm, fuzzy, nevah-lie-to-ya NPR (communist rat-bastards) just floated a "trial balloon" from the FDA/Democrat regime, to show you what's coming:  They're gonna get you to think of the mRNA jab as just another harmless, effective "vaccine"--exactly like the flu vax--EVEN THOUGH it's totally different from the flu vax (cuz mRNA, eh?).

The plan--described by NPR--is that "very young children" [define please?  No?]  and "older people" would "still" get two "shots" each year.  And note the propaganda bit right after the word "year:"  

"Much like the flu vaccine." 

See, the crazies in the FDA know that Americans are familiar with the flu vax.  They know it's safe (at least safe enough not to worry about), and thanks to years of gruberment bleating, they're very willing to take it.  But the key here is to notice how deftly the story made you believe the mRNA vax was just as "safe and effective" as the flu vax:   They didn't SAY it was, but by using the phrase "much like the flu vaccine," every reader got the message they intended.

If you got that message, you're not necessarily stupid or gullible.  It's just that the master propagandists know how people think.  It's like the classic "You must act fast because quantities are LIMITED!!"

Here's another masterpiece:

Got it?  "Some researchers" think you can't just skate with "annual boosters," cuz "Covid hasn't quite settled into a seasonal pattern."  SO...to keep from dying "people may need to be boosted more frequently."  If Big Pharma (Pfizer) can get people to submit to two shots a year instead of one, that doubles their revenue, eh?  Yes.

And note the cunning, subtle propaganda after the phrase "protection against severe disease": "May only last four to six months."  And then the unattributed loop-hole "they say."  That is master-level propaganda.  And it works.  The takeaway: 'If you want to avoid "severe disease" you'll take TWO shots a year.'  We're no longer calling 'em "boosters" cuz our focus-groups show the gullible public doesn't find "boosters" a warm/fuzzy idea anymore.  




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