August 14, 2018

Latest poll shows majority of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism

For what it's worth, a recent Gallup poll that asked Americans how they viewed capitalism versus socialism found some interesting results:

By a huge margin, Republicans favored capitalism over socialism (71% to 16%).

In sharp contrast, a majority of Democrats said they preferred socialism (57%)  over capitalism (47%).  (Yes, I realize that doesn't add to 100.  And Gallup didn't explain.)

Similarly, "young Americans" (defined as 18-29) said they preferred socialism over capitalism (51% to 45%).

Interestingly, two years ago 57% of "young Americans" said they favored capitalism.  So in just two years the percentage favoring capitalism has dropped from 57% to 45%. 

That result should make you wonder:  What's happened in two years to drop the number favoring capitalism from 57% to just 45%?  Did millions of young Americans suddenly go overseas and see first-hand how wonderful socialism worked in other countries?  There's no evidence to support that.

Did the quality of life suddenly drop for young people--like a huge jump in unemployment--making those without jobs more pessimistic about how well capitalism worked for them?  Quite the opposite:  Unemployment is at record lows, jobs are being created all through the economy, and then there's the tax cut for workers.  Winning all the way round.

I think the reason for the huge drop in just two years is the relentless screaming of the mainstream media, echoed by social media.  Let me explain:

Young people are more heavily influenced by group-think, and the most powerful dictators of what's cool and what's not are social media and the mainstream media.  Both of which have endlessly shrieked and wailed about how AWFUL the orange president is, but they don't say a critical word about Democrat bleatings about how wonderful socialism is.

Socialists--and now the leaders of the Democrat party--promise to give young people free college, free medical care and free income.  Low-information people (regardless of age) hear these lures and think it's a great idea, because they lack the education to realize it's a con.  Ask 'em how they think socialism is working in, say, Cuba or Venezuela and you get a blank look:  They have no idea about the huge problems in both those nations--caused by socialist government.

Further, when young people are asked how the Dems plan to pay for these hugely expensive things, they go blank.  It never occurred to 'em to wonder about that-- "cuz hey man, the government can just print as much money as it wants to." 

It's no surprise that they believe this, because they know governments do print paper money every day?  If you need more, why not just print more, eh?  They have no concept of how money actually works, cuz no one has ever taught 'em.  Schools?  You must be kidding--the schools are far too busy teaching kids how wonderful trannies and gays are, and how to ask people what pronouns they prefer, and how to recognize microagressions, like "The key to success is studying and hard work."

Congratulations, Mainstream Media.  You should be getting a big bonus from Soros any day now.


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