February 08, 2022

Biden regime to spend $30 million to give crack-heads free crack pipes and syringes! And calling it "harm reduction"!

Biden and his insane, corrupt crew of  Democrats are driving this nation straight to hell at warp speed.  Latest example:

Joe and the Ho and their communist handlers have ordered the Department of "Health" (DHS) to give friends of Democrats $30 million bucks to distribute free crack pipes to blacks and gays.  And to make it more outrageous, they've called this a "harm reducction program"

Oh WAIT...they don't say "crack pipes."  Instead the grant offer is for "smoking kits."  See how much nicer that sounds?  "Smoking kits."  Roll that around on the tongue awhile.  It's SO soothing!  Who could be concerned about "smoking kits," eh?

HHS said the purpose of handing out "smoking kits"--crack pipes--is purportedly to reduce the risk of infection when smoking substances with glass pipes, which can lead to infections through cuts and sores. HHS says grant applicants will get priority if they promise to "treat" a majority of “underserved communities,” including African-Americans and “LGBTQ+ persons.”  So you can see--quite clearly--who the program will hand grant money to.

My idiot liberal friends and siblings: "You LIE!  Dis not true!  You makin up dis unbelievable story to make our Dear Leader and his wunnerful vice president (and president-in-waiting) look bad!"

Unfortunately--outrageously--I'm not kidding,  Click here to read the 75 PAGE instructions from DHS on how favored organizations could apply to get a few million to give away crack pipes to favored groups--all under the bullshit label of "harm reduction."!

You won't hear a word about this in the Lying Mainstream Media, because CNN/MNBE/ABC/NBD/CBS NY Times, WaPo all know that normal, hard-working, child-raising Americans would be FURIOUS if they knew Joe and the Ho are pissing away taxpayer funds on crap like this.  Let alone that the program will make it easier for people to smoke crack, meth "or other illicit substances" (that's a quote from the grant app instructions!).

Okay, I know very few of you will take the time to click on the link above, cuz you're too busy.  Just don't have the time!  So unconsciously you'll think this isn't true--because IT'S SO OUTRAGEOUS THAT IT JUST CAN'T POSSIBLY BE, eh?

So here's the "executive summary," and you can click to enlarge.  I've underlined the most egregious bullshit, and will tale those points apart below:

SO...first line: They try to disguise this slush-fund--which is PURE grift and crap and harm--by putting the grant under the "Center for Substance Abuse PREVENTION" under the "Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration,"  This is beyond parody--Franz Kafka would be right at home.  You're giving crack pipes to addicts and calling it "PREVENTING" substance abuse?  What bullshit!

Line 3, the official "short title" is "Harm Reducction."  Reduction, ya say?  Well, other than handing out free crack pipes and free syringes to addicts, you bet.  As the Dems see it,  encouraging addiction is really a totally good thing, cuz well tell the rubes (that's you and me) that we're actually doing it to talk to the addicts about how to prevent overdoses.  Yeh, dat's da ticket!

Wait, ya say you don't see anything about handing out free syringes and needles?  What do you think they mean by "syringe SERVICES programs, eh?

Wait, it gets worse!  Cuz "other equipment that qualifies for funding" includes not just syringes but also fentanyl patches.  Cuz there's just not enough fentanyl in the U.S., so we need to pay for more.

Funding for this insane grant program-- cunningly mis-named “harm reduction”--was included in the Democrats’ scam "American Rescue Plan," which was passed by the Dem-controlled senate in a straight party-line vote, with the faaaabulous VP (president-in-waiiting) Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. 

They call good evil, and evil good, and order you to let them give your 4 year old an experimental jab for a disease that doesn't afflict children.  But you're ordered to do it if you want your kid to attend the public school you're paying for (whether your kid attends or not!)

Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, Lying Mainstream Media!  If the Founders were still alive, none of you would be. 

Hat tip to Citizen Free Press, which is the best conservative site out there. 


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