August 14, 2018

Media won't tell you: Omarosa worked for Al Gore, did a lousy job, was fired, lied about it

As the Democrat media complex salivates over the dirt-flinging by Omarosa, here's some information you will NEVER see in the Lying Mainstream Media: This isn't the first time she's been fired from the White House.

Back in 1997 Omarosa worked briefly as "scheduling correspondent" for Al Gore when Gore was vice-president.  Later she would describe her work a bit differently, saying she did "logistics and advance and event planning for the White House under the Gore staff."  That sounds very impressive, but a Gore staffer says this wasn't true, and that her actual job was "to respond to invitations."

Another staffer said “she didn’t do her job, and it got everybody in trouble,” so she was transferred to the White House personnel office. She quickly angered everyone there, and they bounced her to the Commerce Department.

Cheryl Shavers, the former Under-secretary for Technology at Commerce, said Omarosa lasted just weeks before being fired again. “She was asked to leave as quickly as possible. She was so disruptive,” said Shavers.

When asked about her employment history, the former Apprentice at first told PEOPLE, “I left when I got married,” but later said she left “to go out on the campaign for Al Gore.”

Manigault-Stallworth, who claims she’s inundated with new job offers, said recently, “I’m a moving target. As soon as they think they’ve figured Omarosa out, I’ve already moved on to a whole different industry.”

Wait, do I hear some of you saying "This can't be real!  Cuz if it was, the media would have told us about this earlier history of her shoddy work and lies and erratic behavior.  This must be spin from the Orange president's team"?

Certainly I don't blame you for being skeptical.  It's absolutely inconceivable that an honest mainstream media would push the story of Omarosa's firing from the Trump White House without informing you about her history:  she lies and is a crappy employee.  Okay, certainly your skepticism is understandable.  So click here to see the original story, published by People Magazine on April 08, 2004 and titled "Omarosa's long history of being fired."

H/T The Political Insider for finding this.


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