March 29, 2019

All Dem senators say they LOVE "Green New Deal;" not a single one votes for it in senate

According to EVERY Lying Mainstream Media outlet and EVERY Democrat politician, global warming ...uh, wait..."climate change" is the most dire threat facing planet Earth! 

And they've also ALL agreed that global warming ...wait, sorry: "climate change"... is NOT caused by any natural cyclic phenomena (think "ice ages") but by...CO2.  Further, liberal "scientists" assure you that the awful, planet-killing CO2 --which makes up 400 parts per million of the atmosphere--is caused NOT by a natural warming of the ocean, but by...humans burning fossil fuel.

And now for the final piece of the plot:  Nations with a high standard of living produce more CO2 than nations where everyone lives in a grass hut, with no electricity, and only travels by foot.

And the nation that produces more CO2 per person than any other  Because everyone not living in NYC has a car.  And since we live in a BIG country, we do long trips by...flying.  And we like a variety of food, which is transported by trucks, which are fueled by petroleum.

But never fear, citizen!  Your Democrat leaders have a great solution to all this!  It's called the "Green New Deal"--a play on FDR's "New Deal" that so endeared Americans to the Democrat party 80 years ago.  And what is this Green New Deal, you ask?

The person with that answer is the faaabulous freshman Democrat representative--and media darling--Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

AOC is a puppet who responded to a call by communists to audition for a role as...a young, photogenic, ethnic firebrand challenger.  Problem is, the people pulling her strings didn't realize that she'd believe their propaganda about her.  So now she fancies herself an intellectual, and they can't control her completely.  As a result, she released the specifics of the Green New Deal before they wanted her to.

The GND specifies that the U.S. is to totally ban all fossil fuel.  Wait...don't AOC and her handlers know that about 60 percent of our electricity is generated by fossil fuel?  If we killed fossil fuel, where would the electricity come from?

Why, windmills, citizen!  And solar panels!  But they're just getting started.  They also want to ban all commercial air travel (unless you're a congresscritter or high government official, of course). 

Oh, and by the way:  they wanna eliminate cows.

Why cows?  Cuz due to the near-magical ability cows have to digest cellulose (which humans can't), cows belch methane.  And methane is about ten times more effective at being a "greenhouse gas" than the dread CO2.  So AOC's handlers--being super-smaht sciency folks--felt thay had to ban cows too.  Cool, eh?

With this background established:  The senate majority leader decided that since the Democrats were screaming that global warming ... pardon, "climate change"...was gonna kill all life on earth in just ten years! if we didn't stop emitting CO2, it was absolutely critical to start a national debate on the subject.  So he put the Green New Deal up for a floor vote in the senate to open debate on the proposal. 

There are 45 Democrat senators.  Given the crucial, vital, life-and-death importance of CO2, surely the Dems would vote to open debate on the matter RIGHT AWAY.  Cuz, crisis!

Interestingly, the proposal failed--by a vote of 57 to zero.

Wait...that can't be right!  That must be satire!  You can't possibly mean that not a single Democrat voted for the proposition, can ya?  I mean, the NY Times has been telling us for years that 97 percent of all scientists believe the entire future of the human race depends on banning carbon fuels.  So surely the Dem senators would support this, right?

Nope.  Not one.  Were they all away from D.C. celebrating the marvelously fair decision of a State's Attorney in Chicago to drop all charges against Jussie Smollett?  Seems about right.  But no...they were in D.C.

The 45 Dems didn't vote for the proposal because even though the Dem media have assured us that most life on Earth will end if we don't act, they have something far more critical on their agenda:  getting re-elected.  And they were convinced that if they voted to ban cows and fossil fuels, they'd lose.

But they also knew that if they voted against the measure, their leftist base might vote for a primary challenger.  Ooooh, can't have that.  We're screwed either way we go!  What to do, what to do?

Ah, solution!  They all voted "present."

No, I'm not kidding.  On a measure the Lying Media--and every Dem presidential candidate--have declared "absolutely crucial, life-threatening," every single Democrat senator voted "present."

Cuz they're very ethical, principled people, see.  Given the chance to vote on what they've all been shrieking is a life-or-death issue, they took a deep breath, stood up very tall and...punted, to save their political careers.

Think they might not believe their own hype?  Think they might just be blowing smoke about the cause of global warming...pardon, "climate change"?

Perish the thought, citizen!  They all just knew the most important thing for our country was to keep them in power for as long as possible.  Cuz they're great leaders.

Barf.  Then watch the video of all these jerks signalling their great virtue, then voting "present."


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