The brilliant men who painstakingly worked out the provisions of our unique Constitution were not only smart, but also keen observers of human nature. They knew humans elected to office would try to use their power to buy votes, so they tried to have the Constitution limit the things government would be allowed to do.
Those limits were direct, and seemed to be unequivocal: The central government was to have only the powers "enumerated" in the Constitution, and no others.
The Founders were indeed brilliant. Tragically, their efforts were corrupt, vote-buying politicians a century or so later.
See, the Founders optimistically believed the People would elect honest, faithful senators and representatives, instead of corrupt, self-serving, vote-buying scum. They believed those who followed them in government would honor the Constitution's limits on the powers of government.
But when later politicians realized they could open the federal treasury to buy votes--and instead of being hanged in public for that crime, they'd be elected again and again--they went on a vote-buying spree that has never stopped.
In short, the ability to buy votes from dumb voters has corrupted leftist politicians, so that they now totally, smugly, gleefully ignore the limits imposed by the Constitution.
In the latest example senator Chuck Schumer just announced that he'll introduce a bill that will have the federal gruberment deliver a new bribe to voters: He wants taxpayers to "provide a large discount to buy an American-made electric vehicle when you trade in a gas-powered car."
Hey, that's SO WONDERFUL, eh comrade? In the vid below, Schumer tells you that "all cars should be clean," by which he means scrapping gas-burning cars and replacing them with electric-powered ones. This is SO cool, cuz electric-power is made from solar and windmills and unicorn farts, eh? No nasty ol' CO2 will be emitted into the air! Cuz electricity, like, just comes out of the wall, eh?
Is Schumer really that stupid?
It doesn't seem possible that anyone could be that stupid. But what matters is that he knows that his
constituents ARE that stupid. They really believe that a) CO2--emitted by burning carbon-based fuel--is causing the planet to warm fatally; and b) electricity doesn't emit CO2, cuz it's produced by windmills and solar; AND c) that if the U.S. unilaterally switches to electric cars, that will save the planet.
But CO2 is NOT causing the planet to warm. Even NOAA admits that there hasn't been any warming outside the range of data uncertainty in the past 18 years. Yet CO2 has continued to increase slightly.
Also: Changing all vehicles to electricity would add a huge demand. The total generating capacity in the U.S. right now just barely covers demand. Where does Schumer propose to find the extra electricity?
The enviros have killed new nuclear plants, and have banned new dams. Wind farms produce about five percent of our electricity but can't provide power when the wind dies. And they kill thousands of birds, but hey, enviros are fine with that.
That leaves coal and gas, which provide about 65% of our electricity today. Schumer is silent on whether he and his Dem co-dictators will allow more carbon-fired electricity, but it's a good bet that any electricity will cost a LOT more than today.
So with these knowns, doesn't that mean that going to all-electric cars would be...dumb?
Don't these things suggest that Schumer's grand plan is just another gruberment boondoggle, designed to make him seem virtuous and relevant? And to net him more votes from dumb folks who believe the bullshit about global warming? And to give him more power?
Why yes, yes they do suggest those things.
And yet he's doing it anyway.
Of course, citizen. Cuz his base believes his plan will save the world.
Of course I'm just some poor dumb sumbitch from a Flyover state. So don't take my word for it. Instead, go to the EIA website and see how much of our electricity is produced from carbon fuels. Then find some Smart Sumbitch with a PhD in atmospheric physics and ask him if CO2 is a more effective greenhouse reflector than, say, water vapor.
If he temporizes on this (i.e. puts you off by saying "Well, uh....") then you know what he's really saying. Then ask him if there's any way to reduce the total amount of
water vapor in the atmosphere. (Hint: There isn't.)
Then ask yourself: If Democrat pols (thanks to Chuckie Schumer and friends) ram this bill down our throats, what will that likely do to the demand for electricity?
And what will that vastly-increased demand do to the PRICE of electricity?
Then ask yourself: Where will Schumer's "huge discount" come from? And do I really wanns junk my wonderful Lexus--or Ford or Honda or whatever--for an electric car whose batteries will only last 4 years, and cost me $20-grand to replace? Do I wanna pay double for electricity? And is banning gasoline cars gonna improve the air to ANY measurable degree at all?
So who would support this? Of course: Dem voters, in dense cities with lots of public transit. They'll be getting a "huge discount" on a new electric car. They don't care that it has to be charged every 150 miles or so, because they don't take car trips that far. And you'll be paying for their "discount."
What a great plan, eh? Just like Obama-care. Remember? The Dems rammed it down your throat, promising us that if we liked our doctor and/or insurance we could keep both, right? And that "the average family will SAVE $2500 per year!" How'd those promises turn out?
Now for the kicker: Go to Schumer's twitter feed, and read all the comments from morons who are absolutely ecstatic about this absurdly expensive, wasteful, pointless con-job.