If you think you really have "freedom of speech" in the U.S, think again
Supposedly (let that sink in for a minute) Americans have a quirky right to "free speech."
It's right there in the Constitution. Ask your kids if they know where it is. (Right next to the part that says "Church and state shall be separate," right? No?)
But if the Left doesn't want you to speak, and uses its militant force to intimidate venues and police chiefs and mayors into not allowing you to speak, do you really have the right of free speech, or does that right only apply to leftists and their supporters?
Thousands of examples but here's one of the most recent: A comedian known to be pro-life had contracted to do a comedy show in the sorry shithole of Rutherford, NJ. But just minutes after the show was announced, the violent leftist group Antifa demanded that the show not be allowed to take place.
Hundreds of Antifa-affiliated Twitter accounts started bombarding the venue where the show was scheduled, threatening violence if it was allowed. They also used Twatter on the account of the town's police chief, a man called John Russo, again threatening violence if the show was allowed.
At that point a police chief who wanted to do his sworn duty to defend the Constitutional right of free speech would have pushed back, flooded the area around the venue with cops and ordered them to arrest anyone who committe violence or threatened attendees.
But that’s not what chief John Russo did. Instead, he caved to the demands of the mob, warning the venue that the owners might face lawsuits for any injuries if they let the comedian perform.
When that didn't work, he told the owners he would shut down the show on “public safety grounds.” So ultimately, the venue was forced to cancel the show.
Then the next morning the Democrat mayor of Rutherford--a leftist named Frank Nunziato--bragged about what the city had done. He said it was his decision to use the power of the state to cut down comedy.
What the leftist mayor wrote shows how cunning the Left is. He wrote, “Online intelligence led the police department to believe that the event had the potential for confrontation. Therefore after discussions with the owner, the event has been canceled.”
Notice the blame shifting: According to this shit leftist "the event had the potential for confrontation.” The truth, of course, was that the only "confrontation" came from the mayor's allies, Antifa. But notice how subtly the mayor makes implies "the event" is to blame. Classic.
It wasn’t the comedian who was going to confront or threaten anyone with violence. It was the radical left-wing group Antifa. And yet the Leftists got the police chief and mayor to cancel the show.
So for the record: As long as Leftists rule cities and police departments, you don't have free speech unless the Left approves of what you plan to say.
That's not freedom of speech.
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