August 31, 2018

Democrat rep threatens federal agents: 'If you enforce the law we will prosecute you.'

“If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned: When the worm turns you will not be safe because you were just following orders. You do not have to take part in illegal acts ordered by this President's administration.”
Notice how cunningly this would-be tyrant lied that the officials he's "warning" are deporting Americans.  No they're not.  They're deporting illegal alien invaders, period.

And let's be perfectly clear:  Valid, long-standing U.S. law calls for aliens who enter the U.S. illegally, or who overstay their visas, to be deported.  So the Democrat is threatening to punish federal officers for enforcing a valid law.  This is an abomination.  But it's now the position of the Democrat party.   

They want open borders, and to abolish ICE.  It's their clearly stated, unequivocal position.

Here's a little thought experiment:  How many of these obscenely ignorant, treasonous Democrats do you think would leave the doors to their home wide open every night for a month?


QED.  Lying, hypocritical rat-bastards.

Oh, you think I'm kidding about this being the position of the mainstream of Dem leaders?  Here's the Dem governor of New York calling ICE "thugs" and saying his state is suing the agency:


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