The leaders of the Democrat party have decided we don't need honest elections. The motto of Virginia is "Sic semper tyrannis," and it shows a pic of Lady Justice standing on a dead tyrant. A fair translation is "Death to tyrants." Of course that was then. We're...more evolved now.
Latest: After president Trump said he was ordering the Navy to send one of its two hospital ships to New York and the other to California to help with virus patients, leftist wacko Rachael Maddow sneered that this was totally useless because those ships wouldn't get to their respective destinations for "weeks."
Well the ship sent to California arrived one week after Madcow's sneer. The other docked in NYC ten days after her sneer.
F you, Rachel. You need to learn to stop being such an anti-American communist and cheer for America some time. It's fun. Really.
Anyone think Rachel would ever apologize for sneering when reality showed her to be an idiot?
As drug Trump suggested as "might work" is working fabulously, Mainstream Media buries the story
Ten days ago in a live press conference, president Trump told Americans about a drug that seemed to be a magic bullet to kill the Wuhan coronavirus.
The beauty of this drug was that it was discovered 85 YEARS ago, in 1935, and has been used ever since then to treat malaria. And starting a couple of decades ago people with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis began using it to manage those ailments. So we already know it's safe for almost everyone.
Trump said he didn't know if it would work, but seemed promising...and the Lying Mainstream Media went crazy, screaming that he was trying to poison Americans, or trying to be a doctor, or ignoring the experts, and a zillion other things.
Finally, TWO DAYS AGO the control freaks at the FDA finally got around to approving clinical trials of the drug (gosh, thank you, my lords!) and guess what? It's working fabulously! Average time to recovery is something like two days, and by day 6, 95% of patients are totally free of the virus!
If a Democrat was president the Lying Mainstream Media would be screaming with joy and praise for their president's push to get this drug into use. But since Trump is president, they're doing everything possible to keep you from learning that the drug Trump touted is effective. Among their sneers are that a) it hasn't been tested; b) it's a dangerous poison! c) it's the same drug used to control algae in aquariums, and that "people" have died from ingesting it! d) that the drug that's REALLY doing all the good is a different drug (which happens to be very expensive and is still under an active patent.
(CNN) — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an
emergency use authorization for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to
treat patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
The drugs—which are used to treat malaria and other conditions—have been called game changers by President Trump. But thus far, there is little scientific evidence that [either drug is] effective in
treating Covid-19.
"Little scientific evidence"? Horse shit. There's a ton of scientific evidence, including papers published in peer-reviewed journals, that these drugs are effective. Those papers are openly available on the Net (I've read them), but CNN didn't want to take the time. Or they did and chose to ignore the papers so they could write a story heaping scorn on Trump.
In another story, a doctor from New Jersey spends most of the time touting remdesivir or another patented drug, barely mentioning hydroxychloroquin. But in the very last sentence of the article he offhandedly notes that his hospital currently has 1,400 coronavirus patients, and that “We’re probably using about three-quarters of our patients.”
Wait, the FDA only approved clinical trials last Sunday, so how the hell has this hospital been treating 3/4ths of its patients with it already?? This is NOT one of the FDA-approved trials, but the hospital has been doing this because it works, and fast. And it's an inexpensive drug--four cents per pill.
It's an absolute miracle. But since Trump said "I feel good about this," the Mainstream Media is determined to bury the story of its success.
Just watch: the Narrative from the MSM will be that the tide of the pandemic was turned NOT by HCQ ("Oh, that fish-tank cleaner that killed 'people'?") but by new, exotic drugs. They will NEVER print a story admitting that Trump's intuition was right.
NY Times blames "the religious right's hostility to science" for crippling our response to Wuhan virus
The shi**y, lying, anti-American Mainstream Media keeps claiming the Trump administration hasn't responded well to the Wuhan coronavirus. While its true that the CDC initially produced a test that gave false positives, that doesn't strike me as a management issue. Nevertheless, for the past two months the Lying Media have been screaming that Trump is personally to blame for any mis-steps.
Let's go to the record: The guy ordered all flights from China to the U.S. halted back in January, when the so-called "experts" were saying the virus wasn't gonna be a big deal. The NY Times and the rest of the howling liberal media mob screamed "RAAACIST" and "total over-reaction." Then three weeks later they were screaming that Trump hadn't been aggressive enough in closing off new arrivals, and thus allowed new virus carriers into the U.S.
Now the Times has found another party to blame for the problems caused by the virus: the "religious right."
Not kidding. Two days ago the Times published an "opinion piece" titled
The author of the piece has also wrote a book called “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism” which gives you a good idea of her bias.
The tenor of the article is clear in the first 'graf:
Donald Trump rose to power with the determined assistance of a movement
that denies science, bashes government and prioritized loyalty over
professional expertise. In the current crisis, we are all reaping what
that movement has sown.
So according to the a**holes at the Times--and make no mistake, the Times never publishes "op-ed" pieces it doesn't agree with --if you believe in God and are conservative (i.e. you're part of the "religious right"), you must be a "science denier," And thus according to the Times, you're to blame for the problems we're having now.
If the first 'graf wasn't clear enough in blaming the "religious right," here's another:
This denial of science and critical thinking among religious
ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus
Wow. And it's stunning that these a**holes can print crap like that--unquestionably false, and dividing our nation even further--without any penalty whatsoever. They lie, lie, lie...and then deny that they said any such things.
I don't see how decent, rational, hard-working conservative Americans can continue to coexist in the same country with people like those who write for the Times, who are clearly demented, and seemingly bent on our destruction.
The next Great New Proposal by Dems to reduce plastic waste
From: House Speaker Pelosi and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
To: Our Democrat colleagues
Subject: Our next strategic objective
Thanks to our bold, innovative leadership, our party has had great success against that lousy dictator who illegally occupies the Oval Office. Thanks to our demands for Medicare for All, elimination of fossil fuels, ending commercial jet travel, "forgiveness" of all student loans and citizenship for the poor around the world who just want to come to America and vote Democrat, we're got him and his lackeys on the run.
And now we're ready to unveil our next plan:
Our polls show that most Americans agree with our push to eliminate plastic bags. So now our pollsters tell us the public is ready for a ban on...ballpoint pens. See, virtually all of them are plastic, and once the ink runs out, 99 percent are simply thrown away, polluting our beautiful oceans!
There's no excuse for this sort of waste. Polls show that voters strongly approved our bans on plastic straws, so we're confident they'll support banning plastic ballpoint pens.
Of course our political enemies will try to block us, whining that plastic ballpoint pens perform a useful function. But just as electricity from fossil fuels can be replaced by wind and solar, there are lots of ways to replace ballpoint pens. The fountain pen, or even the quill pen, write beautifully.
So, you can expect a rollout of this proposal in the next two weeks. Our focus groups say the public will strongly support this proposal. And that it will help us win the presidency and senate in November.
Senate Dems vote down Dem-proposed rescue bill; Pelosi whips out 1,400 page replacement
We've been watching congress argue over a bill that will help the U.S. out of the economic disaster caused by shutting down the economy. And of course everyone knows that THE most important aspect of any economic rescue package make companies report on their diversity progress!
That's right, citizen. Cuz in Pelosi's 1400-page bill the word "diversity" appears 32 times.
And ya know, the second most important thing that occurs to most Americans when devising an economic rescue package is...yes, it's to make U.S.. airlines reduce their CO2 emissions!
Yep yep yep. Cuz what good would it do to rescue the economy and give thousands of dollars to out-of-work people if the airlines keep flying those icky ol' kerosene-burnin' planes, eh? So, you know, that provision would need to be one of the most important.
See, the Dem-controlled House had agreed to a $1.8 trillion "stimulus package" to help the economy, but on Sunday senate Democrats voted it down. On Monday senate Democrats continued voting down procedural motions to advance the bill to a vote. They were reportedly upset
that the legislation didn't do enough to increase fuel-emissions
standards on airlines, or to provide additional tax credits
to promote wind and solar energy.
The series of down-votes by senate Democrats gave Dem speaker Nancy Pelosi time to introduce her own relief bill in the
House. The 1,400-page bill, titled the "Take Responsibility for Workers
and Families Act," enacts controversial comments
Democrat majority whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) reportedly made on a conference
call with Democratic lawmakers last week. "This is a tremendous
opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision," said Clyburn.
Pelosi's bill would require all
companies receiving federal aid related to the virus to provide
"diversity data" to congress, including demographic information about the
corporation's employees and board members in terms of "race, gender, and
ethnic identity." The bill also demands that companies provide demographic data on the
corporation's suppliers, service providers, consultants, and every
financial institution the company does business with.
The "Diversity Report" section also requires companies to report the
salaries of employees based on gender and race, and to tell the "number of staff and budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion
Does anyone think any of Pelosi's provisions is crucial to an economic rescue plan? Hell no.
Pelosi's decision to replace the earlier bill with a pot of liberal wish-list items had even
the talking heads on MSNBC asking, "What was the point of that?" and
warning that Democrats risk "overreaching" by demanding left-wing policy
items that are "not a part of the coronavirus crisis."
Update: Congress finally passed the damn thing. Nancy Pelosi demanded--and got-- $350 million bucks for "immigrants." Hmm...wait, was that for **LEGAL** immigrants, or illegals?
Gosh, that's odd: The bill--now a LAW--doesn't specify which group that very large sum is to go to. But surely (surely, citizen) Democrat Nancy wouldn't have put that decree in the bill to benefit illegal aliens in the U.S., would she?
Um...uh...well...I guess we had to pass the bill to find out which group she means to give this money to, eh?
Who is Tedros, and how did he get his influential position?
Does the name Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus ring a bell?
If you've been paying attention to the propaganda wars about the new coronavirus, it should. He's the "Director-General" of the U.N.'s World Health Organization.
Tedros is from Ethiopia, and is the first DG of the W.H.O. to not be an M.D. So you might be wondering how an Ethiopian who's not an M.D. was named to the top spot in the World Health Organization. I mean, if you're looking for someone to head the U.N.'s health org doesn't everyone automatically think of Ethiopia? Sure. Oh wait...
So when China told Tedros on January 14 that they had no clear evidence that the virus could be transmitted person-to-person, the W.H.O. quickly echoed that message without a cautionary word. ("No clear evidence" is a fairly useless claim, and has turned out to be false.)
Then when president Trump halted flights from China to the U.S. on January 31, three days later Tedros rebuked the U.S. and other countries for taking what would prove to be a life-saving measure, saying “There is no reason for measures that
unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. We call on
all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based.”
So the next time the W.H.O. issues some statement, you might keep in mind who runs it, and how he got the job.
Mainstream Media has echoed the Chinese party line all the way
If you're a resident of "flyover country" you probably haven't noticed the Mainstream Media's all-out push to defend China as the world's savior, and trash our president as raaaacist or incompetent.
Western news outlets have totally supported China’s claims that the virus was introduced to China by "American troops," implying that there's debate in the
scientific community on the coronavirus’ origins. Reuters published
the propaganda almost word for word: “[T]he U.S. military might have
brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been
hardest hit by the outbreak, doubling down on a war of words with
Other news outlets praised China’s efforts to counter the virus. NBC News published a piece
entitled “Coronavirus in China kept me under quarantine. I felt safer
there than back in the U.S.”
The New York Times published an op-ed
called “China Bought the West Time. The West Squandered it.”
The author praised the communist party’s swift action, writing “China had to
contend with a nasty, sudden surprise, governments in the West have been
on notice for weeks … China’s leaders did fumble at the very start, yet
in short order they acted far more decisively than many democratically
elected leaders have to date.”
The Mainstream Media have also claimed Trump's use of "Chinese coronavirus" is, of course, racist. “Republicans are using racism against
China to try to distract from Trump’s disastrous coronavirus response,”
wrote one publication. CNN published a piece titled “Trump’s malicious use of ‘Chinese virus’.” (It’s worth noting that before it decided calling the virus "Chinese" was raaacist, CNN itself referred to the virus as the “Wuhan virus”).
Yes, the corona virus is killing Americans. If you have a family member who's fighting the virus, prayers for them. But with that said, consider this:
In an average year between 20,000 and 80,000 Americans die from ordinary flu. Before the U.S. had lost 100 people to corona, the media had tanked the entire economy with its scare stories.
So what is it about this virus that warranted shutting down the entire economy? When the media started pushing panic, the only data we had were unverifiable reports from the Chinese government on how infectious the virus was, and the mortality rate. When we offered to send doctors to Wuhan to help Chinese researchers, China declined the offer.
Consider that every day about 7,000 Americans die from all causes. While it's wrenching if you have a family member fighting the virus, an additional 100 or so deaths per day is 1.4 percent--not enough of a difference to destroy the world's strongest economy, by a long shot.
Hell, over 100 Americans die each day from overdoses of illegal drugs. Does THAT cause the economy to shut down? Should it?
As of the time I write this, 473 American deaths have been attributed to the virus in more or less seven weeks. In that same time about 350,000 have died in the normal course of things without the virus. That's an increase of one-seventh of one percent due to the virus.
Again, if you have a family member who's fighting this, percentages are no consolation. Understandable. But from a national policy viewpoint, how the hell did something so seemingly "routine" (in the sense that some virus variant hits the world every year) result in the shutdown of the entire U.S. economy, when that never happened before. In other words, was this virus orders-of-magnitude more deadly? If so, how was that determined? By whom?
One more little detail: At the press conference when Trump mentioned the French study--admittedly small--that found a 100% cure rate using a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, the Hilliary-supporting Dr. Fauci said he hadn't read the paper but that that the drug a) hadn't been approved for use, and b) would have to go through long trials. But wait: the paper had been put on the Net two days earlier. If Fauci is the supposed expert, how could he not already have known about it?
Further, hydroxychloroquine has been used safely since 1944. It's already known to be safe, and no further trials are needed to determine that. And "approval" for an already safe drug to be used "off-label" isn't even needed--doctors can already prescribe drugs for off-label uses.
At a time when the nation badly needed good news, and the French study offered exactly that, Fauci seemed to deliberately debunk something he claimed to know nothing about. Curious.
N-95 masks were depleted by 2009 swine flu but never replaced by Team Obama despite warnings
If you've been following the Mainstream Media you may have heard--endlessly--that there's only one facemask that's thought to be effective. It's called the N-95. And of course the media has screamed like mad that it's "in short supply." "We're running out!"
The media blame Trump, cuz it fits their Narrative. For example, last week Bloombergpublished a story about the mask shortages, painting a ghastly picture of chaos in our nation’s hospitals--and blaming the problem on the Trump administration, because the Strategic
National Stockpile is depleted.
And sure enough, last month HHS secretary Alex Azar
told Congress the national stockpile of N95 respirator masks was 12
million—a mere fraction of the 1.7 billion masks government scientists
estimated back in 2015 would be needed in the event of a severe flu
But the national stockpile used to be much larger. What happened to it?
Buried several paragraphs deep in the Bloomberg story
we read that “after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which
triggered a nationwide shortage of masks, the stockpile distributed about
three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”
right, the shortage of N95 masks can be traced back to the H1N1 (swine
flu) pandemic of 2009. Gosh, does anyone remember who was president back then? Cuz Bloomberg doesn't.
The Los Angeles Times
published its own story last week about why the mask supply was never replaced after the 2009
swine flu epidemic. According to their story a federally sponsored task force recommended that
depleted supplies of N95 respirator masks be replenished--but it wasn’t. But like Bloomberg, the Times couldn't bring themselves to link Obama to that failure, cuz, reasons.
short, even though the Obama administration was advised to replenish
the national stockpile of the N95 respirator masks, they didn’t. Despite
the fact that two mainstream media outlets traced the cause of the shortage back to 2009, they and the rest of the media ignored those findings and
accuse Trump of poor planning and trying to deflect responsibility.
Obviously in 2009 Barack Obama was president,
but not once in either story did Bloomberg or the Los Angeles Times
link the failure to replenish the N95 respirator masks to the Obama administration ignoring recommendations to do
so. Obama had six years to restore that
stockpile. But he didn’t. Yet the media wants you to believe it’s all Trump’s fault.
I'm waiting for a memo to be "discovered" by an Obama holdover, claiming that his agency warned Trump that the stockpile of masks still hadn't been replenished, and that Trump ignored that warning.
Obama tells outrageous lies to college students--who were nine years old when he was elected
Most Americans have a very short memory, and college-age Americans are no exception.
Thus when a former president speaks at a university, he can tell outrageous lies without the slightest fear that anyone will recognize them as lies. It's a perfect opportunity to harvest Dem votes.
In the latest example, Obama spoke Friday afternoon at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, urging students to get involved in the
November midterm elections. Much of the speech was about how awful the Trump administration has been for "attacking" the press, while claiming his (Obama's) administration would NEVER try to intimidate the press.
He said. “I complained
plenty about Fox News, but you never heard me threaten to shut them
down or call them enemies of the people.”
This is a masterpiece of propaganda, because it implies that Trump has threatened to shut down the press, and that Obama never tried to muzzle critical news outlets. But in fact, Obama did much more than just complain about press critics. In 2009, for example, the Obama White House intentionally
excluded Fox News’ Chris Wallace from participating in a round of
interviews pertaining to the president’s push for healthcare reform.
Later that same year, the administration officials tried to block Fox
reporters from interviewing Obama's new “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg. The White House
initially lied about this, and many in the press went along with it.
wasn’t until 2011 that the public learned the truth of the Feinberg
episode. An internal email dated Oct. 22, 2009, showed the White House
director of broadcast media told Treasury officials specifically, “We’d
prefer if you skip Fox please.”
Obama White House communications director Anita Dunn said at the time,
“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they
are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t
need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations
Imagine the outrage if Sarah Sanders had said that.
In 2010 the Obama administration renewed the bogus Bush-era subpoena
against New York Times reporter James Risen, to
determine whether the reporter was the recipient of leaked CIA
information. In February 2011, federal investigators were revealed to
have spied on Risen. Federal investigators pored over Risen's credit
reports and his personal bank records. The feds even tracked his phone
logs and movements.
Imagine the outrage if Trump's DOJ had done this.
Later in 2012 Fox was excluded from a White
House conference call pertaining to the terrorist attacks on the U.S.
consulate in Benghazi.
Imagine the outrage if the Trump White House excluded the NY Times from covering an event.
In 2013, the Obama Justice Department labeled then-Fox News
reporter James Rosen a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage
Act of 1917. Rosen was also labeled a "flight
risk." The Times refused to criticize the administration for attacking its reporter.
The federal law enforcement agency
even seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents. The FBI also got a warrant to search Rosen's emails from 2010.
Remember the outrage when the Trump FBI got a subpoena to search the phone records of CNN's Jim Acosta?
That's because the Trump adminstration never did such a thing. And yet Obama claims he didn't go after the very few in the press who criticized his actions, and that Trump is doing that. Hmmm...
In May 2013,
the Associated Press revealed that the Justice Department had secretly
collected two months' worth of personal and work-related phone calls
made by AP reporters and editors.
Federal officials secretly obtained records on incoming and
outgoing calls made by specific AP journalists, as well as general news
staff, the news group reported, potentially compromising many sources
totally unrelated to the investigation. Federal investigators even
collected data on calls made by AP reporters in the House of
Representatives press gallery.
Imagine the outrage if the Trump administration had done that.
In 2014, the Obama administration set the record for
denying the most Freedom of Information Act requests of any
administration. Then in 2015 it broke its own record from the prior year.
Obama was accurate when he said he
never actually called the news media the “enemy of the people.” Instead, he and
his lieutenants prosecuted and spied on reporters who criticized him, all while
claiming Fox is "an opponent" and not “ really a news station.”
Of course Obama is completely safe telling the most brazen lies to college students, since back in 2010 today's college sophomore would have been nine years old.
Ah, Hilliary! We can always count on you to come through for China.
Of course you know what the Dems claim is raaacist, right? It's calling the virus the "Chinese coronavirus." Kinda like naming Ebola for where it originated.
Ya know, this woman really should have been president.
Cali "environmentalists" want to demolish a dam, killing 124 MW. Wait, did y'all think...nah
There's a dam in California. Built from 1919 to 1922 at a cost of about $92 million in current dollars. Has a generating capacity of 124 megawatts, and provides great water to San Francisco.
Pushers of the Green New Deal want to demolish it.
This is a hoot, because if they get their way, how do you think those 124 MW will be replaced?
Sure: With power generated "somewhere else," likely by carbon fuels.
Oooh, is that what they really want?
"Wait...what? No, why would we need to replace that generating capacity? We'll just pass a law that says people have to use 124 MW LESS than the state is using now. See? It's so EASY! You folks only think it's hard because you hate the environment, and love oil companies! Yep yep yep!"
Okay sparky, who do you propose your law should ban from using the power they've had in the past?
"Uhh...well...uh...ya know...I mean...uhh... Wait, I got it! We'll just pass another law forcing everyone to buy new, more-efficient appliances that will save that much energy! See? It's so EASY!"
Wait, do you expect people living on welfare to be able to afford to buy those fancy new--and costly--appliances?
"Uhh...well...uh... I got it! We'll just write a provision into one of the new laws that people who make less than...uh...150 percent of the poverty level will get a check from the state to cover the cost! See? It's so EASY!"
So you're seriously proposing to tear down an existing dam--that produces the cleanest energy available--at an estimated cost of between $3-billion and $10 billion[46] --and lose clean hydroelectric
power, which would have to be replaced by polluting fossil fuel
generation--for what?
"Uh...cuz that dam isn't natural. We need to restore the natural beauty that valley had before those awful engineers ruined it!"
Philosopher George Santayana wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
That saying later morphed into "Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it," which seems a bit more pointed. Recognizable either way, and seems to have the ring of truth.
Seems to me that one of the iron-clad lessons of history is that people like free stuff--and thus will vote for politicians who promise them the most free stuff. And since the most important goal for 99% of pols is to get elected and then stay elected, offering voters free stuff is quite popular.
The problem is--as another grim lesson of history teaches--is that when it comes to goods and services, or things supplied by governments, there's no such thing as "free." Someone always has to pay. Of course this doesn't foreclose individual charity: if Bill Gates or Elon Musk or a high-paid PhD want to give charity from their own fortunes, good on 'em. But that's entirely different from a government taxing workers to give cash to people who won't work.
Maybe I've been mis-informed but it seems to me that America was founded on the ideas of hard work, innovation and "rugged individualism." But gradually those sound principles seem to have been replaced by the notion that the highest purpose of government is to take care of citizens. That sounds reasonable, seductive. Problem is, what happens when a huge chunk of the population decides they'd rather collect welfare--and thus get all their time to spend as they like--rather than working?
Or to take on the top end: Charismatic corporate CEO's often dominate their board of directors, and can get the board to approve an outrageous salary. If a company thinks it's found a CEO that it believes is worth, say, $20 million per year, fine--but why should the tax code allow that company to deduct more than, say, a million of that as a business expense?
The same should apply to the media's talking heads, too: There's not a nickel's worth of difference between one newsreader and another, but if NBC is dumb enough to think one talking head is worth $30 million a year, fine. But the IRS code shouldn't let NBC deduct more than a million of that.
Of course no member of congress [spit!] would ever vote for such a law--because the media would bribe them to vote against. Frankly, I think that's been going on for decades, and I don't see any inclination by voters to vote the corrupt bastards out.
On the bright side, of a completely different topic, I see an Israeli company has supposedly announced it'll donate six million tabs of hydroxychloroquine to the U.S. Democrats--including my favorite moron Rachel Madcow--have absolutely BLASTED Trump for mentioning that this drug holds promise against the virus, but from reading the paper on the test it looks as though it will indeed be effective.
Now the question is, how long after the pandemic is resolved will Dem governors keep enforcing their demand that their residents stay home, since they know every day at home hurts the economy and keeps people angry (thus looking to vote against Trump)?
Some potentially great news in a relatively bleak time
Hopefully no one in your family has gotten the virus, but if so you might consider this: A French medical group has published a study showing that a drug used for 70 years was extremely effective in eliminating the virus.
The drug is hydroxychloroquine, which has been used since 1944 against malaria. It's been shown to be very safe. It's related to chloroquinone but has fewer side effects.
I've read the paper, and while it's possible that it's an elaborate fake, it certainly looks technically sound. Admittedly it contains some quirks, these could be due to a poor translation.
The authors claim to have treated 26 patients with the drug, and that in every one the virus went to zero within 8 days. (One patient had a brief relapse but later tested negative for the virus.) This is very encouraging, to say the least.
This particular drug is available in the third world for about four cents per dose. The U.S. cost is over five bucks per, but there's a good chance this will drop given the current push for a cure.
Gotta note something here: Due to the internet, this report has now been read by perhaps half a million people by now. It's spurred readers to do trials of their own. That's a huge advantage compared to the old days.
Ten days later president Trump ordered the end of travel from China to the U.S.
The next day Democrat senator Chuck Schumer claimed the travel ban was "racist" and an over-reaction. The U.S. media obediently echoed both claims. Pelosi chimed in:
Now the media and the Democrats have decided they can win more votes by pretending they never believed that. Schumer deleted his tweet, and the party reversed Schumer's position, now claiming "Trump didn't act soon enough! He was negligent! If only he'd listened to us Democrats, everything would be far, far better!"
Absolutely amazing. And of course not a single mainstream media outlet pointed out the total reversal. Cuz, reasons.
Leftist website tells you who the REAL victims of the Chinese coronavirus are
Worried about the virus? Being laid off because of the hysteria? Having to stay in your home for an indefinite time?
But you know who the Left says you should really be concerned about--the people who are the REAL victims of the virus? That's right--transgenders whose sex-change operations have been delayed!
In the midst of the pandemic, trans communities on Reddit and
Twitter are being flooded with reports of postponed and canceled
surgeries in the U.S., U.K., Spain, Thailand, and elsewhere, leading to enormous stress and disappointment.
It's good to know that the Left has their priorities straight, eh?
Researchers find four gene sequences from HIV inserted in the current coronavirus. Hmmm...
Does the figure below ring any bells? If not, don't feel bad. It's a gene-sequence of the new coronavirus. But what do those four little squares mean?
Those are genes which have been inserted into the original virus.
And by vast coincidence those inserted genes are identical to genes that create a unique surface found on the HIV virus, that enable that virus to bind more effectively to a type of white blood cell.
Virus experts say it's astronomically unlikely that this could have happened by accident. That suggests the genes were deliberately inserted, to make the virus more successful in infecting humans. Here's the link to the paper.
Of course you're way too busy to click on that link, so I'll show you the relevant parts below:
Coronaviruses (CoV) are single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses
that infect animals and humans. These are classified into 4 genera based
on their host specificity: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus,
Deltacoronavirus and Gammacoronavirus (Snijder et al., 2006). There are
seven known types of CoVs that includes 229E and NL63 (Genus
Alphacoronavirus), OC43, HKU1, MERS and SARS (Genus Betacoronavirus).
While 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 commonly infect humans, the SARS and
MERS outbreak in 2002 and 2012 respectively occurred when the virus
crossed-over from animals to humans causing significant mortality (J.
Chan et al., n.d.; J. F. W. Chan et al., 2015). In December 2019,
another outbreak of coronavirus was reported from Wuhan, China that also
transmitted from animals to humans.
This new virus has been temporarily
termed as 2019-novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by the World Health
Organization (WHO) (J. F.- W. Chan et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2020).
While there are several hypotheses about the origin of 2019-nCoV, the
source of this ongoing outbreak remains elusive.
The transmission patterns of 2019-nCoV is similar to patterns of
transmission documented in the previous outbreaks including by bodily or
aerosol contact with persons infected with the virus. Cases of mild to
severe illness, and death from the infection have been reported from
Wuhan. This outbreak has spread rapidly distant nations including
France, Australia and USA among others. The number of cases within and
outside China are increasing steeply. Our current understanding is
limited to the virus genome sequences and modest epidemiological and
clinical data. Comprehensive analysis of the available 2019- nCoV
sequences may provide important clues that may help advance our current
understanding to manage the ongoing outbreak. ****
Although the 4 inserts represent discontiguous short stretches of amino
acids in spike glycoprotein of 2019-nCoV, the fact that all three of
them share amino acid identity or similarity with HIV-1 gp120 and HIV-1
Gag suggests that this is not a
random fortuitous finding.
One may sporadically expect a
fortuitous match for a stretch of 6-12 contiguous amino acid residues
in an unrelated protein. However, it is unlikely that all 4 inserts in
the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein fortuitously match with 2 key
structural proteins of an unrelated virus (HIV-1). The amino acid
residues of inserts 1, 2 and 3 of 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein that
mapped to HIV-1 were a part of the V4, V5 and V1 domains respectively in
gp120 [Table 1]. Since the 2019-nCoV inserts mapped to variable regions
of HIV-1, they were not ubiquitous in HIV-1 gp120, but were limited to
selected sequences of HIV-1 [ refer S.File1] primarily from Asia and
Now unless you're into genetic coding of virii you probably didn't bother to wade through the five 'grafs above. I just showed them to show that the discovery seems to have come from credible research.
But then something else happened: The above excerpt was from a "pre-print" version of the paper. And as soon as it appeared, the team that authored the paper pulled back, saying
“It was not our intention to feed into the conspiracy theories…we
appreciate the criticisms… and will get back with a revised version.”
See, the team's findings suggest that it's astronomically unlikely that the HIV-like genes found their way into the coronavirus naturally. This suggests that they were almost certainly deliberately inserted by humans. But hey, anyone who says that is raaaacist! against Chinese people!
Isn't that fabulous? Scream "raaaaacism" and everyone dives for the exits. Honest research results are trashed, buried, because the communist Chinese government doesn't like the findings.
Yep, that's how honest science is supposed to work, eh?
So, citizen, you're instructed to disregard the "uncanny similarity" paper. Cuz...well, there's a very good reason. And as soon as the Chinese government comes up with it, we'll tell you.
He was handcuffed and marched out. Charged with taking $50,000 per month PLUS another $150,000 in "living expenses" from the Chinese government, for working for them...without telling Hahvahd. Cuz, well, elites have different laws, eh?
He also didn't disclose this arrangement to the U.S. gummint.
Now, I know a few elite PhD's, and without exception they believe a) that all cultures are equal; b) that anyone who wants to protect and defend the United States is dumb, deplorable; c) that it's perfectly fine to secretly work for a foreign government, since all cultures are equal; and d) Donald Trump is a Nazi who should be in prison for...everything.
If you think this is tinfoil-hat conspiracy stuff, click on the damn link--which goes to a site called "sciencemag"--and read the comments. Many commenters were offended that a Hahvahd Ph.D could be arrested for secretly working for the Chinese government.
And if you think this guy is the only one doing this, you're too naive to breathe. Cuz, hey, "all cultures are equally valid," eh?
Oh, and YouTube has started promoting “authoritative sources” (mainstream media outlets that YouTube deems to be trustworthy) as the only reliable source of information.
"Civilization is always just a few weeks away from becoming not-civilization"
If you're a college-age American, consider the following:
Older people know something young people can't know: That civilization is always just a few weeks away from becoming not-civilization.
This isn't a failing by the young, but simply because demonstrations of this hard truth only happen every 20 years or so. So college-age Americans don’t remember
9/11--the last convincing demonstration of this inescapable axiom of human experience--because they were at most a year or two old when that happened.
I routinely ask my college students what they know about 9/11, and WW2, and the Berlin Wall, and conditions in Venezuela. The answer is, almost nothing accurate.
And let me add that it's not their fault. They've been told--constantly--by school textbooks, the Mainstream Media and Hollywood that socialism is great, communism is great, capitalism is evil, corporations are evil, and that the U.S. is the source of most of the world's deaths and problems. Why would they not believe the seeming authorities who are filling them with lies?
Chinese scientist at Wuhan lab wrote paper about creating a new virus that caused SARS-like symptoms
China's only Level-4 virology lab is in Wuhan. Two of thescientists there – Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi Ge are
virologists who had previously worked at an American lab which already developed an incredibly virulent strain of bat coronavirus.
Notably, five years ago Zhengli Shi co-authored a controversial paper describing the creation of a new virus by combining a coronavirus found
in Chinese horseshoe bats with another that causes human-like severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice.
Gosh, the coincidences just keep coming, eh citizen? But your betters in the elite media are advising that there is no proof whatsoever that the virus came from China! In fact, anyone who suggests that the virus did come from China is to be shunned and beaten as quickly as possible.
By contrast, it's perfectly reasonable for the elites to push Chinese government claims that the REAL source of the virus was...wait for it...the U.S. military! Yep yep yep.
You are also instructed to ignore reports that a Texas lab found that the Wuhan new virus contains "envelope proteins" that are identical to those on the well-known HIV virus. Virus experts say this couldn't have happened naturally (i.e. almost certainly could only have been done by humans), but hey, what the hell do they know, eh?
Coincidence on top of coincidence, eh?
Mandatory Google warning: All readers are advised that the above article has not been verified by any of our Trusted Sources. Unless we verify information you should not trust it. You can only trust information provided by us or by one of our Trusted Sources.
U.N. agency tweeted Chinese narrative of "no evidence of human-to-human transmission" on Jan 14th
All evidence suggests that the Chinese communist government found the first cases of the Wuhan virus in late November of 2019. About six provincial doctors realized they were seeing cases that looked like flu but wasn't caused by a known flu virus, and they were exchanging theories on the Internet about the cause of the mysterious new disease.
The Chinese government quickly stopped that exchange and began "managing" the outbreak. They announced that the virus came from bats, and was spread via people eating bats bought in an open-air market in Wuhan--an explanation that at first glance seemed plausible.
The UN's "World Health Organization"--eager to do the bidding of their Chinese paymasters--dutifully echoed the party line, posting on January 14th the Chinese government's fiction that its experts had found no evidence of "human-to-human transmission." The UN body posted this without a hint of demurral or caution, as if it was absolutely true.
But for that explanation to be true, every person who contracted the virus would had to have eaten a bat (or whatever the eventual bullshit Narrative settles on).
Her co-workers noticed the collection was missing within a day, and realized that the Chinese employee had flown home a day earlier. Amazingly, she later returned to the lab, and when the lab's security personnel questioned her she admitted the theft. But astonishingly, instead of throwing her in jail for a century, the goofy Canadians merely fired her and sent her back to China.
"Oh NO! Please don't deport me back to China!"
Of course you didn't click on the link above, so you likely believe this is tinfoil-hat conspiracy stuff. But the link goes to the damn Canadian Broadcasting Company--owned by the Canadian government. They're not exactly right-wing. Here's what the CBC said:
Canadian government scientist under investigation trained staff at Level 4 lab in China
Still no answers in probe of government scientists expelled from National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg
Qiu, her biologist husband and her students have not returned to work
at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, after being escorted out
in July. RCMP are still investigating what was described by Public
Health Agency of Canada as a possible 'policy breach.' [Note how much less alarming "policy breach" is than "stole a deadly virus". This is how governments disguise their own incompetence and disasters.]
Canadian government scientist at the National Microbiology Lab in
Winnipeg made at least five trips to China in 2017-18, including one to
train scientists and technicians at China's newly certified Level 4 lab,
which does research with the most deadly pathogens, according to travel
documents obtained by CBC News.
Xiangguo Qiu — who was escorted
out of the Winnipeg lab in July amid an RCMP investigation into what's
being described by Public Health Agency of Canada as a possible "policy
breach" — was invited to go to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences twice a year for two years, for up to
two weeks each time.
will be third-party funded, and therefore no cost to [the Public Health
Agency of Canada]," say the documents, obtained through access to
information requests. The identity of the third-party was redacted. [Well THAT'S a big relief, eh?]
Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and her students from China were removed on July 5 from Canada's only Level 4 lab —
one equipped to work with the most serious and deadly human and animal
diseases, such as Ebola. But people working inside the lab told CBC News they've heard the couple may return to work soon.
of them, who asked not to be identified for fears of retribution,
say there have always been questions about Qiu's trips to China — and
what information and technology she was sharing with researchers there.
not right that she's a Canadian government employee providing details
of top-secret work and know-how to set up a high-containment lab for a
foreign nation," one employee said.
Note this is NOT the most damning news report. Others discussed Qiu's last trip to China, and the missing virus samples. This was just the CBC trying to minimize the incompetence of the lab's security and hiring practices--since that would make it a government problem.
It's also worth noting that the notorious anti-Trump website "" supposedly debunked this, claiming that the CBS story never mentioned Wuhan or the shipment of “pathogens.” But a later CBC story cited government travel documents showing that Qiu went to
the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory--the only Level-4 biological lab in China. And as everyone know by now, the virus first appeared in Wuhan. But it's all just coincidence, citizen. Really.
Factcheck goes on to say "the CBC story also says nothing of the coronavirus or the shipment of “pathogens.” Wow, what a surprise! Does anyone think Canada would 'fess up to allowing a Chinese national to walk out with a case of samples of deadly virus?
Factcheck also got a quote from a corporal with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police saying “There is no connection between the outbreak in China and
any RCMP investigation.” Factcheck then purports to put the matter to rest by saying "The fact is, Qiu wasn’t “removed” from the Canadian lab “for sending pathogens to the Wuhan lab.”
Again, no one who's ever worked for a government agency believes a government would admit the real reason she and her husband--and five of her Chinese students--were removed. In fact another scientist claimed the entire thing was due to an error in paperwork.
Yep yep yep. Happens all the time, citizen.
These are the same people who swore that the Rosenbergs didn't steal the plans for the atomic bomb and give 'em to the Soviets. The same people who swore that blue-blood elite Alger Hiss wasn't a communist spy--just unpossible, citizen! How could anyone possibly believe such fantasies?
Lesson #1: The World Health Organization will echo whatever the Chinese tell them to. So unless you love being gullible, don't believe the W.H.O.--or indeed, any UN agency.
Hey, tenth anniversary of Obamcare!! Are Dems celebrating? Wait, how did that work out?
A notable anniversary occurring this month: It's been ten years since Obama and a totally Democrat-controlled congress rammed the laughably-named "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" down our throats.
It was a “perfect storm,” with Democrats owning majority control of both houses of congress and the Presidency. It was a socialist dream come true, and with an unrestrained determination they passed the legislation in March, 2010--without a single Republican vote.
Obama's legacy--supposedly covering everyone in the nation for all medical problems--had finally arrived. They repeately promised that premiums and deductibles will go down. "The average family will save $2,500 per year," said Obama. "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your [existing health insurance] plan you can keep your plan, period!”
They kept making those golden promises over and over again, reassuring Americans who were highly skeptical. Well-founded objections to this total overhaul of our medical system were airily dismissed as conspiracy scare-stories.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is on video bizarrely claiming that “We have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it.”
Obama and his lackeys stridently claimed that forcing Americans to either buy Obamacare insurance or pay a fine was NOT a tax, and the Obama administration's own attorneys claiming the same before the Supreme Court, the chief justice of that court ignored those claims and RULED that the "individual mandate" WAS a tax.
He made that ruling because if the mandate had NOT been ruled a tax, it wouldn't have been constitutional.
Voila! Defect remedied. Except courts aren't supposed to re-write laws, but are supposed to rule on whether laws are constitutional AS WRITTEN.
It got worse fast. Turns out you could only keep your doctor and your existing plan if they met the mandates imposed by government bureaucrats--which included free contraception for women over 65. It was ILLEGAL for any insurer to offer health insurance that didn't provide that. Does that make sense? No, but...bureaucrats. Standardization, comrade.
Obama and the Democrats had promised that premiums, copayments and deductibles for “approved” plans would all be lower than those under the private policies people had had before. Instead all three shot up, not down.
Participating insurers abandoned state "health exchanges" by the dozens, and those state "co-ops" collapsed. Private companies dropped costly insurance benefits, including family benefits. Thousands of doctors threatened to retire. The president handed out administrative exemptions like candy.
None of this was surprising, because this entire disaster was hastily and badly conceived, then passed by one party only. The main architect of the monstrosity admitted--repeatedly, on video--that they couldn't have passed it without the “stupidity” of Americans.
Obama chided us that “Elections have consequences,” Yes they did, eh?
The failure of ObamaCare should have been a teachable moment for every Amercan, including Democrats. Of course zealous socialists aren't capable of learning. Instead they seem determined to outdo each other in offering free medical care not only for Americans, but also for illegal aliens.
Now come fervent calls for single-payer health care coverage. What could possibly go wrong?
Single-payer will rescue nothing and will only lead to mediocrity and shortages characteristic of the dystopian health care nightmares of Britain and Canada. The already spotty record of the federal VA hospitals inspires little confidence.
They promised voters that because the co-ops were run by governments and didn't have to answer to investors, they'd be more efficient and more focused on patients. As one of the co-ops put it, these were "plans for people, not for profit." In addition, they'd provide a great source of competition for conventional for-profit insurers.
Right from the start there were warning signs that the co-ops would collapse. Vermont's supposedly financially viable co-op failed before it even got started.
Then less than a year after opening for business, Iowa's CoOpportunity Health closed. Despite $145 million in start-up loans and signing up tens of thousands of members in Iowa and neighboring Nebraska, the co-op had quickly burned through its cash.
In July of 2015 a report from the Department of Health and Human Service's Inspector General warned that all the co-ops but one was hemorrhaging money. More than half had net losses of at least $15 million in their first year. More crucial for voters, the IG also found that, despite all the rosy promises of lower prices due to either competition or being run by government workers, many co-ops had set premiums higher than policies sold by commercial insurers.
A month later, Nevada's co-op announced that it was going out of business. Seven more followed suit in October.
And of course when the "exchanges" or co-ops failed, all their customers had to scramble to find another insurance carrier. And in many cases consumers weren't left with many other choices. Surviving exchanges began asking the Obama administration to approve double-digit premium increases.
Mismanagement was everywhere: 18 of the 23 CO-OPs were paying top executives up to half a million dollars a year. For a non-competitive, non-profit, government job. It was insane.
But poor management was just part of the problem. Failure was unavoidable because of the rules Obamacare itself imposed: The law banned insurers from pricing coverage based on risk.
To make the math for this scheme work, Obamacare created a series of cross-subsidies called "risk adjustment." Insurers who attracted less expensive, healthier-than-average enrollees were supposed to pay into a fund that would redistribute money to those who enrolled costlier, sicker-than-average patients.
Several co-ops ended up facing big "risk adjustment" bills -- even though they were losing money. HealthyCT, for example, had to grapple with a $13.4 million bill, which immediately made the plan financially unstable. Oregon's Health co-op -- which lost $18 million last year -- had hoped to get $5 million from the risk adjustment program. Instead, it received a $900,000 bill. Unsurprisingly, it folded.
Maybe the health-insurance business was a bit than the Democrats thought, eh?
Today only one of the 23 state health co-ops remains in operation. Yet Biden, Sanders, Warren and all the other Dem presidential candidates think government-run health care is a great idea.
Italian hospital runs out of a crucial valve. Two Italian innovators make it using a 3D printer
I absolutely love it when people think outside the box to solve a critical problem. In this case..
Italy has been particularly hard hit by the virus. A hospital had run out of a valve used to treat patients. The company that makes the valve--which they sell for over $10,000--said they couldn't possibly supply replacements fast enough to help.
A pair of Italian innovators then offered to try to duplicate the valve using their 3D printer. They contacted the company asking to download copies of drawings that would let them do that, but the person they talked to said that wasn't possible since the valve's design was patented.
Apparently no one at the company thought to offer to sell the Italians a one-time license for ten bucks, or some such.
Fortunately the innovators were able to measure all the critical dimensions of the valve and began to make 'em with their 3D printer. Success--and at a cost of about one dollar each!
Wait, surely that must be a typo. How could the Italian guys make something for a buck if the original company had been selling the things for $10,000 apiece??
Maybe it's the cost of complying with all the FDA rules and paperwork, eh?
A tale of two virus outbreaks--or, "That was then. This is different, cuz..."
2009-2010 saw the outbreak of the "H1N1" flu strain--also called the swine flu. This virus would eventually infect 60
million Americans.
Eventually 12,000 would die from it. 300,000 would be hospitalized.
Does anyone remember the national panic back then? The collapse of the economy? No?
That's because neither of those things happened. Why? Because back in 2009 no one was scared of dying of this mysterious flu.
Nah, just kidding. The only difference I can see at this point is...we had a different president, who was beloved by the insane left-worshipping mainstream media. And the entire news back then was how
wonderfully Obama was handling it, how expertly, how masterfully he was
dealing with it.
Because the media didn't light fires of panic under Americans, Americans didn't panic. And unlike the Democrat party today, back in 2009 Republicans didn't
politicize the outbreak at all. Not a single record exists of any Republican criticizing Obama's response, or lack of it. Instead the swine flu was treated
as a normal, seasonal health issue, just another strain of flu that happens every year.
Few Americans know that on average, the flu kills 20,000 to 40,000 Americans every year. So 12,000 deaths made the outbreak less serious than the average year.
But today our Mainstream Media is far more aware of risk, far more watchful, so they were sounding the alarm when just 30 Americans had died. And supporting the idea of shutting down schools and every business. Cuz, deadly virus!!!
As of today 100 Americans have died, and no doubt there will be more. But is that enough of a risk to shut down the economy? After all, almost 7,000 Americans die every day from all causes.
When the toll reaches 12,000 that will be an unprecedented horror, a ghastly demonstration of the president's incompetence, a terrible....wait, that will the same number that the Mainstream Media was gushing over as a clear demonstration of Obama's magnificent leadership in a time of crisis.
"But that was different, citizen!" Oh, certainly. Whatever you media people say, right?
Conservatives routinely call Republicans the Stupid Party because they're always out-maneuvered by the Democrat party. A good example being that when a true crisis arrives, members of the Stupid Party support
whoever is in charge, to the benefit of all Americans. By contrast, the leadership of the Democrat party tries to impeach a Republican president, suggests the virus be called "Trumpvirus" and calls the president's actions "negligent homicide."
For millions of
years, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Then about 65 million years ago an asteroid slammed into what
is now the Yucatan peninsula.
Killed every one of them sumbitches.
Woof! Some things ya just can't plan for, eh?
And the lesson is: things do not always go as planned. Events we can't control can trash even the most careful plans.
For the last decade or more, so-called "globalists" have been pushing the idea that nations are so, SO last-century. They've made it fashionable and trendy to push "open borders," and the idea that anyone who believes nations should defend their borders is a dumb throwback...a "deplorable." A mouth-breather.
Sane folks may well wonder who's been pushing this notion. Hint: it's the folks who benefit from open borders. Who would that be, you ask? Democrats, because illiterate, uneducated third-worlders will always vote for the party that offers them the most free stuff. Evey time.
And bizarrely, another group pushes this too: Some business owners, who know that more unskilled workers means lower wages and lower labor costs. And other things equal, that translates to higher profits. So the Chamber of Commerce also supports open borders. A third group supporting open borders is liberal Dems who wail that it's an absolute tragedy that some people in third-world shit-hole nations are poor, and that the way to fix that is to allow all of 'em into the U.S.
Do these people not realize that the number of poor third-worlders in the world is infinite? Meaning that they'll never stop wanting all of 'em to come here? Apparently not.
The alliance of these three groups--enthusiastically backed by the Mainstrem Media--is formidable
But it's possible that like the asteroid, the sudden appearance
of the coronavirus will cause a lot of Americans to decide Hey, maybe we don't want open borders after all.
How quickly Dem positions on open borders changed when the party's leaders realized that policy would guarantee them permanent control of government is shown by this quote from socialist firebrand Bernie Sanders in 2007:
"Sanctions against employers who
employ illegal immigrants are virtually nonexistent. Our border is very
porous. And at a time when the middle
class is shrinking, the last thing we need is to bring in millions of people into this country who are prepared to lower
wages for American workers."
That's a reasonable conclusion. But today it runs counter to the Dem propaganda, so can't be uttered.
It's worth noting that not one of the “journalists” covering the Democratic
presidential primaries has asked Sanders about his reversal on
this fundamental issue.
So why did Bernie totally reverse his 2007 position? I don't think it was just taking bribes from so-called “campaign contributors” who
want the end of border and immigration law enforcement. Instead I think it's more likely that he and his backers
have decided that the destruction of America’s middle class would cause
millions of desperate Americans to move Left, seeking government payments
as they lose their jobs to foreign workers.
Of course you can't believe one of the two main U.S. political parties would support a policy that would likely destroy America as we know it, eh? Well consider this: New York governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed a bill cunningly mis-named the “Green Light Law” that a) gave illegal aliens driver's licenses; and b) blocks federal immigration law enforcement agencies from access to New York's DMV databases.
What possible goal could he have had in mind?
The Narrative is that New York absolutely HAD to do this, because...bullshit bullshit, including that "We need to bring undocumented Americans out of the shadows." But you already know the real reason: Winning election as far as the eye can see.
Sanctuary policies and the obstruction of immigration law
enforcement must suffer the fate of the dinosaurs. The sooner the better.
A tale of how FDA bureaucrats over-regulate hand sanitizer (and everything else)
As the Media constantly warn you, because of the virus there's a shortage of "hand sanitizer."
Lots of Americans found this puzzling: Isn't hand sanitizer mainly alcohol and glycerin or maybe aloe? Knowledgeable people could even throw in some hydrogen peroxide. What prevents Americans from making their own?
Ah, glad you asked. It's the bureaucrats--wannabe-dictators--at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Yes, the small third-party sellers who make up
much of the sales volume for Amazon and eBay quickly bought up all the
hand sanitizer they could and then began selling to panicked consumers at a huge markup. After politicians threatened Amazon and eBay, the dot com giants
banned price gouging listings. And gubmint authorities are now confiscating hand sanitizer
from hoarders to be redistributed as the government sees
After all, confiscation worked for the Bolsheviks with wheat, so it’s bound to work with hand sanitizer in America.
To meet the upsurge in demand from the virus, president Trump ordered the FDA to suspend the usual rules on making the stuff. As a result, the FDA generously
announced that it won’t be cracking down on pharmacies that make their
own hand sanitizer. Oh thank you, god-like bureaucrats! We're so grateful!
But don’t think the FDA is throwing all caution to the winds
by letting individual Americans make their own hand sanitizer! Not at all! Rather, the FDA order said “compounders, relative to untrained consumers, are more familiar with
standards and methods for producing drug products.” So it refuses to allow individuals or any ordinary business to mix deadly alcohol (that's sarcasm) with mysterious aloe. Instead, the FDA's supposed generosity in "allowing" unlicensed businesses to make hand sanitizer is limited to
"State-licensed pharmacies or Federal facilities."
Seriously, they actually wrote that in their rules. (And seriously, f**k all these pin-head assholes. If I wanna mix isopropyl alcohol (costing a buck a bottle) with aloe, I don't give a damn what some asshole in Washington orders.)
And even with this new, supposedly generous rule, the FDA isn't actually giving permission, but simply announcing that it "does not intend to
take action against compounders that prepare alcohol-based hand
sanitizers for consumer use for the duration of the public health
emergency." How magnanimous of the bureaucracy.
You can get an idea of how totally the FDA's bureaucrats want to run things by noting that the agency's order warned pharmacies not to add aloe or any “other active or inactive ingredients.” See, that’s what a dictatorial bureaucrat does to maintain control: Can't trust pharmacists to
make hand sanitizer, eh? What, do they think it's too damn dangerous?
This is the same FDA that made the coronavirus crisis
worse by refusing to allow a Seattle lab to test people who had the flu
because the lab hadn’t been certified under Medicare.
Given the critical need to avoid transmitting the virus, the FDA could have allowed any business to mix water and
alcohol. Instead the bureaucrats protected their
America isn’t facing a hand sanitizer shortage because of capitalism, but because of socialism.
The speculators buying up hand sanitizer and reselling it on the
black market were behaving exactly like their counterparts in socialist
countries, stockpiling products due to an artificial shortage, and then
pricing the inevitable raids by government agencies against hoarders and
speculators into the cost.
The reason we don’t have enough hand sanitizer is because bureaucrats insist that something so dirt-simple needs to be regulated. By them.
The FDA regulates hand sanitizer like a drug.
In 1994 the FDA issued a "tentative final monograph" on hand sanitizer.
A whole generation passed, millions were born and died, in the time it took the FDA to
finalize its very final rule on using alcohol to sterilize your hands--a practice dating back to Rome.
According to Janet Woodcock, the director of the FDA’s Center for
Drug Evaluation and Research, the final rule "reaffirmed our need
for more data on three other active ingredients, including ethyl
alcohol, which is the most commonly used ingredient in hand sanitizers,
to help the agency ensure that these products are safe and effective for
regular use by consumers."
After decades of this madness, the FDA demands still more data to
determine that alcohol is a safe and effective means of sterilizing things.
The story of the FDA’s investigation of sterilizing hands with
alcohol proves that government is not only more insane than you know,
it’s more insane than you could ever begin to imagine.
The coronavirus crisis has stirred perfume manufacturers and liquor
companies to start making and giving away hand sanitizer. LVMH, which
owns Louis Vuitton and Dior, will make and give away hand sanitizer in
France--which is beyond the reach of the FDA.
A distillery in the U.S. is making hand sanitizer and giving it away. But FDA rules bar them from calling it that, and from selling it.
If the FDA makes people jump thru this many hoops to make something as simple as hand sanitizer, imagine what it takes to invent and market a new
medication in a timely enough manner to save lives.
Update from the Dem National Committee, re: The Plan
From: Tom @ DNC
To: Our great Media friends
Subject: You're doing a great job!
Our thanks to all of you who've worked so hard helping us with our plan to win the White House in November. You're doing a fantastic job, and polls show our party will sweep the table this fall!
As I outlined to you earlier, we all knew it would be hard to win if the economy stayed strong, so our first job was to hope something would crash the economy. The virus seems to have done that, but even better is that our people have now had great success putting the blame on Trump and his people for not being prepared for the outbreak.
Our first move was that when Trump halted all flights to the U.S. from China, Senator Schumer called that move racist and xenophobic. Articles by our friends echoed that, accusing Trump of over-reacting and causing Americans to panic. Then two weeks later we shifted to "He should have done more, and sooner!" Some of you thought that might be too soon after the charge of "over-reacting" but I'm happy to say my instinct was correct, that Americans can't remember things even for a week.
We've also been extremely pleased with your creativity in finding "experts"
who've solemnly predicted that millions of Americans will die from the virus. We thought the limits of credibility had been reached when someone predicted two million deaths by July 4th, but MSNBC outdid everyone by finding a doc who predicted up to 20% of all Americans could die. Wow! Great job!
Our thanks to our good friends who wrote and broadcast those pieces. You know who you are, and we want you to know that the future Biden administration greatly appreciates your fine work.
Our polling and focus groups show that the longer everything stays
closed, the angrier voters are getting. In fact the anger may be more
effective than fear of the virus in getting people to vote Democrat this
Next, at live press conferences our reporter friends asked questions like "When can you guarantee that your administration will have enough ventilators to guarantee one for every American?" This was brilliant, and our thanks to those of you who thought up that one. We love ya!
I'd also like to thank our friends for suppressing virtually all stories that the price of gasoline has fallen to barely over $1.75 per gallon. If not for your fine work, many Americans would have viewed this as good news for consumers. Also, we'd like to coordinate so that most of your outlets will publish or broadcast stories on "Misery in oil-producing states as hundreds of thousands lose their jobs" for around mid-August. We'll get back to you with the exact date later.
Of course we can't thank you enough for spiking stories about the huge "campaign contribution" our friends in Ukraine made to our wonderful nominee, Joe Biden. For a week or so there, it seemed as if Tucker Carlson was about to convince congress to investigate, but I'm glad to report that our friends in congress have killed this proposal. And huge thanks to our friend in the California divorce court for arranging for all details of the financial settlement reached in Hunter's paternity case to be sealed. That's great work.
That's all for now. As always, please don't make any copies of this, and burn it after reading. We had a close call a couple of weeks ago when one of our allies didn't burn their copy but threw it in the trash, where a deplorable found it. Fortunately we were able to convince the deplorable that the update letter was the draft of a satire from the Babylon Bee. Obviously the rube was too dumb to realize this was nonsense, so we skated.
Ex-AF pilot. While airliners are very safe, flying a single-pilot jet can be extremely demanding, especially in bad weather. It's a *huge* tribute to engineers that today's commercial jetliners are so amazingly safe!