February 02, 2022

Trudeau smears massive, nation-wide trucker protests, implies they're anti-Canadian

Justin Trudeau is a dictator, pure and simple.  He won re-election last year with 32.6% of the vote, which should tell you everything you need to know.

When 50,000 truckers headed to the Canadian capital to protest Trudeau's dictatorial policies, the scum bastard first tweeted that it was a "small protest by a fringe group."  Ah, really?  The convoy stretched for 50 miles, yet f'n Jussie claims "small protest by a fringe group."

Video showed the highway shoulders and overpasses absolutely packed with Canadian supporters.  But Jusie say "small protest by a fringe group," eh?

This is how dictators react: Lie brazenly to try to discredit the protesters.  But Jussie is just getting started!

Then he holed up, saying he was under quarantine because someone around him had the virus.  My, what a convenient way to avoid facing the wrath of the protesters, eh?  Then two days later Canada's equivalent of our corrupt FBI whisked the dictator off to an undisclosed "secure location" so the pussy would be safe from those mean ol' protesters.  

Now the lying, asshole communist has gone on video claiming that "Canadians have been shocked--and disgusted" by the protests.  Really?  Cuz it sure doesn't look like the people are disgusted.  Quite the contrary.

That lying piece of biden also IMPLIED (but carefully avoided a direct claim) that the protesters had "hurled abuse at small business workers," and "stolen food from the homeless."  And "engaged in vandalism", and most egregious, "dishonored the memory of our veterans."  See his own tweets below.

These are all brazen lies.  As someone noted, in a nation where everyone has a videocam on their phone, no one has video evidence of ANY of this.  But since all the national the media in Canada is run by the state, no one is contradicting the lies in a way that will reach the public.

These lies are designed to peel support away from the protests.  They work on stupid people who get all their "news" from the Lying Mainstream Media.  And in Canada the major national network is owned by the government, and have totally ignored the massive protests, because their Dear Leader wants to make people think it's a "small protest by a fringe group" and that most Canadians oppose it.  That's utter bullshit, but if you control the media who can learn otherwise, eh?


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