February 02, 2022

Fakebook deletes all posts about massive, nation-wide Canadian protest, then deletes American protest group!

You've probably heard of a left/communist POS organization called "Fakebook."   You think they at least vaguely support ordinary working Americans, and may possibly support for truth and justice over lies and censorship.

Not even close.  In fact, Fakebook routinely bans users for posting anything the communists who run that shithole don't like.  

Of course you don't believe that, so you keep using it.

You may have heard about the massive trucker demonstration in Canada against Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau and his fascist, dictatorial state.  You'd think that was a very righteous cause.  So guess what: The communists who run Fakebook have deleted all posts about that fabulous protest.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friend say, "that's Canada.  Why should we care about what happens there, eh?   After all, Trudeau says the protests are small and "fringe," and that they're stealing food from starving children and vandalizing statues and carrying Confederate flags and...and...and...   It's all horseshit, but since the only national broadcast network in Canada is run by Trudeau's lackeys, Fakebook is the only widely-used way to get the truth out.

So my lib friend is "So what if Fakebook has deleted all posts about the Canadian trucker strike?  Who cares, cuz it ain't here, eh?"

Ah, well...you may have heard that U.S. truckers are organizing a convoy to DC to protest exactly the same bullshit vax mandates Trudeau has imposed.  The organizers had a Fakebook group with 139,000 followers.  But just as the communists at Fakebook deleted all posts about the Canadian truck protest, they've now deleted the American protest group entirely.  And banned all its administrators.

Still think Fakebook is standing for truth, even a little?  No, they're the ENFORCERS of misinformation.  They do whatever the JoHo regime wants, and you don't get a second thought.


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