February 15, 2022

Unbelievable but true: When critics claimed mRNA vax didn't meet the official definition of a "vaccine," the CDC changed the def!

For many years the accepted definition of a "vaccine" was something that prevented people who'd taken it from catching the disease it was designed to prevent.  That was called "producing immunity."  Nothing controversial or complex, eh?

But by July of 2021 it had become clear that the mRNA "vaccines" didn't prevent people who'd taken the jab from getting covid, nor from transmitting the virus to others.  In fact, evidence was starting to emerge that the percentage of jabbed Americans with the virus was slightly higher than the percentage of vaxxed people in the population.  To anyone who understood basic statistics, that was a bad sign.

As a result, critics of the controversial mRNA "vaccines" were starting to write that the so-called vaccines didn't meet the CDC's own official definition of a "vaccine."  Since the "Emergency Use Authorization" was for a "vaccine," some Real Smaht Execs (tm) at the CDC realized the entire multi-BILLION-dollar scam could soon be out of business.

Ooooh, can't have THAT, eh?  What to do, what to do?

"Got it!  Let's change our official definition of a vaccine to make the mRNA jabs pass!"

"Wait, can we really do that?  Isn't that kind of...skanky?  Unethical?"

"Nah, we're the f'n CDC, so we're THE authority on what the definition of a 'vaccine' is.  Besides, if we do it quietly, with no fanfare or comment period or approval, the rubes will never notice!"

And that's what they did.  On August 19th, 2021 Alycia Downs-- a low-level "communications specialist" at CDC--emailed the next higher lackey up the chain saying "vaccine deniers" (seriously) were starting to question whether the vax met the CDC's definition.  

That apparently got the attention of executives because just 13 days later, on September 1st, the CDC changed the official definition.

Of course you don't believe that, because it's just TOO outrageous to be believed.  Gotta be a "conspiracy theory" from some right-wing, flat-earther, climate denying, vax denying white supremacist!  Yeh, dat's it.

Except...it's all totally true.  We have the emails, and the Federal Register, proving that on September 1st, 2021, the CDC officially changed their definitions of “vaccination” and “vaccine.”

Here, from the CDC's own website, are the CDC's official efinitions of Vaccine and Vaccination (August 26, 2021).  See if you can spot the differences:

Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

And here are the CDC definitions as of  September 1, 2021:

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

Did you spot the differences?  Sure, how could you miss.  Huge change.  So as with all major changes to federal procedures, the September date was just the start of a 90-day "comment period" to allow interested Americans to comment on the proposal.

Hahahahahaha!  No.  There was no comment period.  None.  Why not?  "Oh, cuz it wasn't a significant change.  It was no more important than re-numbering paragraphs."

Really?  Horse shit.

Of course the usual pro-Democrat media outlets defended the CDC's stealthy change of the definition. The Washington Post, for example, claimed the change of definition had nothing to do with the growing evidence that the mRNA vax didn't prevent the disease.  The CDC tried to downplay the change, stating “slight changes in wording over time … haven’t impacted the overall definition.”

Internal CDC E-Mails

CDC emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act reveal that a low-level "communication specialist" warned supervisors that the mRNA "vaccines" didn't match the agency's own definition.

In classic "demonizing" style the lackey sneered that “Right-wing covid-19 deniers are using your ‘vaccine’ definition to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines…”

Take a look:

Getting no response, Alycia tried again a week later: “The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition.”

The change of the “vaccination” definition was approved with stunning speed a week later, on August 31. The next day, on September 1, the low-level lackeys seem to have approved the change to the definition.  Anyone think low-level lackeys would have the authority to do this?  Of course not, yet there are no emails implicating anyone higher up the chain.  Interesting.

Bet you thought crap like this only happened in banana republics, eh?  And yet, it happened here.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg.


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