March 21, 2019

Who's lying about "global warming"? (Oh wait--now they're saying it's "climate change")

In science, if you think you have a valid theory about something, you publish an article containing every item you claim proves your theory.  All of it.  Other experts then examine your alleged proofs.  If you've pulled a fast one, they'll call you on it.

BY CONTRAST, if someone has a theory they can't prove, the option is to bluster and bully, trying to build a contrived "consensus" by intimidation and coercion.  They claim "The debate is over--the science is settled" when this is actually a brazen lie.

They try to maintain their deception by demonizing anyone who disagrees, calling them "climate deniers."  They try to block or cut off funding of research proposed by those who disagree.  They even try to get those of opposing views fired. 

You might ask yourself:  Is this how honest scientists would behave?  Or is this how lying thugs behave?  When someone has a sound theory, does he or she need to engage in thug behavior?

The answer is self-evident, and tells you everything you need to know about "global warming" "climate change caused by CO2 caused by human activity (caused by Americans)." 


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