August 31, 2018

Four more kids separated from their parents--permanently. Horrible! Um...wait...

Four more children were just separated from their parents--permanently.  They're American children, and their parents were killed by a drunk driver in Oregon earlier this month.  Blew through a stop sign and broad-sided a mom and dad.

The drunk driver turned out to illegal alien invader.

As the "elite" talking heads and Democrats put it, "Doing the jobs Americans won't do."

Ya know, we're just not killing American parents and kids fast enough.  And it's because we don't have open borders like those enlightened Europeons.

To solve this problem we need open borders, as soon as possible.

So vote Democrat in November.  Let's get those borders open, baby!  America needs more third-world immigrants.  At least that's what the elites keep telling us.

More on bombshell that the Chinese were getting real-time copies of every Hilliary email

We're learning more about the bombshell claim from congressman Louie Gohmert that a company owned by the Chinese government hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email server and was getting copies of every one of her emails--in real time, no less!--during her entire tenure as Obozo's hand-picked Secretary of State.

An honest member of the intel community had told Gohmert about this before corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok appeared before the House committee investigating FBI corruption.  Specifically, that the Inspector General of the intel community (IGIC) had discovered the Chinese theft of all Clinton's emails.

And the utter beauty of it was that Gohmert didn't reveal this before corrupt agent Strzok testified before the House committee.


So when it was Gohmert's turn to question Strzok, the congressman asked Strzok "Were you briefed by members of the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s staff, on the ICIG's finding that a hostile nation had infiltrated Clinton’s unauthorized server  and sent copies of all of her emails to the hostile nation’s intelligence apparatus?"

Strzok was utterly taken by surprise.  "Uh, uh, uh, uh...I...I...I..."   He had no idea anyone outside the intel community knew he'd been briefed--and he was totally sure the intel community was in on the plot to ensure Hilliary won the election, so never imagined....


Now before we go further, you need to know that Peter Strzok official job title was chief of "counter-intelligence" for the FBI.  "Counter-intelligence" is the business of finding efforts by foreign powers to spy on the U.S., and arresting any such agents in the U.S.  In other words, the penetration Strzok was briefed on by the ICIG agents was precisely his job description.

You'll never guess what Strzok's answer to Gohmert's question was.

Strzok said he "vaguely recalled" the briefing...but couldn't recall any of the details!

"Cuz, like, dude, it didn't concern me.  Didn't seem very important.  Not my job, see?"

Can you say "Lying scumbag"?  "Treasonous piece of shit"?  Sure you can.

The top five levels of FBI leadership are all totally corrupt.  And keep in mind, they're the folks who supposedly are the ultimate in enforcing our laws!

Now, note something extremely vital:  When Gohmert surprised Strzok with his question, did Strzok deny that he'd ever been briefed by members of the intel community on anything like that?  No, he didn't.  If he'd had time to think, he would have.  But he didn't have time to think it through.

Now remember, this happened back on July 12th. 

Now:  Gohmert's revelation about the Chinese theft of Hilliary's official emails while she was SecState--meaning the Chinese knew everything the US. government was doing and thinking as soon as Hilliary did--was made about 4 days ago.  You'd think that as explosive as the mere claim is, it would have made headlines in all the major papers, eh?

Hahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived in this country, stranger.

Not a peep from the liberal media.

But here's the telltale:  There has been no response whatsoever from the Clinton camp, or from Democrats.

They're ignoring it, hoping no voters will notice.  Cuz, see, four months before the 2016 election, FBI director James "snake" Comey testified before congress that Hilliary hadn't done anything wrong in conducting all official business on a private email server.  Oh sure, maybe she'd broken federal law on handling classified info by sending that info to her private server, but he quickly added that because he found no intent, he assured voters that no federal agent would indict her.

Comey also assured voters that the FBI had found no evidence whatsoever that any foreign power had hacked into Hilliary's private, unencrypted, unsecured email server.  And since Comey was head of the FBI, everyone believe his testimony.  Problem solved!  Hilliary cruises to a win!  Yay!!
So after Strzok's bombshell, one party has offered what the mainstream media are quoting as a defense:  The FBI issued a statement that the agency had found no evidence that Hilliary's server had been hacked.  But "found no evidence" doesn't disprove the claim.  Just means they didn't look very hard.  But of course the media is pushing this with not a trace of demurral.


Democrat rep threatens federal agents: 'If you enforce the law we will prosecute you.'

“If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned: When the worm turns you will not be safe because you were just following orders. You do not have to take part in illegal acts ordered by this President's administration.”
Notice how cunningly this would-be tyrant lied that the officials he's "warning" are deporting Americans.  No they're not.  They're deporting illegal alien invaders, period.

And let's be perfectly clear:  Valid, long-standing U.S. law calls for aliens who enter the U.S. illegally, or who overstay their visas, to be deported.  So the Democrat is threatening to punish federal officers for enforcing a valid law.  This is an abomination.  But it's now the position of the Democrat party.   

They want open borders, and to abolish ICE.  It's their clearly stated, unequivocal position.

Here's a little thought experiment:  How many of these obscenely ignorant, treasonous Democrats do you think would leave the doors to their home wide open every night for a month?


QED.  Lying, hypocritical rat-bastards.

Oh, you think I'm kidding about this being the position of the mainstream of Dem leaders?  Here's the Dem governor of New York calling ICE "thugs" and saying his state is suing the agency:

PC college adminishits ban 9/11 memorial service...cuz :it might offend Muslims"

"Administrators" (dictators) at Ripon College (Wisconsin) have issued a decree that a memorial service planned to commemorate the attacks of  September 11, 2001 will not be allowed to be held on campus, because...wait for it... it may offend Muslim students.

The adminishits cited "bias reports" made by Muslims during last year’s Sept. 11 memorial project.

The school's "Bias Protocol Board"--seriously, they actually set up that piece of crap--said the project "creates an environment where students from a Muslim background would feel singled out and/or harassed.”  So because a "board" set up by the adminishits ruled the way the adminishits wanted,  students won't be allowed to do a single thing in remembrance of the victims of Sept. 11.

The adminishits claimed their ruling is justified “because radical Islamist terrorists ‘represent a small percentage of the terrorist attacks that happened to this country [REALLY??], and they don’t represent the full gamut, and they show a very small picture of a specific religion or nationality instead of the larger viewpoint.’”

Virtually all college administrators are pencil-neck pansies, who believe America sucks, and American values--like freedom and free speech--are trivial and not worth having.  By contrast, they love socialism and Islam, which demand total obedience.  So there seems to be a real masochistic thing going on with these worthless scum.

Rather than confront radical Islamist terrorism for what it is--evil--they're determined to cower from the truth.

Virtually all college "administrators" are communist pencil-dicks. They're also grossly overpaid.  And the adminishits at Ripon College in Wisconsin are excellent examples.

The best exchange of the mid-term election, right here

In Texas, conservative senator Ted Cruz is facing off against a socialist, gun-grabbing Democrat, Beto O'Rourke.  The race provides a great contrast between the philosophy of the two parties.

At a town-hall meeting in Texas, Cruz was explaining the differences between himself and his Democrat opponent, O’Rourke.  When Cruze began, “On the Second Amendment...” a gun-rights supporter (i.e. pro-second-Amendment) shouted “Come and take it!”--a rallying cry for Americans daring politicians to try to confiscate guns.

That triggered an apparent O’Rourke supporter, who had been heckling Cruz, to yell out, “Oh, we will!”

Cruz then described the exchange:  “The best exchange of the entire election: on the Second Amendment, 'Come and take it,' and the Beto O’Rourke supporter screams, ‘Oh, we will.’ … The question is, is Texas gonna stand up and defend our freedom?”  Cruz continued:
And just to be clear that this young man is accurately representing Congressman O’Rourke’s position, Congressman O’Rourke has tweeted to the world how proud he is that he has an “F” rating from the NRA.  And he’s campaigning on it, [saying] a major reason you should vote for him is that he has an “F” rating from the NRA.
    [E]lections are about choices.  If you want a big government, gun-grabbing liberal, Democrats are giving you one.
That won a long standing ovation from the crowd.

If you believe the Founders really didn't think "regular" Americans could be trusted to own guns, vote Democrat in November.  By contrast, if you think the Founders knew what they were doing, and believed every person was entitled to self-defense, and that an armed populace was the only defense against an abusive central government, vote Republican. 

August 29, 2018

Dem candidate for Cali governor announces push to give "free" medical to...can ya guess?

California has more homeless people than any other state, clogged and crumbling roads, massive unpaid bills, some of America’s highest taxes and some of its worst public school systems.

But don't worry, citizen:  the Democrat candidate for governor--a cunning snake, former mayor of San Fran named Gavin Newsom--has used his brilliant leadership experience to come up with a Plan.

He proposes to give "free" health care to..what, maybe poor retirees?  Disabled veterans?  Citizens injured by accidents caused by the million or so illegal immigrants who somehow manage to drive without insurance?

Not even close.  He proposes to give "free" health care to...illegal immigrant invaders.

The former mayor of San Francisco said “I did universal health care when I was mayor...regardless of pre-existing condition, ability to pay [or] immigration status. I’d like to see that extended to the rest of the state. San Francisco is the only universal health-care plan for all undocumented residents in America.”

Ya know, I'm not from Cali but I seriously doubt that even the magnificent Newsome "did" universal health care for every resident in that city.  I suspect only city workers, the poor and illegals got it, and everyone else made their own arrangements, at their own expense--while paying for the "free" bennies generously "given" to Newsome's grateful supporters at taxpayer expense.

And now he wants to extend this vast, costly "free" benefit to illegals in the entire state.

The state can't even begin to afford it.  And moreover, Newsom and his self-proclaimed "progressive" supporters are probably too dumb to realize that giving such a huge benefit to illegals will simply increase the already huge incentive for the world's residents to sneak into the U.S. across our undefended border.

And if you think the astronomical cost of Newsome's brazen vote-bribing would be limited to taxpayers in California, think again:  Newsom would achieve universal health-care coverage for illegal immigrants by expanding the state’s Medicaid program, which is known as Medi-Cal.  And guess who pays two-thirds of the cost of THAT benefit.

American taxpayers. 

Newsom’s promise is particularly bad news for middle-class Californians. They don’t have high-paying jobs in tech or entertainment that enable them to live in places like Newsom’s posh Russian Hill neighborhood in San Francisco, send their kids to private schools, pay cash for medical concierge services, or drive Teslas or other luxury cars.

Some California cities are even starting to water down the voting rights of citizens by letting illegal immigrants vote in local elections.  And of course the state's totally Democrat-ruled legislature and Dem governor refuse to even consider any requirement to show a photo ID to vote, thus encouraging illegals to vote in elections for congress and the president.

Cool, eh?

This utter, total insanity has to end.  Someone has to stand up and say "We can't do this."  But between corrupt Dem pols, Dem-run government unions and rich, ultra-leftist coastal elites, ain't gonna happen.

That leaves action up to Congress [spit].  Which won't do anything.

Ramp to insolvency...this way.

"I used to want to be able to read minds. But then..."

Chinese company got copies of Clinton's emails throughout her term as SecState; FBI knew and ignored!

If you believe our FBI and DOJ should pursue justice instead of lying and ignoring foreign espionage to help Democrats, the following story should make your damn blood boil!

Remember when the lying rat-bastard snake James "Traitor" Comey testified before congress about Hilliary Clinton's private, unsecured email server in her home, while she was Obama's Secretary of State? 

Because her server was unencrypted and unsecure, the committee was rightfully concerned that by setting up the private server to do ALL OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT, the treasonous bitch had exposed all the government's secrets to foreign powers.  So one of the big questions the committee asked Comey was, "Do you have any evidence that Secretary Clinton's server was hacked or accessed by any foreign power?"

The lying bastard--Comey--swore to congress--in front of the TV cameras broadcasting to the whole damn country--that the FBI "had no evidence that her server had been hacked by any foreign country."

Well guess what, Sparky.  He lied.

Are you shocked?  I'm not.  The guy's a smooth, charming snake.  A treasonous bastard.  Should be executed.  The details:
A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C. area got a copy of virtually every email sent to Hillary Clinton’s private email server throughout her entire reign as Secretary of State. 
Worse yet, the firm got those copies in real-time.  Including all the beyond-Top-Secret attachments Cheryl Mills faxed to her from the secure, encrypted State Department computer facility in Washington.  (Mills would print out the Top Secret messages and cut off the huge, bold-face classification warnings before faxing to Clinton.)
The Chinese company pulled off this trick by hacking into Clinton's server and embedding a routine that sent a copy of every email to the company.
Some of this was revealed in a hearing July 12th before the House Committee on the Judiciary.  At that meeting Rep. Louie Gohmert said that the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) had found that virtually all of Clinton's emails were sent to a "foreign entity."  He didn't identify the nation but said it wasn't Russia.

Naturally all the big alphabet networks, and the super-investigators at the WaPo and NYSlimes jumped right on this bombshell, right?  You remember the big headlines, right?

You don't?  Gosh, that's odd, cuz...oh wait:  They didn't say or print a single word about it.  Gee, that's odd.

And wait...cuz as unbelievable as it sounds, it gets even worse:
Two officials with the ICIG, investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan, met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion, according to a former intelligence officer with expertise in cybersecurity issues, who was briefed on the matter. He spoke anonymously, as he was not authorized to publicly address the Chinese's role with Clinton's server.
Among those FBI officials [briefed on the fact that the Chinese were getting copies of Clinton's emails] was Peter Strzok, who was then the bureau's top counterintelligence official.   Strzok didn't act on the information the ICIG provided him, according to congressman Gohmert.
Gohmert mentioned in the Judiciary Committee hearing that ICIG officials told Strzok and three other top FBI officials that they found an "anomaly" on Clinton's server.
The former intelligence officer TheDCNF spoke with said the ICIG "discovered the anomaly pretty early in 2015."
Buried in the header and footer of all the emails the ICIG found that a line of code that sent a 'courtesy copy' to a Chinese public company that was involved in collecting intelligence for China, the former intelligence officer told TheDCNF.  Since no one on Clinton's staff--including the corrupt computer tech who set up the private server--ever bothered to look at the headers, no one noticed the fatal instruction.
The intelligence officer declined to name the Chinese company.
Now:  What we have here is a "separator:"  Just the claim is a total bombshell revelation, one that would make the headlines of any honest "news" outlet.  So watch the Washington Post and NY Times for the next couple of days to see if they say anything.  See which members of congress try to learn more, and which try to block that move.

Remember, Peter Strzok was officially the FBI's "top counterintelligence officer."  If Strzok was willing to totally ignore this level of penetration of the communications of our Secretary of State by a foreign power, it's solid evidence that he was totally corrupt.  If true, he should be executed, quickly, to show others the price for treason.

If there are any honest, uncorrupt officials at the FBI--a proposition I'm beginning to seriously doubt--they need to come forward and help us clear out the traitors.

Finally, let's return to James Comey's swearing to congress that the FBI "found no evidence that Secretary Clinton's server had been hacked by a foreign power."  He almost certainly knew this was a lie--but uttered it anyway.  Because his entire purpose was to assure voters that Clinton's use of a private, unsecured email server to conduct ALL official government business--including sending and receiving classified (which he further lied about, saying all they found was the lowest level of classified material)--was not a prosecutable offense.

To get voters to ignore this he HAD to claim that her use of the server to send and receive classified didn't result in any betrayal of secrets to a foreign power.

We're within a hair's-breadth of being so far down the chute that no recovery will be possible.

August 27, 2018

While our media and schools are teaching your kids to tolerate these children...

Liberals and Democrats absolutely don't believe this:


August 26, 2018

How to determine whether you're a Democrat, Republican or Southerner

To see whether you are, at heart, a Democrat, Republican or a Southerner, how would you respond to the following scenario?
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and children.  Suddenly a terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, sees you, screams "Allahu akhbar!", raises the knife and charges.

You're carrying a Kimber 1911 .45 ACP and you are an expert shot.
You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.
What do you do?
If you answered any of the following, you're definitely a Democrat:
  • "I need more information to answer the question."
  • "What's a Kimber 1911 .45 ACP"?
  • "Does the man look poor or oppressed?"
  • "How can I be sure he wants to harm us?"
  • "It's impossible to draw any conclusions without being guilty of profiling!"
  • "If he wants to kill us, we must have done something to offend him.  We have to find out what we did to him to determine the best response."
  • "Could we run away?"
  • "I need to ask my wife what she thinks we should do." 
  • "If the 'Kimber' thing is a gun, I could swing it like a club and knock the knife out of his hand."
  • "I can't answer until you tell me what the law says I can do in this situation.  Obeying the law is always the top priority."
  • "Do I have the appropriate state and city permit to have this Kimber gun-thing?"
  • "Your scenario is unrealistic:  I would never carry a loaded gun.  What kind of message does this send to society and to my children?"
  • "Is it possible he'd be satisfied to only kill me, and let my wife and kids run away?"
  • "There's no way to be sure he wants to actually to kill us.  Maybe he'd be content just to stab us non-fatally.  If that's the case, it would be unfair of me to shoot him."
  • "I'd call 9-1-1." 
  • "If this street wasn't deserted, someone would save my family.  And it's Trump's fault that the  street is deserted, cuz he cruelly wouldn't spend the money to restore our neglected cities!"
  • "I need to ask my friends what they'd do." 
  • "This is a stupid question!  People don't go around stabbing complete strangers in the street!  Oh, you say this really happens in Germany, France, Belgium and Sweden?  Hmph.  I don't believe you."
  • "What do Germans do when this happens?"
............ .......... ........ ..... ......... ....... ........ ........ .
Republican's answer:
  • BANG!
............ ....... ...... ........ ......... ........ .......... ....
Southerner's answer:
  • BANG ! BANG! BANG! BANG!  Click..... 

August 25, 2018

Dems respond to Tibbetts's murder by illegal invader

Elizabeth Warren claims murder of Mollie Tibbetts by alien invader isn't a "real problem"

Wanna see how the Democrat leaders think?  Here ya go: A reporter was interviewing leading Democrat senator Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren the day after we learned that Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts had been murdered by an illegal alien from Mexico.

Warren's response?
I know this is hard for her family, but they have to remember that we need to focus on real problems like illegal immigrants not being able to see to their kids.
See, to top Democrats an illegal invader murdering an American citizen isn't really a problem.  Instead the REAL problem is mumble mumble bullshit bullshit anything else.

This is the real Democrat party.  It's what they believe.  It's how they think.  If you're an American citizen you mean nothing to them except if you vote for 'em.  What the care about is open borders, so we can be invaded by even more illegals.

Until you're a minority in what used to be your own country.

August 24, 2018

Everything you need to know about the leaders of the Democrat party and their media allies


August 23, 2018

CNN's Cuomo equates Mollie Tibbetts's *murder* with temporarily separating invader kids

Wanna see how much the talking heads of the Lying Media, and the leaders of the Democrats, hold you and all whites in utter contempt?  Consider this from CNN shitmeister Chris Cuomo:

Cuomo ran a clip of the president, speaking about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal alien invader.  The president said:
Mollie Tibbetts was an incredible young woman who was permanently separated from her family.  A person came in, from Mexico, illegally, and killed her. We need the wall, we need our immigration laws changed.
The president's statement made Shithead Cuomo--brother of the equally loathesome governor of New York, who recently said "America was never that great"--see red.  Cuomo retorted,
“Permanently separated." It’s as obvious as it is offensive.  So he cares about Mollie Tibbetts more than people who don’t believe in separating kids from parents? Or treating undocumented immigrants like dogs?  Please. What that tells you, that even in this moment, talking about Mollie Tibbetts, he still has to play to political advantage.
    And it is proof that he still doesn’t want to own what he did to those kids, and many of them are still waiting to get back with their parents, we have not forgotten.
I'll try to use small words to explain this to Cuomo and Elizabeth Warren and that moron poly-sci prof from Fordham--all of whom were utterly contemptuous about Mollie's murder:  Chris, you idiot, you flaming asshole:  Here's the huge difference, which all you enemies of the good deliberately choose to ignore:  Mollie's separation from her family is permanent, because--now try hard to follow me here--she was MURDERED. 

By infinitely huge contrast, the kids at the border were merely TEMPORARILY separated from people who claimed to be their parents but often weren't.  They were NOT killed.  Their separation is temporary.  Moreover, even this TEMPORARY separation arises from the fact that the adults who actually did bring their kids with them--knowing that in the past, coming in with kids would win the illegal invader a free pass--did this illegal act of their own free will.

Mollie didn't get a choice.

Chris, you bitched that Trump played to "political advantage."  But that's exactly what you just did, trying to pretend your wonderful illegal aliens aren't murdering and raping Americans every day.  Which is the same bullshit Lieawatha and other leading Dems are spewing.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Cuomo couldn't possibly have said this!  It shows the contempt too blatantly.  Voters won't like it."  Okay, watch the video clip of him saying it:

May you and your fellow ghouls die in a fire and be tortured in hell.  End of transmission.

August 21, 2018

Astonishing: MTV awards show features asshole saying "Suck it, Trump"

Last night "MTV" held their annual award show.  The thing seemed to be designed to fan the flames of anti-Trump insanity.  One example was a creature named Kevin Hart, who must be someone important.

On a live program Hart bitched about "old white men," which the white guys who run MTV undoubtedly thought was edgy and cute.

Then Hart added "In your face, Trump.  Suck it."

Not a single outlet--print or broadcast--in the entire country said a single critical word.

Y'know, I don't recall a single instance of anyone on television saying "Suck it, Obama."  Or anything remotely similar.  One wonders how the Lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if someone had said this same thing about the emperor Obama on national TV.

Interesting.  Obviously freedom of speech.  But what can the guys who run MTV be thinking by putting this on their annual awards show--presumably watched by millions of young Americans?  It's beyond stupid.

In their insane hatred of Trump, creatures like Hart and the morons who run MTV are fanning the flames of hate to white-hot.  It's...beyond stupid.

Fifty years ago today, Russian tanks invaded Czechoslovakia--eyewitness account

If you're a college student--or an adult Democrat who likes socialism--you need to read this.

Fifty years ago today, Russian tanks invaded was then Czechoslovakia to put an end to what was being called the "Prague spring."  That was a slight loosening of travel and speech restrictions, allowing some residents to travel to West Germany.

The Soviet leaders saw this as a huge threat, because they had constantly told their captive people that socialism was a marvelous system and was out-producing the West.  According to Sov propaganda, citizens of all the countries under Soviet control had abundant luxuries that the mean capitalists were unwilling to let their residents have.  The Soviet leaders didn't want local Czechs to come back and tell the truth.

This link is to an essay by a college student who lived through it.  He seems to have been about 20 at the time.  Read what he and his friends experienced.  This is the real face of socialism.

August 19, 2018

Leftists and the "zero-sum" model

Most of you have heard the phrase "zero-sum game."  That's good, cuz that'll figure prominently below.

I'm always amused when I hear Leftists, like Ocasio-Cortez or Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren, bleat that capitalism is evil, and that the U.S. only became rich and prosperous by stealing [something] from [some oppressed group].

This belief is particularly strong among young college kids who go overseas for the first time.  Understandably, they're thrilled and entranced by how delightful the residents of other countries are.  I felt the same way hitchhiking around Europe at 19.  Very understandable.  "They" seem just like us.  And indeed, the enlightened ones are.  But there's also a big group who aren't.

Where it goes south is that the professors of these young Americans have fed them the "party line"--that everything in life is a zero-sum game.  For those under 30 or so, that means that the ONLY way for one party to "win" something is for another party to lose exactly the same quantity.

The seductive thing about this model is that in some areas it's so obviously true.  For example, when countries are fighting over territory, one nation's gain must be matched by an identical loss on the other side.  Similarly for politics:  If one side gains seats, another side must lose the same number.  Earnest (but naive) young people instantly recognize both these examples, so they logically assume those models are valid for...well, everything.

But as should be obvious to educated people, lots of things don't obey the zero-sum model.

"Wait...It seems so obviously true.  So when doesn't it apply?"

Thanks for asking.  Take the example of an experimenter who develops the 4-stroke piston engine.  He patents it.  Entrepreneur licenses the patent, builds a plant, buys lathes and boring machines and forges and builds engines based on that patent.  Voila!--automobiles.

Has society gained a huge amount?  Sure.  So who lost, to offset this gain, so as to maintain the zero-sum?

Two brothers from Ohio experiment with wings.  They add a 4-stroke engine, and on December 17th, 1903 they make the first documented heavier-than-air flight.  Twenty-four years later a single pilot flies non-stop from New York to Paris.  Twenty years after that, commercial passenger service across the Atlantic.

Did humans gain something of huge usefulness?  Sure.  So who lost?

In 1947 Shockley et al--building on the work of others back to 1920--invented the transistor.  It was clunky but definitely a huge advance.  Eleven years later an entrepreneur morphed that into a silicon-based "integrated circuit"--with conductors engraved by light, containing a whopping five transistors.

Using essentially the same process, your smart-phone now puts a Billion transistors on a single chip.  More elaborate integrated circuits contain 15 Billion transistors on a single chip.

Think that's a huge win for humans?  You bet.  So who lost to make that win possible?

Hopefully you get it.

But the Left either doesn't, or claims not to.  They're stuck in an obsolete paradigm--the zero-sum model.  But as they see it, anyone who doesn't agree with 'em is "a tool of the Establishment" or some such bullshit.

So the next time you hear some socialist asshole spouting that the U.S. is evil, or free markets are a "tool of the capitalist oppressors," ask to borrow his smart-phone.  Then throw it on the pavement as hard as you can, and stomp on it.  When he or she screams at you and asks why you did it, tell 'em you wanted to free them from oppression.

Okay, obviously just kidding.  But gently remind them that "zero-sum" is a model for children.

"Sea level is rising! OMG! We'll all be killed!" Uh...wait a sec...

If you live near a coast you've undoubtedly read breathless newspaper articles about how fast sea level is rising, and "OMG we're all gonna' lose our homes!!!"

Virtually all these stories are press releases from outfits with innocuous-sounding names like "First Street Foundation."  They email stories to coastal newspapers, whose editors know a great "hook" story when they see one.  They eagerly run 'em, and instantly another 100,000 voters become convinced that
  • the planet is warming at a rate never before seen, and one that's dangerous;
  • the warming isn't due to "natural" causes--no, no, not at all, no way--but to increases in the amount of...CO2;
  • this allegedly dangerous increase in CO2 isn't coming from "natural" sources like volcanoes or fractional increases in the temperature of the ocean (which holds a billion times more CO2 than the air), but instead is due mainly to humans burning fossil fuels;
Of course 99.99% of readers of those papers--having essentially no background in science--have no way to rebut any of those claims, so they're easy pickins' for the scary articles.

But let's examine a graph of sea level rise with time--like the one below.  Sure enough, between the left and right ends it looks like sea levels have risen almost 15 meters!  OMG!!

But when you look a bit closer, a couple of things get clearer:  First, that entire rise was completed 2000 years ago--which, if I recall history correctly, was before humans started burning fossil fuels in any measurable quantity.

If so, what could have caused sea level to rise 15 meters by Roman times?

It's a mystery.  But it certainly was NOT human activity.

So let's look even closer.  Here's how sea level has changed in the last 300 years:

Most readers: "OMG!! Look at how fast it's going up!  Sell your coastal home NOW!  We're all gonna' DIE!!!"

But on closer inspection we see a couple of interesting things:  First, the unlabeled vertical axis is in millimeters, giving a rate of increase of about 1.7 millimenters per year since 1825, or about one-sixteenth of an inch per year.  If that rate keeps up, it would give 2.5 inches in 40 years.

The second thing to note is that the observed rise--which began after the cold snap called the "Little Ice Age"--started over a century before humans began using significant amounts of fossil fuel.  So again, humans weren't causing that rise--which again raises the question: What caused it?

The "OMG!" organizations don't have any explanation.  Instead they count on you being too busy working and raising your kids to look up the relevant date, or to realize what graphs like the two above imply.

"But surely," you think, "some of these organizations (and there are scores of 'em) must have scientists on staff who know about the historic sea levels, and their meaning in the debate over whether there's really a problem caused by human activity.  How can they ignore the obvious points just noted?"

Ah, now we're getting interesting.  Seems to me the folks heading up the OMG! organizations are one of two types:  One type is making a six-figure income from founding non-profits that get leftist bucks for doing PR work warning about global disaster.  The folks in this group rarely have a scientific background but do have PR experience.  They specialize in "cause-based marketing," regardless of the subject.

The second type has a science background, but they willfully ignore any data that don't support their theory of human-caused, CO2-driven global warming.  Its hard to imagine that the members of this group are simply unaware of the data that debunk their theory, but that might explain a small fraction.

But from what I can see, most of the scientific types are ignoring the contradictory data have an agenda:  They want the U.S. to drastically reduce our use of fossil fuels.  Reason is, our productivity is linked to the amount of energy we use.  If you sharply curb energy use, what effect do you think that will have on our total output?

If that sounds paranoid to ya', take a look at the way these "experts" have structured EVERY climate agreement:  China, India and third-world nations have no meaningful restrictions.  In fact, for some years after the first Paris climate agreement China was opening an average of one new coal-fired powerplant every WEEK.  And not a peep from U.S. negotiators (socialist quislings).

Let me quickly add here that finding more-energy-efficient ways to do things is great.  LED lighting, better home insulation, 25-watt laptops instead of 250-watt "desktop computers--all those are great.  But doubling the price of a kilowatt-hour of electricity by forcing the closing of coal-fired plants, as Obama's EPA dictated?  No, thanks.

How the Deep State and Obama corrupted a well-intentioned law

As every American citizen knows, our Constitution explicitly says lawmaking is the sole responsibility of...what?


The Constitution doesn't give the president the power to make or change laws, but instead orders the president to "take care that the Laws be faithfully executed." (Article 2 section 3 if you wanna check.)

If a president instructs or allows an Executive-branch agency changes a law, that clearly violates the Constitution, and any judge who is honest and understands the clear and unambiguous meaning of the Constitution (and trust me, many of them don't) should quickly agree.

Unfortunately, well over half the judges now on the bench are eager to support a clearly unconstitutional rule or act if it advances the interests of the Democrat party.

If you find that hard to believe, here's example #956,034: 

In the late 1960's Americans were beginning to recognize that pollution was a huge problem.  Environmentalists pressured congress to do something, but congresscritters had a hard time finding Constitutional authority to regulate industries--something that had been regarded as a state responsibility.

But liberals hit on a workaround:  Interstate commerce often moved by river, and the Constitution explicitly gave the federal government the sole right to regulate interstate commerce.  So based on that power, congress declared that it had the power to regulate all "navigable waters" in the country.  From there it was an easy jump to claim the power to control all uses of such "navigable waters," as well as any discharge into such waters.

In 1972 congress formalized this decree by passing the "Clean Water Act."  But within weeks the communists in the Deep State EPA began trying to expand the definition of "navigable waters"  to include EVERY molecule of water in the country.

Anyone who understands English knows that the term "navigable waters" means bodies of water large enough to be used for transport by ships.  But the usual meaning of words meant nothing to Democrats bent on grabbing more power.  So as early as 1973 the EPA simply declared that "navigable waters" really included "...all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds.
 Now, for the courts to accept this breathtaking power grab, the EPA would have to show that when congress used the term "navigable waters," they actually meant the bizarre, illogical definition the EPA was now claiming.  This was...difficult, and the U.S. supreme court repeatedly rejected it.

But radicals in the EPA kept coming up with new rationalizations, hoping one would persuade the court.  Among the absurd arguments the EPA has used, they've claimed they had the authority to regulate ponds that were not linked to any river and were entirely within a single state because...wait for it...those ponds were used by migratory birds.  Since the birds flew across state lines, the EPA claimed that allowed it to regulate the pond under.. the Interstate Commerce clause!

Another absurd claim made by the EPA to try to control lakes entirely within a single state (thus hardly "navigable waters" was that since lakes, rivers, and streams were often used by residents of other states for recreation, this brought them under EPA regulation because of the Interstate Commerce clause.

Still another claim the EPA tried was that since fish caught in a lake lying entirely within one state could conceivably be sold in another state...Interstate Commerce, thus EPA could regulate.
I'm not kidding.  These claims have been made by the agency, in federal courts.

In a rare victory for common sense, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected all these obvious efforts to expand the agency's power.  But the wackos in the EPA kept trying, regardless of which party won the presidency. 

The most recent attempt came in June of 2015, when Obama authorized the EPA to declare that any seasonal stream of water--including marshes and wetlands--would now be considered “navigable waters,” making them subject to EPA control.

Like the earlier efforts noted above, this was a breathtaking power-grab, especially in light of prior Supreme Court rulings that seemed to bar exactly this action.

Of course a rational person would think that if one president could unilaterally change the law to do X, a subsequent president could undo that change, right?  And Trump did indeed try to undo Obama's unconstitutional--and repeatedly court-denied--power grab.  The rollback to the original definition was published in the Federal Register on February 6, 2018--and of course you can guess what happened.

A member of the professional litigator class immediately sued to block the rollback.  And as has happened with so many other efforts to put the liberal genie back in the bottle, yesterday a federal judge in South Carolina ruled that the Trump administration didn’t give proper notice when it rolled back Obama’s “Waters of the United States (WOTUS)" rule.”  Which means the EPA and Corps of Engineers will continue to regulate all private property that contains a mud flat, wet meadow, intermittent stream, pond or drainage ditch, on the absurd claim that these are "navigable waters."

The EPA has used this power to levy a huge fine on farmers who sought to reduce erosion of topsoil by contour-plowing their land.  Since erosion is a huge problem, this seems quite reasonable.  But with characteristic government efficiency, the EPA said it wasn't permitted.

Under the definition pushed by Obama's EPA, any part of a farmer's field that could collect seasonal water is subject to EPA regulation.  Farmers have been fined even for moving dirt from a high area to a low one, or for applying fertilizer or pesticide to their crops without getting EPA permission first

According to this ruling, Trump is bound not by the wording of the law, but by Obama's decree changing it.

Specifically, the judge ruled that the Trump rollback violated a thing called the "Administrative Procedure Act" (APA), which requires public notice for any changes to regulations and to articulate the reasoning behind the change.  Of course you'd think that publication of the change in the Federal Register would be notice, but apparently...well, who knows?

Ironically, the APA was designed to prevent agencies from making administrative  rules that were unlawful, but is now being used against Trump when he simply reinstates the policies that were in place for decades before Obama unilaterally changed them.

Unintended consequences, maybe?

If you have a strong stomach for legal bullshit, here's a link to one case that slapped down the EPA when it first tried to claim it had the legal authority to regulate every bit of water in the U.S

Here's a release from the EPA from 2008, after a different court slapped them down for the same reason.  You'll see that the pencil-neck socialists reiterate their bullshit claim that "navigable waters" includes every drop of water in the country, and say they're "studying the opinion and may provide additional guidance on the issue."

Translation:  As soon as we can find a friendly judge in a different circuit, we intend to try again.  Of course the election of Da Won made things infinitely easier, cuz no one was willing to buck the Divine Emperor.


Former FBI agent Peter Strzok.  This guy is creepy.  And almost certainly corrupt. 

Of course liberals and Democrats think the fact that he texted his mistress "We will stop him" (referring to the then-longshot possibility that Trump might conceivably win the election) is absolutely fine--just free speech, right?  We should ignore the clear intent of the text, cuz Strzok assures us that his white-hot hate for Trump didn't affect his work one iota.  And he and Dems demand that you take his word for it.  Cuz FBI.

Is that supposed to be reassuring?

August 17, 2018

IMF wants Spain to import 5 million African "migrants"--supposedly to make Spain's pension fund solvent??

If you want proof that the socialist leaders of the EU are either crazy or dumb or actively trying to destroy European countries, consider this:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has declared that Spain must import more 5.5 million illiterate, unskilled, uneducated migrants by 2050.

At this point people with an IQ over room temperature are asking, "Why the hell does the IMF get a voice in Spanish immigration policy?"

Glad you asked.  The reason the IMF states (which is a flat lie, but the morons will buy it, cuz "experts") is that they need to do this "to fund the pension system."

The person most responsible for pushing this is socialist Christine Lagarde.  The purported reason is that like every other socialist country, Spain has lots of people who are nearing retirement, but doesn't have enough working people to pay for their promised pensions.  Both those things are true (and may strike you as very familiar).

The obvious fix is to get more people working, thus contributing to the pension system.

Here's the flaw--and it's both obvious and fatal:  Right now 3.5 million Spaniards are unemployed.  So the country doesn't need any more people looking for work.  The situation is even worse for young Spaniards: the country’s youth unemployment rate is a staggering 34 percent.

So importing more bodies looking for unskilled work won't put more people to work.

Amazingly, Democrats and socialists (including Lagarde) don't understand that.

Of course you can't believe anyone educated enough to be a government leader could possibly not grasp that, right?  Well, Spain's minister for Social Security, Octavio Granado told voters that only by welcoming newcomers from Africa can the nation “maintain our lifestyle.”  So he definitely doesn't get it.

“Our social protection system needs millions of contributors,” he said, in response to the opposition Popular Party protesting that Spain “cannot absorb millions of Africans who want to come to Europe in search of a better future”.

Spain's foreign minister Josep Borrell said Spaniards should be grateful for an influx of illegal immigrants from the world’s poorest and most violent regions, saying “Europe’s demographic evolution shows that unless we want to gradually turn into an ageing continent, we need new blood, and it doesn’t look like this new blood is coming from our capacity to procreate.”

So none of 'em get it.  But worse yet, think how many billions of euros Spain will be paying in welfare and housing for the 5.5 million "immigrants," for most of their lives.  Seems to me that has to be a huge net loss, even if some of 'em eventually get jobs.

Read the whole article here.

August 16, 2018

Should the U.S. have two sets of laws--one for the elites and one for regular people?

For some years now I've been mulling over what the Left has been doing to our beloved country--which is, trying to get every citizen to accept the notion that there are two tiers, two classes of citizens:  One class must obey a harsh set of laws, while the other class--much smaller, composed of people who consider themselves"elites"-- can break virtually all laws with impunity--no punishment at all.

Seems ta' me that a huge majority of Americans reject that notion, and are angered (though to widely different degrees) when the "elites" escape punishment for a crime that would have the non-elite sentenced to jail.  So yes, it's a fairness issue.

In any case, here's my conclusion:
If you pass a law or put forth a rule, I will do everything in my power to see that you suffer the exact same penalty under it that you have imposed on the rest of us.
And if you even seek to escape punishment for breaking a law or rule you've imposed on the rest of us, or if you try to rig the system to exempt one of your friends from the same, you will have forfeited any claim you have to hold whatever office you hold.

I will not be subject to any rule or law you make if you permit you or your friends to be free of that same rule.
Ironically, the Left screams that they're all about fairness, and yet they have no trouble at all with this two-tier system, with different rules for the two different classes.  It's interesting that no one has called 'em on this yet.

Did liberal parents exploit their young daughters by having them walk around wearing this?

If you're offended by bad words, don't spend any time looking at the pic below. It shows three little girls, maybe 10, 9 and 8 years old. Two of 'em are wearing T-shirts bearing a very large logo saying "F*ck Trump."

Now, let's see if we can identify which scenario below is most likely:
  • Perhaps the pic is fake--a photoshop by a Trump supporter? or...
  • The two girls with the shirts are wizards at computer graphics, created the design and then got it printed using their allowance? or...
  • Their liberal, Trump-hating parents thought it would be a cute idea to have the two girls wear the shirts, for shock value.
Of course the last possibility couldn't possibly be true, cuz what parent with any sense of decency would exploit his or her young daughters this way?

Wait...on second thought....

Hilliary tweets gushing support for 6th-grader who took a knee during Pledge of Allegiance

Teachers and administrators in public schools routinely ban students from wearing T-shirts with pro-American or pro-Second-Amendment sentiments.  Democrats don't say a critical word.

But when a teacher reprimands a 6th-grader for kneeling during the pledge of allegiance--to protest against [insert comprehensive list of the Left's causes], no less a Democrat leader than Hilliary Clinton immediately tweets her praise and support.

Y'know, this Hilliary person sounds like a really great thinker, and seems to capture the mood of Democrats very well.  She should run for office!

For some great fun, read the comments attached to her tweet.  One commenter in particular seemed to nail it:
"You're so perceptive, such an inspiration to Americans.  I can't understand why you didn't win in 2016."
Here's another good one:
Thank you, Hilliary, for reminding Americans that they should protest injustice.  And in 2016 about 62 million of us did exactly that when we voted against you. 

To teenagers who want the U.S. to ban private ownership of guns...

Liberals: "Death to infidels"? They couldn't possibly mean that--really!

New York regulators stop a billion-dollar powerplant--already built--from generating electricity

I want to show you a textbook example of how corrupt officials cripple and ultimately kill what was once a nation of free enterprise doing great things.  Even though no one gets killed or threatened with death or the death of their child, the method is just as effective.

In New York, protests by "environmentalists" (actually socialists, but same result) have pressured state regulators into forcing a large nuclear powerplant to shut down in three years--which would leave the region short of electricity.

Since no one--not even the screaming, wailing, hair-pulling enviros and socialists--is willing to give up their use of electricity (just as they wail about the claimed deadly effect of global warming but still drive gasoline-powered cars), it was left to some adult, somewhere, to provide the demanded product.  The protesters had enough votes to pressure NY governor Andrew Cuomo to pressure state agencies to rule out a new nuclear plant, or coal-fired, but would have been fine with wind or solar.

Unfortunately those sources are AT BEST intermittent.  So unless residents would be okay with blackouts every day or two, that wouldn't do.  The topography wouldn't work for hydro.  And as noted, the greenies wouldn't allow a coal-fired plant.

Gosh, what does that leave?  How about...natural gas--the cleanest fossil fuel.  Much more costly than coal, but virtually non-polluting.

So a company--"Competitive Power Ventures" (CPV)--committed a Billion dollars to build a smallish 630-megawatt gas-fired powerplant.  Like all such ventures, not a single taxpayer dollar would be used to build the thing.  All private enterprise.  Free market in action, to keep supplying consumers with the electricity they demand.  And so far CPV has spent just under a billion dollars on the plant.

Unfortunately the company didn't pay off the politicians.  Not that it was doing anything illegal or unethical, but if you have a huge project in New York or Chicago or L.A. or Miami, you'd better be prepared to pay a few million in bribes or else..."Hey, dat pipe's an inch off the location on dis plat, so I'm gonna haf'ta shut dis project down while you see if youse can get da permit changed."
In this case the state agency with the knife to the company's throat is the Department of Environmental Conservation.

The plant was supposed to begin producing electricity last February, but that was delayed.  Was it because of mismanagement?  Shortage of materials?  Terrible rains (no doubt due to global warming)?  No.  It was delayed because the DEC refused to issue key environmental permits for construction of the pipeline that would supply natural gas to the plant.

Just FYI:  The interest on a billion-dollar loan means it costs CPV about $220,000 for each day of delay in producing electricity.

With the pipeline delay, the plant was now slated to start generating electricity on August 5th.  It didn't, because some time earlier the DEC told the company the "air permit" it had wouldn't cover operation, and that it needed a "Title V air permit " from the Environmental Protection Agency before it could renew its state permit.  The company applied for it, and four days before the plant was expected to begin commercial operation. the DEC announced it was refusing to renew the state "air permit."

"See, dis pipe is an inch off, so...."

Last Tuesday CPV sued the state and the DEC.  Neither the agency nor governor Cuomo's office responded to requests for comment Tuesday afternoon.

In its letter announcing its refusal to renew the state permit, the DEC told CPV that doing anything to cause emissions at the plant would break state and federal laws, threatening hefty fines if the plant fires up.

CPV immediately requested a hearing with the DEC on its decision to deny renewing the air permit.
But a hearing could take months or even a year to conclude--with the meter running at $220,000 per day.

Four days before CPV’s previous state air permit was scheduled to expire, company officials met with DEC staff.   The lawsuit claims DEC staff never mentioned that an additional permit was required in order to get the existing state air permit renewed.

Part of the problem may be that in 2016 Cuomo’s counsel, Alphonso David, ordered communication to cease between all state regulatory agencies and CPV, during a federal investigation that led to the conviction of a former top aide to Cuomo for soliciting bribes from a CPV executive.
Short answer: If a company wants to do a billion-dollar project in a big Dem-controlled state, the trick is to spend ten million to bribe top officials.  Is that a good system?  Hell no.  But in New York, Chicago, L.A. and other Dem hell-holes, it's the way you have to operate.

Remind me again:  What's the difference between Democrat rule and a third-world nation?

H/T Times Herald-Record.

Dems still pushing government control of all health care--still think Obamacare was a great success

Democrats and liberals constantly claim that other countries have far, far better health care than the U.S, and that what we need to do is change to their system, where the government funds (and thus controls) all health care.  Dems have given this the uninformative name "single payer."

Of course not everyone would be subject to this system.  Members of congress would undoubtedly create a "special" health-care system for themselves and their families--just as they did with Obamacare.  Indeed, this is the way all socialist countries work.  (The Dems cunningly included this provision in Obamacare in the hope that they could lure Republicans into voting for it.) 

Dems and their allies endlessly praise socialist health-care.  Here's socialist Bernie Sanders (who almost got the Democrat nomination last election): “In Cuba they have made some good advances in healthcare, they are sending doctors all over the world."

Of course that's Bernie, and many Democrats will happily claim he's not a "real" Democrat.  Okay, here's the co-chair of the Democratic National Committee, Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison:  “Cuba or Canada or Russia or a lot of places in this world spend half what we spend per capita, and they get better health outcomes than we do."

The "spend half" is probably right.  The claim that "they get better outcomes than we do" is crap.

Dictator-loving Democrat Jimmy Carter claimed “Castro brought superb systems of health care and education to his people.”

And of course emperor Obama: “The United States recognizes...that Cuba has made...enormous achievements”

Of course the Democrat party’s media wing totally supports this crap.  Here's PBS:
 “One of Cuba's greatest prides is its health care system." (PBS’s Ray Suarez.)

Here's CNN's Morgan Neil:  “Cuba could serve as 'a model for health care reform in the United States"

Here's ABC's Barbara Walters:  "Castro has brought great health-care to his country.”

But in reality, health care in socialist countries--or even nominally free-market countries that have nationalized health-care--sucks.  Even in relatively affluent Canada, the average wait for even such a basic diagnostic tool as an MRI is six months.  In the U.S. you can get one in an hour.

If the Dems succeed in nationalizing health-care, they'll tell you we'll have better outcomes at less cost.  Ask 'em about the U.K.'s health care, where the government has an actual policy of letting older patients die, by the painful method of depriving them of water.  They do this because they don't have enough beds available.  And the reason for that?  Government morons running things, who can't be fired and have no motivation to perform well.

Which of course is a universal problem with socialism.

August 15, 2018

Dem governor of NY says "America was never that great"

“We’re not going to make America great again.  America was never that great.”
        --New York Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo, in a speech today
Fox showed the video of this today.  It's the first 15 seconds of the vid below.  Had to link to the vid or else no Democrat would have believed it.

This is the Democrat party.  It's what they believe.  And they're trying their best to push the nation back to where it was under emperor Obama:  bowing to foreign leaders, retreating from any nation that growled, arming and supporting ISIS.  Crazy.

In Sweden, "immigrants" burn over 100 cars in a single night

Sweden has admitted more "immigrants" per capita than any other European nation, even Germany.

How has that worked out for 'em?

Well, in four major Swedish cities last week, un-specified "youths" set fire to a paltry 100 cars.  The simultaneous attacks in cities quite a distance apart suggests a coordinated effort.

In early 2016 Swedish police tried to rescue a 10-year-old boy who had allegedly been raped, but had to run for safety after being surrounded by an angry mob of "migrants.”

Essentially, the Swedes have lost control of large sections of their cities, which have become "no-go zones."

Democrat:  "Y'know, what those Swedes need borders!"

President finally revokes Clapper's security clearance; Clapper screams "he's taking away my free speech!"

At long last, the president finally revoked the security clearance of former CIA director (and Obama appointee) James Clapper.

Clapper retorts by absurdly claiming that the action was equivalent to censorship, or depriving him of his right of free speech.

This is such utter horse-shit that it shows the guy for a brazen liar:  The guy should know that revoking his security clearance leaves him free to say anything he wants to--he just can't legally acquire or leak classified information.

But of course Democrats (and low-info voters of any persuasion) will believe Clapper's bullshit claim that Trump is depriving him of the right of free speech--solely because the Lying Mainstream Media is echoing the ridiculous claim without a word of demurral.

Clapper's brazen lie about this really angers me.  And seems to be compelling evidence that the guy is a total liar, none of whose claims should be accorded a word of credibility.  The president should have revoked his clearance on his first day in office.

ABC "news" helped Mueller conceal that he'd fired Strzok and Page, and his reasons

Wanna see example 495,697 of how the Lying Mainstream Media teams with Democrats to shape public opinion and sabotage Trump?  Take a look:

450 days ago the Lying Media breathlessly announced the members of Robert Mueller’s “dream team” of investigators, who were determined to prove that Trump had inveigled Russia into helping him win the presidency.  Reporters gushed that Mueller would no doubt soon indict President Trump, some of his family and almost anyone else in his campaign—thus ending the Trump aberration.

While his team would eventually number 15 or so, the press was captivated by the résumés of his star players:
  • Peter Strzok
  • Lisa Page
  • Jeannie Rhee (a former attorney for the Clinton Foundation, then for Ben Rhodes, and for a bit Hillary Clinton) 
  • Andrew Weissman (Clinton zealot, Obama and DNC donor, and cheerleader to Sally Yates’s refusal to carry out a presidential order) 
  • Aaron Zebley (former attorney for Clinton staffer Justin Cooper, who set up Hilliary's private email server, and also smashed her smartphones with a sledgehammer to make it impossible to recover any data from them)
As I recall, all the members of Mueller's team ended up being Democrat supporters.  Because, fairness!

In any case:  Someone at the FBI must have tipped Mueller off that his two top stars (above) had sent thousands of texts to each other on their official government phones expressing their desire to prevent Trump from winning, because last August he quietly fired Strzok.

Then a month later, he did the same to Page.  But it's interesting that he didn't bother to announce the two releases to the public until early December.  And despite having the information on both at the same time, he seems to have staggered the dismissals to avoid raising suspicion about the pair.

One almost suspects that he was trying to protect the pair.

Fortunately the Mainstream Media was eager to help:  On September 28, 2017, ABC News reported that Lisa Page’s departure from the team was not a bit unusual, but was totally normal and expected.
The latest FBI veteran to leave, Lisa Page, was described by media accounts in June as a trial attorney with “deep experience [in] money laundering and organized crime cases....”  But weeks ago, Page left the Special Counsel’s office and returned to work in the office of the FBI’s general counsel, sources said.  According to one source, Page joined Mueller’s team on a short, temporary assignment and always expected to return as soon as that assignment ended.
First, it's obvious that the team's work wasn't finished, so the assignment hadn't ended in the normal sense.  Second, notice the gratuitous phrase listing her "deep experience in money laundering and organized-crime cases."  Has no link with the story, but plants the idea that such experience was relevant to the "collusion" investigation."

Similarly, check the unanswered (presumably because no interest) questions about Peter Strzok's departure a month earlier--particularly the euphemism "stepped away," which makes it appear that Strzok resigned voluntarily.  This is no accident; the reporters were being helpful to Mueller by concealing the reason.  Finally, note the gratuitous addition that Strzok "has been unanimously praised by government officials.
It’s unclear why Strzok stepped away from Mueller’s team.... Strzok, who has spent much of his law enforcement career working counterintelligence cases and has been unanimously praised by government officials who spoke with ABC News, is now working for the FBI’s human resources division. One source told ABC News today he’s sorry Mueller’s team no longer has Strzok’s experience and insight at its disposal.
The entire supposedly-leaked story was a puff-piece-- a careful concealment of the truth, orchestrated from the very top of either the FBI or Mueller investigation.  Neither the FBI nor Mueller wanted the public to link the couple, or delve into their firing, because it would have hurt the Narrative.

H/T to "American Greatness." 

Days after baker wins in Supreme Court against state commission on freedom of religion, same commission tries again!

If you follow national legal matters you may recall the case of the gay men who--as far as the media has told you--sued Christian baker Jack Phillips for refusing to bake a custom cake for their wedding.  The baker claimed being forced to bake a cake for a gay couple violated his first-amendment rights.

Lower courts, then appellate courts, ruled against Phillips, but he took his appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.  That court agreed with him.

Now the details--cuz the make a big difference if you're a target:  The same-sex couple didn't actually sue Phillips.  Instead they whined to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission--funded by taxpayers, thus immune to ordinary financial considerations.  The commission immediately agreed with them, and slapped a huge punitive fine on the baker.

The existence of a taxpayer-funded commission to punish bakers on behalf of a complainant is a huge distinction, because if a state sets up and funds a commission like that, it has essentially unlimited resources.  Moreover, complainants don't have to pay for an attorney.  Wheee!

And of course, guess who The Powers pick to staff "civil rights" commissions:  gays and lesbians.  So the conclusions are pretty much known beforehand.

Interestingly, the Colorado legislature didn't want that to be the case, so the enabling legislation specifically stated that the commission was to operate on a presumption of innocence.  But to the surprise of no one, the commission actually operates on a presumption of guilty as charged.

But as you might guess, commission shitheads hate being told "NO"--even by the U.S. Supreme Court.  And sure enough, they're going after Christian baker Jack Phillips again--this time because he declined to bake a cake celebrating transgenderism.

The same day the Supreme Court agreed to hear Phillips’ case, a lawyer called Phillips' bakery requesting a birthday cake, explaining that the occasion was to celebrate the seventh anniversary of her gender transition.

Phillips declined, saying he could not, in good conscience, bake a cake celebrating changing one's gender.  He offered to sell the lawyer a pre-designed cake.  At which point the lawyer — Autumn Scardina — filed a discrimination complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Two months ago — and just 24 days after the Supreme Court ruled in Phillips’ favor on the complaint by the same-sex couple— the commission moved against Phillips again, again claiming he'd violated the state’s anti-discrimination law.

Last week the Alliance for Defending Freedom, which has represented Phillips since the cake debacle began more than six years ago, filed suit in federal court claiming the commission is once again violating Phillips’ First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion.  The suit claims the commission, and specifically director Aubrey Elenis, is targeting Phillips unfairly because of his Christian worldview.

It does seem a unusual that the commission--having been slapped down on the issue by no less an authority than the Supreme Court--would take another swing at the same man on the same grounds, but if you've ever crossed swords with a bureaucrat, you know that if you manage to get a ruling against them, they have a tendency to get very huffy and authoritarian, and they start nicking you for grass one inch too tall, or no permit to build a dog house, or a wheelchair ramp, or a million other things.

This needs to be slapped down, and fast.  And the commission members--particularly head whiner Audrey Elenis--should all be fired.

"It's not possible to pul off a large conspiracy"--so say Democrats

Liberals and Democrats often tell you that conspiracies simply can't happen, because it's simply impossible to keep a conspiracy involving lots of players secret.

This is bullshit, and if you want proof, here it is:  We have 10,000 actual verified texts sent and received on the official FBI phones of counter-intell ace Peter Strzok and his FBI-attorney-mistress Lisa Page, discussing their burning goal of preventing Donald Trump from winning the presidency.

The conspiracy seems to have included 14 top FBI officials and dozens of others.  So definitely big.  But so far the Lying Mainstream Media is denying that anything untoward happened.  (If you're still uncertain, imagine how the media would have reacted if the FBI--commanded by a republican prez--had done exactly the same things to prevent a Democrat from winning the presidency.)

Tellingly, the FBI claimed--utterly falsely--that they'd searched for texts between the two and had been unable to find any, because (they claimed) totally by coincidence the bureau's computer system for saving texts had (mysteriously) malfunctioned--over just the period in question.

Outside forensic experts proved this was a flat lie, but the FBI has never been called to account for their lie.  In other words, but for great work by outsiders, we never would have known any of this.

And yet, after the entire country has known about these utterly damning texts for over a year, the nation's media elites are still denying that anything illegal or unethical occurred.  In other words, they're trying to bury the conspiracy.  If they succeed, the conclusion will necessarily be that there was no conspiracy.  And yet the texts show there was.

FBI agent Peter Strzok claimed political views--specifically his text to mistress Page assuring her that "We will prevent" Trump from winning--had no effect whatsoever on his actions.  But when questioned about the meaning of the text just mentioned, he was unable to say what it meant, and in fact claimed he didn't recall sending it.


Interestingly, Strzok was allowed to keep his office and salary at the FBI for almost a year after the text was found, giving him ample time to delete any incriminating evidence he felt he could delete.  And now that he's finally been fired, on Monday he started a GoFundMe, asking for $150,000, ostensibly for his legal fees.

That's...odd, cuz he hasn't been charged with anything.  It's also interesting that buried in the 17th paragraph of Strzok's rationale on that page is the phrase "and lost income," which strongly suggests that he intends to pocket any amounts not used for legal fees.  Hmm....

After Strzok's heartrending plea quickly raised $150,000, he upped the goal to $250,000.  When that was reached, he's now asking for a cool half a million bucks.  And as of this writing he's got $396,000 from over 10,000 compassionate liberal donors...who will continue to vote Democrat regardless of any further evidence of a conspiracy.  Because Democrats.

The fate of the U.S. as "a nation of laws" is hanging by a thread.  The Lying Mainstream Media and roughly 40 percent of voters see nothing wrong with a large conspiracy by the nation's top "law enforcement agency" and the infamous "Department of Injustice" to throw the election to the party they wanted.

If you're interested, here's a link to the 586-page official report by the inspector-general of the DOJ on how many hundreds of overt acts have already been taken by the conspirators.

But you're cautioned, citizen:  Your betters tell you large conspiracies are un-possible.  Thus you are directed to disregard anything in the official I-G report, since it's probably just right-wing propaganda unsupported by any facts whatsoever.

If you don't want to wade thru 586 pages of impenetrable legalese (300 of which are just "boilerplate," thus useless), I've pulled the most damning stuff out here, here and here.

New Yorker praises a violent rapper

If you live in a pleasant suburb, go to work five days a week and spend most of your non-work time raising your kids (or possibly grandchildren), you have no idea how much the so-called "elites"--the "opinion-shapers"-- glorify black violence and rap.  Cuz "authentic."

If you want this nation to survive, you need to understand how this process works.  So consider an article written by Doreen St. Félix, a "contributor" for New Yorker magazine, about the inspiring rap "music" of a brutal, angry thug named Jahseh Onfroy. 

Onfroy's mother was an unmarried teenager, and he was raised by a grandmother.  This could well explain why he was angry at...well, everyone, and eager to beat anyone within range.  But when he became a rapper, taking the name "XXXTentacion," suddenly Doreen and all her cool, hip friends saw him as an "artist."  Her article makes it clear that she loved his work.

He dropped out of high school after his sophomore year.  But he was an artist!  And a role model!

Doreen glosses over every violent thing he did.  He beat girlfriends, fans, and one gay "peer," but none of that seems to faze Doreen's admiration; she sees him as an "artist" who is merely expressing his anger.  It appears that in Doreen's view this justifies any brutality he wished to inflict.
Onfroy said...he would instigate fights in grade school as a ploy to get [his mother's] attention.  [He said] his mother once gave him permission to retaliate against a female classmate who was hitting him as a form of juvenile flirtation. In response, he “slapped the shit out of her and kneed her.” 
That's a quote from the man himself.  So does Doreen (female) criticize her admired rapper for "slapping the shit out of" the grade-school girl?  Not even close.  Her only comment is 
Onfroy said that his mom was surprised; she “realized how seriously I took her.” Later, he would get her name—Cleopatra—tattooed on his chest.
Doreen quickly rehabilitates Onfroy by including the sweet, humanizing (?) tattoo vignette.

He was an artist, see?  And a role model!  And making millions!

She notes that Onfroy made two albums, and that one, titled “?”--literally, a question mark--débuted at No. 1 on the Billboard charts.
Onfroy clawed to the surface as the genre’s wretched bard. He stalked the shadows of metal and emo and punk rock, and fleeced rap of its devotion to materialism, focussing instead, obsessively, on existential crisis. There wasn’t a dark thought that he kept hidden. He unleashed a tremulous bombardment of pessimism, occasionally interrupted by feral gestures of overwhelming helplessness. 
Oh, certainly.  We've all noticed that rappers no longer seem to be as devoted to materialism now.  Do I need to add a tag?

Onfroy was jailed on charges of beating his pregnant former girlfriend.  The beating fractured her eye socket.  When she established a GoFundMe to raise money for surgery to repair the broken orbital socket, people calling themselves XXXTentacion fans targeted her until the Web site temporarily shut it down.  Cuz, artist.

To promote one rap release, Onfroy bragged about beating a gay peer at a detention center.  Doreen seems unfazed, as she quickly follows with a phrase that seems to be approval:
XXXTentacion lived his art, which some would call a mark of authenticity. 
Onfroy’s victims are sacrifices, the thinking goes, on the pyre of raw art. The immaturity is part and parcel of the genius. The only unforgivable thing would be to be a hypocrite.
Some have argued that however grossly misguided his behavior, he provided his listeners with invaluable solace and understanding. 
At a "music" festival in California he beat a fan with a microphone. On Instagram, he taunted people who challenged him about domestic violence. 
Taunted.  Like the murderous Leftist bomb-maker Bill Ayers, who escaped all punishment and then taunted Americans by writing "Guilty as hell, free as a bird."  Ah.

Last October Onfroy signed a rap deal for a reported six million dollars.

He was awaiting trial for domestic violence against his pregnant girlfriend and was facing more than a dozen felony charges.  He was on house arrest, but a sympathetic judge released him from house arrest he could headline at rap "concerts."  Sweet deal, eh?  Bet Paul Manafort wishes he could have gotten a deal like that.  But Onfroy was an "artist," and judges tend to be sympathetic. 

On June 18th Onfroy was fatally shot in broad daylight, in his BMW--by four young black males.

You are instructed not to draw ANY lessons or conclusions from this, citizen.

Doreen was devastated.

Black Lives Matter has called for a non-protest.

August 14, 2018

Media won't tell you: Omarosa worked for Al Gore, did a lousy job, was fired, lied about it

As the Democrat media complex salivates over the dirt-flinging by Omarosa, here's some information you will NEVER see in the Lying Mainstream Media: This isn't the first time she's been fired from the White House.

Back in 1997 Omarosa worked briefly as "scheduling correspondent" for Al Gore when Gore was vice-president.  Later she would describe her work a bit differently, saying she did "logistics and advance and event planning for the White House under the Gore staff."  That sounds very impressive, but a Gore staffer says this wasn't true, and that her actual job was "to respond to invitations."

Another staffer said “she didn’t do her job, and it got everybody in trouble,” so she was transferred to the White House personnel office. She quickly angered everyone there, and they bounced her to the Commerce Department.

Cheryl Shavers, the former Under-secretary for Technology at Commerce, said Omarosa lasted just weeks before being fired again. “She was asked to leave as quickly as possible. She was so disruptive,” said Shavers.

When asked about her employment history, the former Apprentice at first told PEOPLE, “I left when I got married,” but later said she left “to go out on the campaign for Al Gore.”

Manigault-Stallworth, who claims she’s inundated with new job offers, said recently, “I’m a moving target. As soon as they think they’ve figured Omarosa out, I’ve already moved on to a whole different industry.”

Wait, do I hear some of you saying "This can't be real!  Cuz if it was, the media would have told us about this earlier history of her shoddy work and lies and erratic behavior.  This must be spin from the Orange president's team"?

Certainly I don't blame you for being skeptical.  It's absolutely inconceivable that an honest mainstream media would push the story of Omarosa's firing from the Trump White House without informing you about her history:  she lies and is a crappy employee.  Okay, certainly your skepticism is understandable.  So click here to see the original story, published by People Magazine on April 08, 2004 and titled "Omarosa's long history of being fired."

H/T The Political Insider for finding this.

Venezuela: A case study in bad socialist decisions

If you're a college student you need to know what I'm gonna show you here--and understand it, and internalize it.  Because if Democrats re-take control of the government (any more than the Obama holdovers in the Deep State already have), the same thing will happen here.

When socialists seized power in Venezuela the exchange rate was about six "bolivars" to one dollar.  Inflation was a manageable 4 percent.  But as the socialists piled one horrible policy and ghastly decision on top of another, things quickly went south.

Inflation began to increase sharply.  Soon a dozen eggs cost a month's salary.  "But don't worry, citizen: your socialist government can fix this easily:  We simply print more money.  Bingo!  Problem solved."  As they printed literally trillions of bolivars in fresh new banknotes, with no increase in production of anything else, can you guess what happened?  Conservatives and STEM majors might be able to.  Democrats and "studies" majors?  Not a chance.

Answer?  Inflation went exponential.  Here's a summary:

You'll notice that when the graph was published--around April of 2015--the exchange rate had soared to about 420 bolivars to the dollar.  It's "black market" because the government had essentially banned citizens from buying dollars on the "official" market.  But with the brilliant cunning that always characterizes these thugs, the ban wasn't actually stated.  Instead, anyone could apply for a permit to exchange bolivars for dollars.  Of course only favored government officials ever actually GOT a permit.

Anyway, that was April of 2015.  420 bolivars to the dollar.

Those were the good old days.  Last month Venezuela's inflation rate was...87,000 percent.

Yesterday the exchange rate closed at 248,000 bolivars to the dollar.

"But...but...but...Venezuela doesn't have REAL socialism!  Our Democrat party leaders are way, way smahtah than president Maduro (pbuh), so they won't make the same mistakes he's made.  No, we won't tell you what those are, because reasons.  But we know, and our Democrat leaders won't do those things.  But we'll still give you free college, free health care, free housing, guaranteed income and free pre-school for everyone!  Yaaaay!"


If Democrats succeed in converting the U.S. to full socialism, they'll still escape blame for the results

"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."  --Thomas Sowell

Leftism in a nutshell

Leftism in a nutshell:
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom--because that is according to your principles.
When I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom--because that is according to my principles.”

"What if we add a little socialism..."

Latest poll shows majority of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism

For what it's worth, a recent Gallup poll that asked Americans how they viewed capitalism versus socialism found some interesting results:

By a huge margin, Republicans favored capitalism over socialism (71% to 16%).

In sharp contrast, a majority of Democrats said they preferred socialism (57%)  over capitalism (47%).  (Yes, I realize that doesn't add to 100.  And Gallup didn't explain.)

Similarly, "young Americans" (defined as 18-29) said they preferred socialism over capitalism (51% to 45%).

Interestingly, two years ago 57% of "young Americans" said they favored capitalism.  So in just two years the percentage favoring capitalism has dropped from 57% to 45%. 

That result should make you wonder:  What's happened in two years to drop the number favoring capitalism from 57% to just 45%?  Did millions of young Americans suddenly go overseas and see first-hand how wonderful socialism worked in other countries?  There's no evidence to support that.

Did the quality of life suddenly drop for young people--like a huge jump in unemployment--making those without jobs more pessimistic about how well capitalism worked for them?  Quite the opposite:  Unemployment is at record lows, jobs are being created all through the economy, and then there's the tax cut for workers.  Winning all the way round.

I think the reason for the huge drop in just two years is the relentless screaming of the mainstream media, echoed by social media.  Let me explain:

Young people are more heavily influenced by group-think, and the most powerful dictators of what's cool and what's not are social media and the mainstream media.  Both of which have endlessly shrieked and wailed about how AWFUL the orange president is, but they don't say a critical word about Democrat bleatings about how wonderful socialism is.

Socialists--and now the leaders of the Democrat party--promise to give young people free college, free medical care and free income.  Low-information people (regardless of age) hear these lures and think it's a great idea, because they lack the education to realize it's a con.  Ask 'em how they think socialism is working in, say, Cuba or Venezuela and you get a blank look:  They have no idea about the huge problems in both those nations--caused by socialist government.

Further, when young people are asked how the Dems plan to pay for these hugely expensive things, they go blank.  It never occurred to 'em to wonder about that-- "cuz hey man, the government can just print as much money as it wants to." 

It's no surprise that they believe this, because they know governments do print paper money every day?  If you need more, why not just print more, eh?  They have no concept of how money actually works, cuz no one has ever taught 'em.  Schools?  You must be kidding--the schools are far too busy teaching kids how wonderful trannies and gays are, and how to ask people what pronouns they prefer, and how to recognize microagressions, like "The key to success is studying and hard work."

Congratulations, Mainstream Media.  You should be getting a big bonus from Soros any day now.