October 16, 2019

How do young people learn anything about "real" history?

How does anyone "know" about anything that happened in the past? 

That may strike many of you as a silly question, but follow me here:  The most direct way is if you were alive when something happened--and were old enough at the time to grasp it.  But if something happened before then, your only choices are a) books; b) movies; c) the school system; or d) stories told by people who were adults at the time.

Unfortunately most public schools stopped teaching "real" history at least 30 years ago, replacing it with ghastly lies.  As a result, young Americans are easy pickin's for leftist bullshit like "all the founders were awful, eeebil people cuz dey wuz white an' owned slaves!!!"  They believe socialism and communism are both wonderful, and "give" "free" stuff to citizens--free college, free medical care, free jobs, free housing and so on.

As a result, when Democrat presidential candidates promise people endless "free" stuff, young Americans believe it.  And why wouldn't they?  After all, the media constantly tell Americans that "Every advanced country gives free stuff to all their people.  We're the only un-cool nation!"

Yeah, why indeed.

Young Americans have no idea that tens of millions of ordinary citizens in communist countries have been executed or just starved to death by people like Stalin and Mao, or even by lesser communists like Castro or the ruling Kim dynasty in North Korea.  And our Lying Media doesn't have any interest in telling them.  The result is idiots like hugely rich bakkeball star Lebron James complaining about some NBA coach tweeting in support of the struggle for freedom in Hong Kong--and not a single media voice tells young Americans how dumb James is.

How can this be fixed?  I don't think it can.  It would take a revolution in the thinking of school boards and school officials, and in our Lying Media, and neither thing is gonna happen.


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