October 23, 2019

Democrat pol introduces bill to make it illegal--jailable--to call someone a...[CENSORED]

For the past decade or so, Democrats, socialists and/communists have been trying to kill your Constitutionally-guaranteed "freedom of speech."

Of course they know they don't have enough support to repeal the First Amendment, so they're doing what Democrats always do when they want to change the Constitution but lack the votes:  they either get dictatorial leftist judges to do what they want, or shit-head politicians to pass laws doing what they want. 

Much easier than changing the Constitution, eh?

One of the methods they're pushing is to pass laws criminalizing what they define as "hate speech."  In the latest case a state senator in the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts has introduced a bill making it a crime--punishable by six months in jail!--to call someone a "bitch."

Naturally if you're not a Democrat you can't believe this would ever pass a Supreme Court test.  You can't believe any state legislature would be dumb enough to pass such a law.

Ah, I see you just arrived on the planet!  Enjoy your stay, if possible.

Cuz, coastal states (run by Democrats) are already arresting people for using words the Left has defined as hate speech.  In Connecticut two college guys were arrested for yelling "the N-word."  The actual charge was charged with "ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race."  That's indistinguishable from "hate speech." 

If the Left keeps getting its way you won't be able to utter a critical word about, say, corrupt politicians... or terrorists...  or judges who force 7-year-old boys to have sex-change operations.

MANDATORY GOOGLE WARNING:  Readers are warned that neither Google nor any of our Trusted Information Verifiers have verified this story.  This means you can't be sure it's accurate, so smart, sophisticated readers should ignore it.
   You should only trust infomation that we or one of our Trusted Partners have verified.  All other information has a high probability of being "fake news," designed to increase social conflict.  You don't want to increase social conflict, do you, citizen?
   Of course you don't!  Everyone knows that we all have freedom of speech, and it's just silly to claim that any politician would try to modify that.  Of course we at Google, and Facebook, and YouTube, are free to censor things we don't like, cuz we're not government.  And if we delete your account or take down your post, you can't sue us.  But that's only fair, cuz we're the Good People.  It was right there in our motto:  "Don't be evil!"  And we're not.  Really!


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