October 26, 2019

Lawsuit forces release of Hilliary emails hidden since 2012. And you'll never guess what they show

If you're a college-age American you might not know that on September 11th, 2012, terrorist forces armed with mortars attacked a U.S. "consular annex" in Benghazi, Libya, killing 4 Americans, including our ambassador.

This was a big deal, and properly so.  The Obama regime--facing a tough election in less than one month--didn't want to admit ISIS had killed Americans, so they claimed the attack was a "spontaneous demonstration" triggered by Muslim outrage over a video posted on the internet that showed Islam in a bad light. 

But defense experts were skeptical because the attackers used mortars--something a spontaneous demonstrator wouldn't have in their pocket.   Also, the story about "an anti-Muslim video on the internet" was skanky: while there was indeed a video on the internet, relatively few people had seen it, and even fewer in Benghazi.  So the idea that the vid had triggered a huge spontaneous demonstration was far-fetched.

Nevertheless, Obama minion Susan Rice hit five Sunday talk shows (i.e. all of 'em) to push the Narrative that the attack was "due to a spontaneous demonstration caused by an insulting video".  Yet the evening of the attack, Hilliary Clinton sent an email to her singularly talentless daughter saying that she already knew the attack was NOT a "spontaneous demonstration."

The amateur video did trigger protests in Egypt and elsewhere, but the timeline of Clinton's statements suggests that she and other Obama officials crafted a narrative blaming the planned attack on the "consular annex" on the video.  


Now, most of you know that all our embassies and related facilities are operated by...the State Department.  And those of you of college age may not know that Obama's Secretary of State was... Hilliary Clinton.  Predictably, Hilliary supported the "spontaneous demonstration" narrative--even though she'd totally contradicted that in her email to her daughter.

Hearings on the attack--including live testimony from Hilliary herself--failed to shed any light on this glaring contradiction.  And Hilliary blew off any questions with the snarky remark "At this point what difference could it possibly make?"

A conservative watchdog group called Judicial Watch thought this was outrageous, and filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit to force the State Department to turn over ALL Hilliary emails.

So naturally the State Department immediately complied.

Hahahahahahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!

Of course the truth is that State totally stonewalled Judicial Watch's lawsuit.  And normally that would have been the end of that, since the Elites--your betters--know the System lets them ignore any laws they don't like, with no consequence.

Well...by total longshot chance, the judge hearing the case was one of those wackos who thinks no one--regardless of status--should be above the law.  That is, he has this goofy idea that one set of laws should apply to everyone. And he ruled that the elites at State had to obey the law.

Image that!

So State was finally forced to furnish a few-thousand Hilliary emails.  And last week Judicial Watch released some of those previously-hidden emails from 2012.

The twist here is that if State had complied with Judicial Watch's 2014 FOIA lawsuit, it would have exposed Clinton's private email accoun then instead of years later.
One of the long-withheld emails shows Hillary misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi, AND that the State Department--presumably on Hilliary's orders--wanted to hide the existence of Hilliary's private email account.   (She never--I say again, never--had an official dot-gov email account, but conducted ALL official government business from her private account.)

The question is, why would Hilliary and other Obama officials lie about the attack being the result of a "spontaneous demonstration" when that was so utterly implausible?

You'll never see the reason:  It's that the CIA had been collecting shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles in the "annex," and were shipping them to CIA assets in Syria.  Libyan Muslims saw a chance to grab the missiles and make a huge profit--whether cash or influence.

In any case: Last year U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered the State Department to produce the email on August 22, 2019.  Lamberth denounced Clinton's private email server as "one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency." He further pondered whether "the State Department's attempt to settle this FOIA case in 2014" may have been "an effort to avoid searching — and disclosing the existence of — Clinton's missing emails."

Gee, ya think?
Source:  https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/judicial-watch-new-benghazi-documents-confirm-clinton-email-cover-up/


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