March 21, 2019

Every top Democrat presidential candidate agrees that presidents should be elected by the winner of the national popular vote--and without having to amend the Constitution!

You may not have heard this but virtually all the leading Democrat presidential candidates have signed on to the idea of abolishing the Electoral College system of electing presidents.

If you know anything about the Constitution you may know that that document specifies virtually every detail of how the Electoral College system is to operate, and that it "shall be" the method used to elect the president.  So you probably think scrapping the EC would require amending the Constitution--something that's very hard to do.

So the cunning Democrat leadership has come up with a scheme to scrap the EC system without amending the Constitution.  It's called the "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact."  If you're not familiar with the scheme I've posted extensively about it here, here, here and here.

The top Democrat presidential candidates have signed on to show their Dem base that they're totally cool with this total violation of the Constitution.  For example, Eliz Warren appeared on a CNN "town hall" (actually a Democrat pep-rally) to say she believed presidents should be elected by the winner of the national popular vote.

In an unintended, ironic lie, Warren said she supported this because "every person's vote should count."  This is a flat lie, because the Compact would require that member states would cast their electoral votes for the winner of the national popular vote EVEN IF A MAJORITY OF VOTERS IN THEIR STATE VOTED FOR THE OTHER PARTY!

So Warren claims electing presidents by the winner of the national popular vote ensures that every person's vote counts?  Well, except for the majority of voters in states that voted for the other party.  Her claim--and that of all supporters of this rape of the Constitution--is a brazen lie!

Because Dems have a tiny, trivial concern that abolishing the Electoral College may not be all that popular with residents of the small states, their allies at CNN ramped up their spin machine to show that pushing for scrapping the Electoral College and electing presidents by the winner of the national popular vote is something as healthy and normal as sunshine!

CNN did this by mentioning the number of times in the past when this idea was proposed--while obviously not mentioning that it never passed.  And there's a reason.  CNN's talking head also falsely quoted Constitutional drafter James Madison to imply that Madison thought the EC was "maximum evil."  This is utter crap, but just what we've come to expect from Fake News.
 To summarize:
  • The Electoral College system is specified in the Constitution.  
  • There's a way to change the Constitution--by amending it.  
  • Democrat leaders doubt they can get enough states to ratify an amendment to elect presidents by the winner of the national popular vote.
  • So they have proposed a way to scrap the EC without having to amend the Constitution.
What does this tell you about the leaders of the Democrat party?  Would an honest party that wanted to scrap an explicit, key provision of the Constitution even think about devising a cunning scheme that they claim allows them to change the Constitution without going through the well-known and specified process of trying to amend it?


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