February 11, 2022

Wanna look into the face of evil--disguised as a Harvard professor and CNN contributor?

Wanna look into the face of evil?

Actually you probably don't, because it either makes you sick or makes you want to pick up a scoped weapon.  Yeah, I went there.  And sadly, that's where all this will end--it's just a matter of time.

Let me introduce you to evil.   Her name is Juliette Kayyem, and she's a contributor to CNN--and a Harvard professor.  This bitch SNEERS at the "freedom protesters."  How could anyone be so deplorable as to want FREEDOM, eh?  It's beyond her, or so she pretends.  She's absolutely outraged that some uppity common folks have the ill manners to protest for freedom from Canada's jab mandates.  

But she has THE solution.  Here it is:

She wants SOMEONE--cops? BLM?  Antifa?--to "slash their tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers."  Communists in Ottawa--by the hundreds--have called for the cops to seize the trucks and not return them to their owners.  Wow.

Tell ya what, bitch: Let's just seize your assets instead, eh?  Everything:  Homes, vacation homes, overseas bank accounts, the whole mess.  How's that sound, sweet cheeks?  Ooooh, not quite so good now, eh?  Well tell us what you think the difference is.

Oh, that's right: In the second version you're the one who're getting robbed...and you don't like that a bit, eh?  But you were perfectly happy to have your thugs rob someone else of THEIR property, right?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution rests.

And the topper is, this bitch fits in perfectly with the communists at Harvard.  She won't get "cancelled" for tweeting this.  So...right back atcha, baby.



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