October 29, 2019

WaPo columnist wails that ISIS leader did NOT "die a coward," later retracts what he calls "unintentional impression"

The Lying Mainstream Media and Democrat leaders have been falling all over themselves in claiming that the death of ISIS leader Baghdadi is just SO  TERRIBLY SAD!!!

Typical of the media's slanders was WaPo columnist Max Boot, who wrote:
"The assertion that Baghdadi died a coward [as Trump claimed] was in any case contradicted by the fact that rather than be captured, he blew himself up,”
So the WaPo columnist claims that the ISIS leader blowing himself up--along with three innocent children--was a contradiction of cowardice?  Are you serious?  Rational people correctly realize that using women or children as human shields is almost a defining trait of cowards.  Who could possibly think killing children is a brave act that demonstrates the opposite of cowardice?

Many people correctly recognized that Boot's statement was outrageous--that blowing yourself up--killing three children--to avoid capture isn't in any way heroic or brave.  And after those comments started pouring in, the Post pressured Boot to retract.  But note how the lying Boot did it:
"An earlier version of this column included a sentence questioning whether Trump was right to call Baghdadi a coward because he blew himself up. The line was removed because it unintentionally conveyed the impression that I considered Baghdadi courageous.
"Unintentionally conveyed the impression"??  No, that was exactly your intention, asshole.  You and all your anti-American, Trump-hating, terrorist-coddling comrades in the media have been trying non-stop to portray Baghdadi's death as an awful event.  Your particular message was just so over-the-top that people recognized it for what it was.  And your ridiculous disclaimer--"unintentionally conveyed the impression"--is totally false.

Lies, lies, lies from the Lying Mainstream Media..  F them all.

Story here: https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-post-max-boot-al-baghdadi


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