March 12, 2019

The 2020 election will be socialism vs. capitalism

The biggest long-term threat to this nation is that polls show increasing numbers of America's young people--on the coasts it's over half--say they prefer socialism over capitalism.
Of course the respondents don't have the slightest idea of what socialism really is.  But that doesn't matter at all: They like it for two big reasons: First, it promises they can have everything they want without working; and because all their lives they've been taught how wonderfully fair it is.

Fairness is great, but American youth have been taught to value it over almost every other goal.

And of course how can anyone be against "fairness," eh?  I mean, what's more fair than "equal opportunity"?   Problem is, young Americans have been taught that "fair" requires equality of outcome. 

Worse, they've been taught by endless hours of movies, television and their school teachers that the most "fair" system--the one that will give equality of outcome--is... socialism.

The next election--and all others for the rest of our lifetimes--will offer America a choice between socialism and freedom/capitalism.
In fairness to young Americans, even most so-called adults have no real idea of what socialism does, and thus most have adopted a rosy view of socialism pushed by the liberal/progressive media.  Most believe businesses are bad, run by megalomaniacs who would cheerfully, literally destroy the planet for a ten percent bump in profits.

Most Americans need to be re-educated.  Unfortunately, that takes years, and we don't have that luxury.  People need to understand basic economics, and history, and psychology, and propaganda techniques, to know when they're being played.

The average college student has no idea who Mao is, or Lenin, or Stalin, or Pol Pot.  If you were to try telling them of the hundreds of millions of people killed by those four alone, you'd get a blank stare.  They really have no idea.  Because no one has ever taught them.

There's a reason most high school history stops at WW2 (sometimes a lot earlier).

But hey--socialism, baby!  It's just faaabulous!  Ask Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker, Eric Swalwell, Richard Blumenthal, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Bob Menendez or a host of other leading figures in the Dem party.


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