Venezuela's misery continues; no mention that socialism had any role in causing it
A week after Venezuela's national electrical system failed, most of that country is still without electricity. But don't worry, citizen: That could never happen here!
Now the water system in that nation's capital has failed, people are drinking from sewers, patients are dying in hospitals, gasoline can't be pumped from underground tanks, food is
rotting because refrigerators don't work. Looting is spreading. One Venezuelan described it like this:
This is what losing a war must feel like. Aren’t they going to help us with water? With food? How much longer until people start dropping dead in the streets? I have to walk 17 km to get home. When I get there I won’t have food or water. I don’t even know if my family will be there. If they are, I won’t be able to feed them. And if they aren’t there I won’t know how to find them.”But don't worry, citizen: That could never happen here.
To the extent that the average American voter knows anything at all about the disaster in
Venezuela, most probably think "No surprise: third-world country, poverty, rickety systems. That couldn't possibly happen here." I doubt more than one percent of Americans know that before Venezuela elected a socialist as president, it had the highest per-capita income in all of South America. The people of that hapless nation never imagined their country could possibly disintegrate so quickly.
And did.
Of course most Americans know literally nothing about the realities of socialism, so when they're assured by the Lying Media elites, and pols like Kamala and Fauxcahontas Warren and Cory Booker and AOC that socialism is faaabulous, half of U.S. voters will cheerfully vote for socialism here--i.e. for the Democrats.
After the astonishingly dumb Dem congresscritter and mainstream-media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "we must overhaul America's 'garbage' status quo, which is enslaved to 'irredeemable' capitalism," not a single member of the mainstream media printed a critical word.
After the astonishingly dumb Dem congresscritter and mainstream-media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "we must overhaul America's 'garbage' status quo, which is enslaved to 'irredeemable' capitalism," not a single member of the mainstream media printed a critical word.
The Lying Media is already covering for the progressive/socialist (i.e. Democrat) pols running for president, by avoiding any mention of the key role of socialist rule in causing disasters like the crisis in Venezuela. I predict that very soon left-ruled organizations like Wiki will scrub their pieces on Venezuela of any mention of "socialism." If Wiki even bothers to note the ghastly misery in Venezuela, they'll imply it's due to poverty, or too little rain, or Yankee imperialism--anything except the real cause: socialist rule. The "elites" at Wiki will praise Hugo Chavez as a "heroic reformer" who was undermined by sinister "anti-socialist forces."
Similarly, Dem politicians pushing socialism for the U.S. will studiously avoid linking the misery in Venezuela to socialism. Instead they'll blame that country's woes on Trump, or global warming, or the CIA, or U.S. oil companies. We'll hear endless demands that the U.S. join other countries in promoting Venezuelan
efforts to "achieve constructive dialogue and democratic solutions to the
current political crisis."
Translation: "We demand that the U.S. give the heroic, struggling Venezuelan government billions of dollars to help them end the suffering of ordinary Venezuelans. But note well, citizen: that suffering has nothing whatsoever to do with electing a socialist regime."
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