"Laws? Well for you, sure. But duh preznit can write or change any law he wants!"
Most Americans know about "laws." Those are the things that will allow your rulers to throw you in jail or fine you if you drive drunk or speed or threaten someone.
When the U.S. was founded, the Founders intended that the "laws" were to apply equally to everyone-- even to your rulers. Even to the "president."
(News flash to young Americans: The president is NOT allowed to make "laws." Seriously! Second flash: Judges also are NOT allowed to make "laws." Seriously.)
But gradually, year by year, the rulers--congresswhores, presidents and judges (yes, even in the so-called Supreme Court) began ignoring more and more laws. If they'd quickly been executed--after trial, of course--we'd be in far better shape today. But because no one had the balls to charge the rat-bastards for breaking the laws, they not only weren't executed, they weren't even charged with lawbreaking.
All of which has led us to abominations like "DACA," in which Emperor Obozo the First DECREED that he could change U.S. immigration laws to do whatever he wanted.
(News flash: Hard as it may be for young Americans to believe, not only are presidents not allowed to *make* laws, they're also not allowed to *change* laws--cuz see, that's like making laws--which again, the Constitution says preznits are NOT allowed to do. Yeah, it's hard to believe.)
Example: You may recall that Dear Leader--Porridgebrain--ORDERED companies to fire any worker who wouldn't take the vax. News flash: The Constitution does NOT give the preznit that authority. And sure enough, MONTHS after biden had his Labor Department issue that DECREE, the courts slapped him across his worthless, conniving, corrupt head, ruling he lacked that power.
Unfortunately that came way too late for millions of American workers--most supporting families--who were forced to choose between taking the experimental jab and being fired. But hey, tough, eh? And not a single one has been allowed to sue Porridge for his illegal decree. Cuz see, duh employees had a choice, right? Absolutely free choice! Free. Yep yep yep.
(Liberals and Democrats: "Tough shit, peasant. All *good* Americans eagerly took the vaccine, cuz duh preznit said vax good! Lord Fauci said vax good! And queen Walensky said vax good! And den duh governors sayeth "You can't go outside your home unless you have duh vax passport!)
That story is just to show you an example of duh so-called "preznit" issuing an ORDER that he didn't have the legal authority to issue. That time, the courts stopped him. Just too late for the poor unfortunates who were forced to take the jab.
SO...now to the current story.
Last October, *very quietly,* the Porridgebrain regime changed U.S. immigration law, by ORDERING that a "limited number" of residents of the communist shithole of Venezuela could come to the U.S. without having to go to the trouble of getting a visa. The only requirement was that anyone wanting to come here have a "sponsor" here.
News flash to naive Americans: Pro-communist "refugee resettlement agencies" (often operated by corrupt church groups) will "sponsor" anyone who wants to come to the U.S.--cuz dat beez reel virtuous.
When no one sued over this clearly illegal ORDER, Porridgebrain's handlers (the people who actually run the executive branch) quietly expanded the program, now ordering that 30,000 "migrants" *every month* from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Haiti could now enter the U.S.--regardless of what duh "immigration law" said. Cuz again, preznits can ignore any law dey don' like.
(News flash: that's not what the Constitution says. But the Dems have been ignoring and trashing that document for decades.)
So instantly, thousands of residents of those shitholes began flying to the U.S.--because Porridgebrain had DECREED that it was now legal to do so.
Democrats: "We do NOT have open borders! Duh border is mo' secure den EVAH! Alejandro Mayorkas has decreed it beez true! So neener neener neener!"
"Plus, Dear Leader's decree only authorizes deez pipo to live in duh U.S. for two years! So not really same t'ing as allowing 'em to stay forever! See, at duh end of two years duh awful, horrible Rethuglicans could send 'em back where dey came from!"
Except that never happens. Too much pushback from liberals / Democrats. Violent demonstrations.
Hey citizen, know what dis country needs? More pipo from Haiti and Nicaragua and Cuba and Venezuela! Like, 30,000 every month. Or maybe 100,000. Cuz since Dear Leader knows he can re-write any "law," changing that number is as simple as issuing a decree.
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