The leaders of the Democrat party have decided we don't need honest elections. The motto of Virginia is "Sic semper tyrannis," and it shows a pic of Lady Justice standing on a dead tyrant. A fair translation is "Death to tyrants." Of course that was then. We're...more evolved now.
March 19, 2020
U.N. agency tweeted Chinese narrative of "no evidence of human-to-human transmission" on Jan 14th
All evidence suggests that the Chinese communist government found the first cases of the Wuhan virus in late November of 2019. About six provincial doctors realized they were seeing cases that looked like flu but wasn't caused by a known flu virus, and they were exchanging theories on the Internet about the cause of the mysterious new disease.
The Chinese government quickly stopped that exchange and began "managing" the outbreak. They announced that the virus came from bats, and was spread via people eating bats bought in an open-air market in Wuhan--an explanation that at first glance seemed plausible.
The UN's "World Health Organization"--eager to do the bidding of their Chinese paymasters--dutifully echoed the party line, posting on January 14th the Chinese government's fiction that its experts had found no evidence of "human-to-human transmission." The UN body posted this without a hint of demurral or caution, as if it was absolutely true.
But for that explanation to be true, every person who contracted the virus would had to have eaten a bat (or whatever the eventual bullshit Narrative settles on).
Her co-workers noticed the collection was missing within a day, and realized that the Chinese employee had flown home a day earlier. Amazingly, she later returned to the lab, and when the lab's security personnel questioned her she admitted the theft. But astonishingly, instead of throwing her in jail for a century, the goofy Canadians merely fired her and sent her back to China.
"Oh NO! Please don't deport me back to China!"
Of course you didn't click on the link above, so you likely believe this is tinfoil-hat conspiracy stuff. But the link goes to the damn Canadian Broadcasting Company--owned by the Canadian government. They're not exactly right-wing. Here's what the CBC said:
Canadian government scientist under investigation trained staff at Level 4 lab in China
Still no answers in probe of government scientists expelled from National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg
Qiu, her biologist husband and her students have not returned to work
at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, after being escorted out
in July. RCMP are still investigating what was described by Public
Health Agency of Canada as a possible 'policy breach.' [Note how much less alarming "policy breach" is than "stole a deadly virus". This is how governments disguise their own incompetence and disasters.]
Canadian government scientist at the National Microbiology Lab in
Winnipeg made at least five trips to China in 2017-18, including one to
train scientists and technicians at China's newly certified Level 4 lab,
which does research with the most deadly pathogens, according to travel
documents obtained by CBC News.
Xiangguo Qiu — who was escorted
out of the Winnipeg lab in July amid an RCMP investigation into what's
being described by Public Health Agency of Canada as a possible "policy
breach" — was invited to go to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences twice a year for two years, for up to
two weeks each time.
will be third-party funded, and therefore no cost to [the Public Health
Agency of Canada]," say the documents, obtained through access to
information requests. The identity of the third-party was redacted. [Well THAT'S a big relief, eh?]
Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and her students from China were removed on July 5 from Canada's only Level 4 lab —
one equipped to work with the most serious and deadly human and animal
diseases, such as Ebola. But people working inside the lab told CBC News they've heard the couple may return to work soon.
of them, who asked not to be identified for fears of retribution,
say there have always been questions about Qiu's trips to China — and
what information and technology she was sharing with researchers there.
not right that she's a Canadian government employee providing details
of top-secret work and know-how to set up a high-containment lab for a
foreign nation," one employee said.
Note this is NOT the most damning news report. Others discussed Qiu's last trip to China, and the missing virus samples. This was just the CBC trying to minimize the incompetence of the lab's security and hiring practices--since that would make it a government problem.
It's also worth noting that the notorious anti-Trump website "" supposedly debunked this, claiming that the CBS story never mentioned Wuhan or the shipment of “pathogens.” But a later CBC story cited government travel documents showing that Qiu went to
the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory--the only Level-4 biological lab in China. And as everyone know by now, the virus first appeared in Wuhan. But it's all just coincidence, citizen. Really.
Factcheck goes on to say "the CBC story also says nothing of the coronavirus or the shipment of “pathogens.” Wow, what a surprise! Does anyone think Canada would 'fess up to allowing a Chinese national to walk out with a case of samples of deadly virus?
Factcheck also got a quote from a corporal with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police saying “There is no connection between the outbreak in China and
any RCMP investigation.” Factcheck then purports to put the matter to rest by saying "The fact is, Qiu wasn’t “removed” from the Canadian lab “for sending pathogens to the Wuhan lab.”
Again, no one who's ever worked for a government agency believes a government would admit the real reason she and her husband--and five of her Chinese students--were removed. In fact another scientist claimed the entire thing was due to an error in paperwork.
Yep yep yep. Happens all the time, citizen.
These are the same people who swore that the Rosenbergs didn't steal the plans for the atomic bomb and give 'em to the Soviets. The same people who swore that blue-blood elite Alger Hiss wasn't a communist spy--just unpossible, citizen! How could anyone possibly believe such fantasies?
Lesson #1: The World Health Organization will echo whatever the Chinese tell them to. So unless you love being gullible, don't believe the W.H.O.--or indeed, any UN agency.
Ex-AF pilot. While airliners are very safe, flying a single-pilot jet can be extremely demanding, especially in bad weather. It's a *huge* tribute to engineers that today's commercial jetliners are so amazingly safe!
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