After porridgebrain (biden) cancels key U.S. pipeline, U.S. is now importing $1.8 BILLION in Russian oil every MONTH!
On his first day in office porridgebrain cancelled an oil pipeline that would have delivered 800,000 barrels of good Canadian oil per DAY to the U.S.
The project had already jumped through all the hundreds of environmental hoops, and was already under construction. Roughly a BILLION dollars worth of large-diameter steel pipe had already been purchased and was sitting beside a trench, waiting to be welded together and buried. But Joe stopped the project cold, leaving the company to cope with the loss as best it could. (It can't, of course, but the Democrats don't give a damn.)
Joe also halted oil and gas leasing in the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico, and in oil-rich Alaska. So almost in the span of a single day biden's ORDERS ended U.S. energy independence, which we'd achieved under Donald Trump.
But consumers and businesses keep needing oil and gas to keep from freezing (among other things). So with the U.S. oil industry now barred from that big pipeline, and from new drilling, how would that U.S. demand be met, eh?
You probably won't believe it, and the Lying Mainstream Media will NEVER tell you, but here's biden's "solution:"
Startng a month or two after porridge was sworn in, the U.S. has been buying an average of 600,000 barrels of oil per day from...can you guess? Yep, Russia.
At current prices that's $60 MILLION bucks every DAY--more than enough to fund Russia's entire cost of invading Ukraine.
Throughout 2021, the U.S. has imported 12 million to 26 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum products per month from Russia — the same country porridgebrain bleats about imposing harsh economic sanctions on to deter Putin from invading Ukraine. The most recent month from the Energy Information Agency’s figures is November 2021, at 17.8 million barrels.
At current prices, 18 million barrels of oil--one month of imports--is worth $1.8 BILLION. In August of last year Russia became the second-highest exporter of oil to the United States. Think that might be a reason Putin feels so confident?
Oh, I hear my liberal friends saying this can't possibly be true! Gotta be a wacko conspiracy theory!
Okay ya dumb bastards, if you don't believe me, would you believe the Leftist, Democrat-fellating website "Politi-fact"? They love the Dems and almost never publish a critical word. So here ya go:
• The amount of oil being imported today from Russia has reached a record level, and it does roughly equal the transport capacity of the now-cancelled Keystone XL pipeline.
• However, the pipeline would first need to be built, meaning it couldn’t solve today’s demand needs, and it’s hardly assured that the Canadian production that would feed the pipeline would have risen by 800,000 barrels a day beyond today’s production, or that this entire amount would be sold to the U.S.
Notice how they immediately spin the jarring facts to keep Americans from blaming the Democrats and the biden regime: "However, the pipeline would first need to be built, meaning it couldn’t solve today’s demand needs, and it’s hardly assured that the Canadian production that would feed the pipeline would have risen by 800,000 barrels a day beyond today’s production, or that this entire amount would be sold to the U.S.
That's some world-class spin there.
The cunning Democrats who run Politi-fact are expert propagandists, and they know the average American doesn't know squat about the world oil market: Because it takes years to find new oilfields and bring them on-line, the oil business--like all world markets for high-demand strategic commodities--is forward-looking, meaning that actions taken today cause prices to rise or fall based on how users (buyers) try to predict how future supply and demand will change. So decisions made today have a huge effect on prices.
So for the cunning leftists at Politifact to wave away the damage the astonishingly destructive porridgebrain has already inflicted, by saying "The pipeline wouldn't be finished today, so couldn't help supply today" is fatuous: The oil market has already adjusted for that dumb-ass DECREE.
Here's Politifact again:
The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that in May, the U.S. imported 844,000 barrels per day of crude oil and petroleum products from Russia. That’s almost 10% of all the U.S. imports for that month.
Historically speaking, this is a large amount, setting a new monthly record for Russian oil imports.
But again watch the spin--claiming high oil prices and sending the Russians $60 MILLION per DAY for oil has nothing whatsoever to do with porridgebrain's DECREE:
Experts said that any impact from the Keystone XL pipeline would have been years down the road. Even if all legal obstacles were to disappear, the project would have involved the construction of 1,204 miles of new pipeline in Canada and the United States.
This means the pipeline wouldn’t have solved the immediate problem referred to in the Facebook post.
Ah, it would have been virtually impossible to build a pipeline 1,204 miles long. Well there ya go. The cunning leftists are implying that such a long pipeline was just far too hard to build, eh?
No. We've been building longer pipelines for many decades now. But the average American has no idea about that, so if an OFFICIAL WEBSITE says "Ooooh, dat too long! Not possible!" the average American thinks the website must be right. Yep yep yep.
And again (I'll say this until it sinks in), claiming the XL line wouldn't have solved the "immediate problem" ignores the fact that the markets have already taken account of Joe ordering construction of the pipeline to be halted.
Thanks, Democrats. And I'm sure the people of Ukraine are just thrilled that by porridgebrain's help to pick up the tab for the Russian invasion.
Stupid actions have ghastly consequences