March 18, 2020

Unforeseeable events change things? Who knew?

For millions of years, dinosaurs ruled the Earth.  Then about 65 million years ago an asteroid slammed into what is now the Yucatan peninsula.

Killed every one of them sumbitches.

Woof!  Some things ya just can't plan for, eh?

And the lesson is: things do not always go as planned.  Events we can't control can trash even the most careful plans.

For the last decade or more, so-called "globalists" have been pushing the idea that nations are so, SO last-century.  They've made it fashionable and trendy to push "open borders," and the idea that anyone who believes nations should defend their borders is a dumb throwback...a "deplorable."  A mouth-breather.
Sane folks may well wonder who's been pushing this notion.  Hint: it's the folks who benefit from open borders.  Who would that be, you ask?  Democrats, because illiterate, uneducated third-worlders will always vote for the party that offers them the most free stuff.  Evey time.
And bizarrely, another group pushes this too:  Some business owners, who know that more unskilled workers means lower wages and lower labor costs.  And other things equal, that translates to higher profits.  So the Chamber of Commerce also supports open borders.  A third group supporting open borders is liberal Dems who wail that it's an absolute tragedy that some people in third-world shit-hole nations are poor, and that the way to fix that is to allow all of  'em into the U.S.
Do these people not realize that the number of poor third-worlders in the world is infinite?  Meaning that they'll never stop wanting all of 'em to come here?  Apparently not.

The alliance of these three groups--enthusiastically backed by the Mainstrem Media--is formidable
But it's possible that like the asteroid, the sudden appearance of the coronavirus will cause a lot of Americans to decide Hey, maybe we don't want open borders after all.
How quickly Dem positions on open borders changed when the party's leaders realized that policy would guarantee them permanent control of government is shown by this quote from socialist firebrand Bernie Sanders in 2007:
"Sanctions against employers who employ illegal immigrants are virtually nonexistent. Our border is very porous.  And at a time when the middle class is shrinking, the last thing we need is to bring in millions of people into this country who are prepared to lower wages for American workers."
That's a reasonable conclusion.  But today it runs counter to the Dem propaganda, so can't be uttered.

It's worth noting that not one of the “journalists” covering the Democratic presidential primaries has asked Sanders about his reversal on this fundamental issue.

So why did Bernie totally reverse his 2007 position?  I don't think it was just taking bribes from so-called “campaign contributors” who want the end of border and immigration law enforcement.  Instead I think it's more likely that he and his backers have decided that the destruction of America’s middle class would cause millions of desperate Americans to move Left, seeking government payments as they lose their jobs to foreign workers.

Of course you can't believe one of the two main U.S. political parties would support a policy that would likely destroy America as we know it, eh?  Well consider this:  New York governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed a bill cunningly mis-named the “Green Light Law” that a) gave illegal aliens driver's licenses; and b) blocks federal immigration law enforcement agencies from access to New York's DMV databases.

What possible goal could he have had in mind?

The Narrative is that New York absolutely HAD to do this, because...bullshit bullshit, including that "We need to bring undocumented Americans out of the shadows."  But you already know the real reason:  Winning election as far as the eye can see.

Sanctuary policies and the obstruction of immigration law enforcement must suffer the fate of the dinosaurs.  The sooner the better.


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