February 20, 2022

Chicago: Niece of the chief of Internal Affairs busted for selling heroin from chief's luxury car. Hmmm...

As many of you know, big-city police departments have a division called "Internal Affairs" that has the job of identifying corrupt cops and working to get them fired.  Obviously if IA is corrupt, bad cops are never identified or prosecuted, so if the chief of IA is corrupt, that's a VERY bad sign.

So...below is a pic of the Chief of Internal Affairs for Chicago, one Yolanda Talley.

Yolanda recently loaned her Lexus to her niece, who has a boyfriend with a long list of convictions for selling drugs, and multiple other felonies.  Duh niece and boyfriend wuz drivin' duh Lexus when dey got stopped fo' some silly traffic rule.  As the car was stopping, boyfriend threw a bag containing 84 packets of heroin (42 grams) outta duh car.

So, was the niece charged?  Hahahaha!  No.  Wuz da car impounded?  If it was your niece and your car, it would be.  But in this case, again, no.  All duh niece had to say was "When you run duh plate on dis cah you gonna find it belong to my aunt. You bettah know my auntie be duh chief of IA, so..."

Now:  What prompted Yolanda to loan her Lexus to her niece?  An emergency?  No evidence of that.  So what do ya think the odds are that Yolanda had no idea whatsoever that her niece and duh boyfriend were sellin' heroin outta Yolanda's Lexus?

And so the steadily growing corruption continues.  It seems as though every Democrat in power is corrupt, and not one of 'em worries about being caught, cuz they know the system will protect 'em.

I don't know if it's even possible to reform a system this corrupt.



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