January 28, 2023

Is it reasonable for government to demand that every citizen support delusions or be jailed or fired?

Twenty years ago, if a person suffered from delusions, no sane person demanded that the rest of us play along with those delusions.  Demanding that the rest of us do that would have been considered...well, crazy.  No judge or ruler contemplated it.

But today, somehow a handful of people who've managed to worm their way into power are demanding that society play along with delusions.

Meet Anthony Loffredo, 33, who says he "felt he was born in a body he didn't belong in." Ah, yes.  So he chose to undergo many surgeries to turn himself into a creature that doesn't look human.

He's had his nostrils, ears and two fingers removed (to make a claw look, he says), and tattoos over his entire body--including his eyes.  Not the eyelids, but dye injected into the whites of the eyes to turn them black.

He had part of his upper lip removed, to produce a permanent teeth-baring snarl.  He had his tongue split, and a hole put in his lower lip large enough to stick his forked tongue through.  He's had numerous metal implants inserted under his skin on his head and arms to make himself look even more alien.

Of course since it's his body, he has the right to do all that.  So here's where the crazy gets crazier:  He now complains that "The Normies act like I'm some kind of weirdo!  Restaurants won't serve me."  He complains that people who recoil from his intentionally-made alien appearance are "close-minded."

If he was a U.S. resident the ACLU would already have filed a lawsuit demanding that restaurants serve this nutter, and demanding huge damages from any restaurant or bar that refused.

Hell, if he were a U.S. resident, Porridgebrain would have already appointed him to head a federal agency.

Point is, the wokies who we allow to run things have demanded that the rest of us accept and support delusions like this--and without a flicker of hesitiation. 

Now compare this mind-set to that of the "tranny mafia."  In the U.S. (and Canada, and the U.K.) schools and judges and the preznit and members of congress DEMAND that every citizen agree that men can really, seriously, actually become women, simply by declaring it.  Anyone who refuses to bow to this delusion--this lie--risks fines and (in Canada and the U.K) prison time.

Every Media outlet now falsely calls tranny males "she," and tranny females "he."  Cuz duh Media beez "woke," eh?

In days gone by no one ever proposed that all of society support delusions.  But now for some unexplained reason the government and Media and schools (govt again) all DEMAND that we bow to the lie.

So what's the substantive difference between Anthony Loffredo and the tranny delusion?  

Take your time.  I'll wait. 



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