Chinese company got copies of Clinton's emails throughout her term as SecState; FBI knew and ignored!
If you believe our FBI and DOJ should pursue justice instead of lying and ignoring foreign espionage to help Democrats, the following story should make your damn blood boil!
Remember when the lying rat-bastard snake James "Traitor" Comey testified before congress about Hilliary Clinton's private, unsecured email server in her home, while she was Obama's Secretary of State?
Because her server was unencrypted and unsecure, the committee was rightfully concerned that by setting up the private server to do ALL OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT, the treasonous bitch had exposed all the government's secrets to foreign powers. So one of the big questions the committee asked Comey was, "Do you have any evidence that Secretary Clinton's server was hacked or accessed by any foreign power?"
The lying bastard--Comey--swore to congress--in front of the TV cameras broadcasting to the whole damn country--that the FBI "had no evidence that her server had been hacked by any foreign country."
Well guess what, Sparky. He lied.
Are you shocked? I'm not. The guy's a smooth, charming snake. A treasonous bastard. Should be executed. The details:
Naturally all the big alphabet networks, and the super-investigators at the WaPo and NYSlimes jumped right on this bombshell, right? You remember the big headlines, right?
You don't? Gosh, that's odd, cuz...oh wait: They didn't say or print a single word about it. Gee, that's odd.
And wait...cuz as unbelievable as it sounds, it gets even worse:
Remember, Peter Strzok was officially the FBI's "top counterintelligence officer." If Strzok was willing to totally ignore this level of penetration of the communications of our Secretary of State by a foreign power, it's solid evidence that he was totally corrupt. If true, he should be executed, quickly, to show others the price for treason.
If there are any honest, uncorrupt officials at the FBI--a proposition I'm beginning to seriously doubt--they need to come forward and help us clear out the traitors.
Finally, let's return to James Comey's swearing to congress that the FBI "found no evidence that Secretary Clinton's server had been hacked by a foreign power." He almost certainly knew this was a lie--but uttered it anyway. Because his entire purpose was to assure voters that Clinton's use of a private, unsecured email server to conduct ALL official government business--including sending and receiving classified (which he further lied about, saying all they found was the lowest level of classified material)--was not a prosecutable offense.
To get voters to ignore this he HAD to claim that her use of the server to send and receive classified didn't result in any betrayal of secrets to a foreign power.
We're within a hair's-breadth of being so far down the chute that no recovery will be possible.
Remember when the lying rat-bastard snake James "Traitor" Comey testified before congress about Hilliary Clinton's private, unsecured email server in her home, while she was Obama's Secretary of State?
Because her server was unencrypted and unsecure, the committee was rightfully concerned that by setting up the private server to do ALL OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT, the treasonous bitch had exposed all the government's secrets to foreign powers. So one of the big questions the committee asked Comey was, "Do you have any evidence that Secretary Clinton's server was hacked or accessed by any foreign power?"
The lying bastard--Comey--swore to congress--in front of the TV cameras broadcasting to the whole damn country--that the FBI "had no evidence that her server had been hacked by any foreign country."
Well guess what, Sparky. He lied.
Are you shocked? I'm not. The guy's a smooth, charming snake. A treasonous bastard. Should be executed. The details:
A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C. area got a copy of virtually every email sent to Hillary Clinton’s private email server throughout her entire reign as Secretary of State.
Worse yet, the firm got those copies in real-time. Including all the beyond-Top-Secret attachments Cheryl Mills faxed to her from the secure, encrypted State Department computer facility in Washington. (Mills would print out the Top Secret messages and cut off the huge, bold-face classification warnings before faxing to Clinton.)
The Chinese company pulled off this trick by hacking into Clinton's server and embedding a routine that sent a copy of every email to the company.Some of this was revealed in a hearing July 12th before the House Committee on the Judiciary. At that meeting Rep. Louie Gohmert said that the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) had found that virtually all of Clinton's emails were sent to a "foreign entity." He didn't identify the nation but said it wasn't Russia.
Naturally all the big alphabet networks, and the super-investigators at the WaPo and NYSlimes jumped right on this bombshell, right? You remember the big headlines, right?
You don't? Gosh, that's odd, cuz...oh wait: They didn't say or print a single word about it. Gee, that's odd.
And wait...cuz as unbelievable as it sounds, it gets even worse:
Two officials with the ICIG, investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan, met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion, according to a former intelligence officer with expertise in cybersecurity issues, who was briefed on the matter. He spoke anonymously, as he was not authorized to publicly address the Chinese's role with Clinton's server.
Among those FBI officials [briefed on the fact that the Chinese were getting copies of Clinton's emails] was Peter Strzok, who was then the bureau's top counterintelligence official. Strzok didn't act on the information the ICIG provided him, according to congressman Gohmert.
Gohmert mentioned in the Judiciary Committee hearing that ICIG officials told Strzok and three other top FBI officials that they found an "anomaly" on Clinton's server.
The former intelligence officer TheDCNF spoke with said the ICIG "discovered the anomaly pretty early in 2015."
Buried in the header and footer of all the emails the ICIG found that a line of code that sent a 'courtesy copy' to a Chinese public company that was involved in collecting intelligence for China, the former intelligence officer told TheDCNF. Since no one on Clinton's staff--including the corrupt computer tech who set up the private server--ever bothered to look at the headers, no one noticed the fatal instruction.
The intelligence officer declined to name the Chinese company.Now: What we have here is a "separator:" Just the claim is a total bombshell revelation, one that would make the headlines of any honest "news" outlet. So watch the Washington Post and NY Times for the next couple of days to see if they say anything. See which members of congress try to learn more, and which try to block that move.
Remember, Peter Strzok was officially the FBI's "top counterintelligence officer." If Strzok was willing to totally ignore this level of penetration of the communications of our Secretary of State by a foreign power, it's solid evidence that he was totally corrupt. If true, he should be executed, quickly, to show others the price for treason.
If there are any honest, uncorrupt officials at the FBI--a proposition I'm beginning to seriously doubt--they need to come forward and help us clear out the traitors.
Finally, let's return to James Comey's swearing to congress that the FBI "found no evidence that Secretary Clinton's server had been hacked by a foreign power." He almost certainly knew this was a lie--but uttered it anyway. Because his entire purpose was to assure voters that Clinton's use of a private, unsecured email server to conduct ALL official government business--including sending and receiving classified (which he further lied about, saying all they found was the lowest level of classified material)--was not a prosecutable offense.
To get voters to ignore this he HAD to claim that her use of the server to send and receive classified didn't result in any betrayal of secrets to a foreign power.
We're within a hair's-breadth of being so far down the chute that no recovery will be possible.
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