August 31, 2018

The best exchange of the mid-term election, right here

In Texas, conservative senator Ted Cruz is facing off against a socialist, gun-grabbing Democrat, Beto O'Rourke.  The race provides a great contrast between the philosophy of the two parties.

At a town-hall meeting in Texas, Cruz was explaining the differences between himself and his Democrat opponent, O’Rourke.  When Cruze began, “On the Second Amendment...” a gun-rights supporter (i.e. pro-second-Amendment) shouted “Come and take it!”--a rallying cry for Americans daring politicians to try to confiscate guns.

That triggered an apparent O’Rourke supporter, who had been heckling Cruz, to yell out, “Oh, we will!”

Cruz then described the exchange:  “The best exchange of the entire election: on the Second Amendment, 'Come and take it,' and the Beto O’Rourke supporter screams, ‘Oh, we will.’ … The question is, is Texas gonna stand up and defend our freedom?”  Cruz continued:
And just to be clear that this young man is accurately representing Congressman O’Rourke’s position, Congressman O’Rourke has tweeted to the world how proud he is that he has an “F” rating from the NRA.  And he’s campaigning on it, [saying] a major reason you should vote for him is that he has an “F” rating from the NRA.
    [E]lections are about choices.  If you want a big government, gun-grabbing liberal, Democrats are giving you one.
That won a long standing ovation from the crowd.

If you believe the Founders really didn't think "regular" Americans could be trusted to own guns, vote Democrat in November.  By contrast, if you think the Founders knew what they were doing, and believed every person was entitled to self-defense, and that an armed populace was the only defense against an abusive central government, vote Republican. 


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