Fakebook subsidiary now removing all pics showing the "OK" hand sign, claiming it's "hate speech"!
As most of you know by now, the "OK" hand-sign is really a secret code showing that the signer supports "white power."
Oh wait, that's right: That's nonsense. That story was invented by some wags at 4chan to see if the Lying Mainstream Media and the perpetually offended snowflakes would be dumb enough to believe it.
And sure enough, they bought it, all the way. Which brings us to the point:
"Instagram" is a social-media site owned by Fakebook. And in their now-classic, "we're so tolerant that we have to tell people what we won't allow 'em to say" manner, Instagram has officially confirmed that they will REMOVE any photo of "white power hand signs," calling them "hate speech." If you try it more than once they'll cancel your account.
Of course you can't believe a big-ish, supposedly sophisticated, hip, savvy company could possibly have fallen for the 4chan hoax, or that no one at the "sophisticated" company would bother to try to confirm whether the old, old OK sign was indeed being use by mysterious "white power" supporters.
Yeah. Well, take a look below:
A commenter to the original article noted that it's likely that the "perpetually offended" would fall for even the most absurd hoax, if it supported the idea that there's some secret sign whites use to show that they're the cool kids.
Speaking of which, a friend tells me that "vaping" is used to show support for white power--cuz all those clouds of...wait for it...white smoke.
Shhhh! Don't tell anyone!
Original story here:
Oh wait, that's right: That's nonsense. That story was invented by some wags at 4chan to see if the Lying Mainstream Media and the perpetually offended snowflakes would be dumb enough to believe it.
And sure enough, they bought it, all the way. Which brings us to the point:
"Instagram" is a social-media site owned by Fakebook. And in their now-classic, "we're so tolerant that we have to tell people what we won't allow 'em to say" manner, Instagram has officially confirmed that they will REMOVE any photo of "white power hand signs," calling them "hate speech." If you try it more than once they'll cancel your account.
Of course you can't believe a big-ish, supposedly sophisticated, hip, savvy company could possibly have fallen for the 4chan hoax, or that no one at the "sophisticated" company would bother to try to confirm whether the old, old OK sign was indeed being use by mysterious "white power" supporters.
Yeah. Well, take a look below:

A commenter to the original article noted that it's likely that the "perpetually offended" would fall for even the most absurd hoax, if it supported the idea that there's some secret sign whites use to show that they're the cool kids.
Speaking of which, a friend tells me that "vaping" is used to show support for white power--cuz all those clouds of...wait for it...white smoke.
Shhhh! Don't tell anyone!
Original story here:
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