The 2020 presidential campaign has already started. And I’m voting for the Democrat.
I'm also gonna vote for all Dem candidates for senator and representative, because they have the best ideas. Here's the list of reasons:
First is the Green New Deal: As the NY Times and CNN assure us, "The science is settled" that the planet is getting scary-hot, and it's caused by CO2, which is produced mainly by stupid Americans driving SUV's. They say 97% of all scientists agree with that, and that anyone who doesn't is a "climate denier." I agree with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that the government needs to ban gasoline-fueled cars. And air travel. To go from one coast to the other we need "high-speed rail," like the smart people in California are building.
Of course the proposed law wouldn't ban
all air travel. No one would expect important politicians like Nancy Pelosi or Alexandria to spend their valuable time crossing the country that way, or going to important conferences overseas. And of course Hollywood stars would still be allowed to charter jets to fly to Paris and Cannes to get important awards. Because that's only fair, citizen.
The Dems' Green New Deal also wants to ban coal, and I totally support that. Someone claimed that about half our electricity is produced from coal-fired plants, but I don't think that could
possibly be true. I thought the NY Times said most of our electricity comes from wind generators and solar panels, so we only need to increase this a little bit to get completely free of CO2-producing, planet-killing fossil fuels.
Rethuglicans don't even believe America is responsible for Global Warming. How stupid is that?
I agree with the Democratic leaders that the government would do a better job of spending my money than I would. I agree that it's good for the government to "spread the wealth around." In face, everyone I know agrees with this.
I’m voting Democrat because I believe businesses shouldn't be allowed to keep any profit they might make. Only greedy people want to make a profit. The government should seize all profits and redistribute them to the poor. (See "Spreading the Wealth" above.)
I’m voting Democrat because we need more regulations and higher taxes on businesses. And if companies react by setting up factories overseas, we should levy a huge tariff when they try to import their products to the U.S.
I'm voting Democrat because that awful Orange Man cut taxes for most Americans. This is bad because our government needs more tax revenue, not less. We actually need to raise taxes--say, to 70% for the rich! Everyone I know loves this plan!
I’m voting Democrat because Democrats support the idea that every person in this country--including "temporarily undocumented Americans--is entitled to free health care. Rethuglicans oppose this because they're being paid by huge health-care cartels. Also, they claim it won't really be free, because the govt will have to pay for it with taxes, but that's silly: if the government gives me health care at no cost to me, it's free. (At least free to me.)
The result will be lots better than the unfair system we have now, under which poor people and immigrants can only get free medical care by going to the Emergency Room.
Of course this might require that the government set the amount doctors and hospitals can charge for services, but that seems quite reasonable. I mean, why shouldn't doctors, nurses, drug companies, etc. work for
whatever salary the government decides they should get? If they
don't like that, they should find another job.
I’m voting Democrat because Dems support product-liability lawyers--the nice people who are willing to file lawsuits on behalf of those injured by products.. I think it's just *awful* that ordinary people are injured every day by using products made by giant corporations that don't care if their products are unsafe. Of course the companies try to squirm out of paying just because an injured person didn't read some silly warnings in the instructions. Get real! In this day and age, who bothers reading stuff like that?
I’m voting Democrat because I agree with Democrats that 9/11 was planned by George Bush to trick the American people into supporting his invasion of Iraq--a country that was never a threat us in any way. All my friends agree that the *real* reason Bush invaded Iraq was to steal their oil.
I’m voting Democrat because I want to preserve the Social Security system. Democrat leaders say it's financially sound, and that rumors that the system is about out of money are just scare stories being pushed by Rethuglicans. I mean, how could that be true? Dem leaders have assured us that the government puts our Social Security contributions in a 'lock-box' so the money will be there when we retire. They wouldn't lie about something so important, right?
I’m voting Democrat because they want sensible gun control. All my friends agree that the U.S. would be a far better place if we could get rid of guns. The crazy Rethuglicans claim this won't reduce crime because people determined to break the law won't surrender their guns, but that's just silly. After all, Americans obey laws.
I’m voting Democrat because Democrats support amnesty for undocumented residents and "mis-directed foreign travellers." ("Illegal aliens" is such a judgmental term!). Democrats believe undocumented residents deserve all the rights that the rest of us enjoy--free housing, schooling, food stamps, free medical care and the right to vote. It's only fair. And we Democrats are really big on fairness.
Oh, and I believe once someone is here from another country they should have the right to bring in as many of their family members as they like, because not letting them do that would be separating families--which is horribly cruel!
I'm voting Democrat because Democrats oppose racist laws like having to show a photo ID to vote. Everyone knows that the only reason Rethuglicans want these laws is to keep minorities and undocumented citizens from voting.
I’m voting Democrat because Democrats believe that every person in this country--whether a citizen or an "undocumented resident"--deserves a fair share of our country's wealth. The only people who object to spreading the wealth are the rich. Except Hollywood stars, who routinely pay way more in taxes than the law requires because they care so much.
I’m voting Democrat because Dems realize that we don't have any business having troops anywhere in the Middle East. After we leave those countries the people there won't be mad at us any longer, and we can all live in peace and harmony. After all, people say the only reason 9-11 happened was in retaliation for the U.S. invading Iraq. No wonder they were mad at us!
I’m voting Democrat because Democrats understand that freedom of speech is NOT an absolute right. Conservatives shouldn't be allowed to say things--either on campus on on the air--that hurt peoples' feelings. That's just wrong. How could anyone think we could all get along if people were allowed to say anything they wanted? Conservatives say this is something written in the Constitution, but that's not true: The Constitution just says
Congress can't make a law infringing on free speech. Doesn't say a campus or Facebook or Twitter can't ban "hate speech." And Dems are the only people qualified to say what qualifies as "hate speech."
In fact Canada even has a special court just to prosecute people who are charged with saying something that offends others. I think we need that kind of system here.
I’m voting Democrat because I believe oil companies should be nationalized--taken over by the government. After all, doesn't the oil under America really belong to all Americans? And there's no doubt that this will reduce the price of gasoline.
The only people who should be allowed to keep profits are Hollywood stars and entertainers.
I’m voting Democrat because Democrats believe we need to end our dependence on foreign oil, and only the Democrats have a sound plan to do that. They want to make ethanol from corn, and use solar panels to get hydrogen out of plain water! That *so* cool--and totally non-polluting. And it would only take two or three years to implement if the Republicans would just stop obstructing Democratic legislation. Of course I'm not a tech person so I don't know all the details (I'm a "big
picture" guy) but my brother knows this guy who says
it's a slam-dunk.
The stupid Rethuglicans think we can solve our problems by *drilling* for oil. What a dumb idea!
Oh wait...someone just said the U.S. is now a net exporter of oil? But that can't possibly be true! Must be yet another Republican lie! Cuz President Obama (pbuh) said it was simply not possible to "drill our way to energy independence." I'll check this out and report on the source of the seeming lie about the U.S. no longer being a net importer of foreign oil--cuz it just seems un-possible.
But it really doesn't matter, cuz oil is *so* last-decade. We're much more advanced than that.
I'm voting Democrat because Democrats oppose Rethuglican attempts to increase offshore drilling, and to drill in the Artic Wildlife Reserve. Everyone knows drilling for oil is incredibly messy, so there's no doubt that drilling in either the Arctic or offshore would increase pollution. Also, Democrats know that drilling in either area won't produce any oil for at least ten years--so how can that
possibly help solve energy problems?
And even if they managed to produce some oil from either place, it wouldn't reduce high gas prices at the pump. I mean, everyone knows gas prices are set by the oil companies. I don't know why the stupid Rethuglicans believe oil prices have anything to do with weird notions like "supply and demand." The Democrats need to pass a law that lets Congress set the price of oil, instead of the oil companies.