Since when do adults take the rantings of 16-year-olds on policy seriously? Oh....
In the "bad old world," rational adults would have laughed at the idea of letting children lecture them on national policy.
Fortunately, our "betters" in the elite Lying Media and socialist/Dem party have determined that we need to listen to uneducated 16-year-olds lecture us on questions about atmospheric physics, thermodynamics and economics. Your "betters" have determined that ignoring such a person is...old, outmoded, silly. Something only deplorables would support.
Thus we have the autistic teen from Sweden lecturing both the U.N. General Assembly and the moronic congress of the United States, demanding that we all give up fossil fuels, because...wait for it....the planet is being fatally warmed by CO2.
And not just any CO2, but CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuels--oil, gas and coal.
Here's Greta.
Her first statement is right: She shouldn't be there. She should be back in school.
Second, she claims "You all come to us young people for hope." No, only when young people say something the elite media want to publicize to further their political objectives.
Imagine how the media would react if an autistic 16-year-old said "It's totally insane that you morons are touting socialism as better than free markets." Do ya think that kid would get to lecture congress or the U.N.? Think they'd get hour after hour of air-time?
Not even close. The ONLY reason this scripted kid has gotten all the adulation, worship and attention from the Lying Mainstream Media is that she's saying something they like. Period.
Fortunately, our "betters" in the elite Lying Media and socialist/Dem party have determined that we need to listen to uneducated 16-year-olds lecture us on questions about atmospheric physics, thermodynamics and economics. Your "betters" have determined that ignoring such a person is...old, outmoded, silly. Something only deplorables would support.
Thus we have the autistic teen from Sweden lecturing both the U.N. General Assembly and the moronic congress of the United States, demanding that we all give up fossil fuels, because...wait for it....the planet is being fatally warmed by CO2.
And not just any CO2, but CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuels--oil, gas and coal.
Here's Greta.
Her first statement is right: She shouldn't be there. She should be back in school.
Second, she claims "You all come to us young people for hope." No, only when young people say something the elite media want to publicize to further their political objectives.
Imagine how the media would react if an autistic 16-year-old said "It's totally insane that you morons are touting socialism as better than free markets." Do ya think that kid would get to lecture congress or the U.N.? Think they'd get hour after hour of air-time?
Not even close. The ONLY reason this scripted kid has gotten all the adulation, worship and attention from the Lying Mainstream Media is that she's saying something they like. Period.
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