March 29, 2020

Senate Dems vote down Dem-proposed rescue bill; Pelosi whips out 1,400 page replacement

We've been watching congress argue over a bill that will help the U.S. out of the economic disaster caused by shutting down the economy.  And of course everyone knows that THE most important aspect of any economic rescue package make companies report on their diversity progress!

That's right, citizen.  Cuz in Pelosi's 1400-page bill the word "diversity" appears 32 times.

And ya know, the second most important thing that occurs to most Americans when devising an economic rescue package is...yes, it's to make U.S.. airlines reduce their CO2 emissions! 

Yep yep yep.  Cuz what good would it do to rescue the economy and give thousands of dollars to out-of-work people if the airlines keep flying those icky ol' kerosene-burnin' planes, eh?  So, you know, that provision would need to be one of the most important.

See, the Dem-controlled House had agreed to a $1.8 trillion "stimulus package" to help the economy, but on Sunday senate Democrats voted it down.  On Monday senate Democrats continued voting down procedural motions to advance the bill to a vote.  They were reportedly upset that the legislation didn't do enough to increase fuel-emissions standards on airlines, or to provide additional tax credits to promote wind and solar energy.

The series of down-votes by senate Democrats gave Dem speaker Nancy Pelosi time to introduce her own  relief bill in the House.  The 1,400-page bill, titled the "Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act," enacts controversial comments Democrat majority whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) reportedly made on a conference call with Democratic lawmakers last week. "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision," said Clyburn.

Pelosi's bill would require all companies receiving federal aid related to the virus to provide "diversity data" to congress, including demographic information about the corporation's employees and board members in terms of "race, gender, and ethnic identity." The bill also demands that companies provide demographic data on the corporation's suppliers, service providers, consultants, and every financial institution the company does business with.

The "Diversity Report" section also requires companies to report the salaries of employees based on gender and race, and to tell the "number of staff and budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives."

Does anyone think any of Pelosi's provisions is crucial to an economic rescue plan?  Hell no.

Pelosi's decision to replace the earlier bill with a pot of liberal wish-list items had even the talking heads on MSNBC asking, "What was the point of that?" and warning that Democrats risk "overreaching" by demanding left-wing policy items that are "not a part of the coronavirus crisis."


For the full text of this pork-filled bill, click here.

Update:  Congress finally passed the damn thing.  Nancy Pelosi demanded--and got-- $350 million bucks for "immigrants."  Hmm...wait, was that for **LEGAL** immigrants, or illegals?

Gosh, that's odd:  The bill--now a LAW--doesn't specify which group that very large sum is to go to.  But surely (surely, citizen) Democrat Nancy wouldn't have put that decree in the bill to benefit illegal aliens in the U.S., would she?

Um...uh...well...I guess we had to pass the bill to find out which group she means to give this money to, eh?


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