August 23, 2018

CNN's Cuomo equates Mollie Tibbetts's *murder* with temporarily separating invader kids

Wanna see how much the talking heads of the Lying Media, and the leaders of the Democrats, hold you and all whites in utter contempt?  Consider this from CNN shitmeister Chris Cuomo:

Cuomo ran a clip of the president, speaking about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal alien invader.  The president said:
Mollie Tibbetts was an incredible young woman who was permanently separated from her family.  A person came in, from Mexico, illegally, and killed her. We need the wall, we need our immigration laws changed.
The president's statement made Shithead Cuomo--brother of the equally loathesome governor of New York, who recently said "America was never that great"--see red.  Cuomo retorted,
“Permanently separated." It’s as obvious as it is offensive.  So he cares about Mollie Tibbetts more than people who don’t believe in separating kids from parents? Or treating undocumented immigrants like dogs?  Please. What that tells you, that even in this moment, talking about Mollie Tibbetts, he still has to play to political advantage.
    And it is proof that he still doesn’t want to own what he did to those kids, and many of them are still waiting to get back with their parents, we have not forgotten.
I'll try to use small words to explain this to Cuomo and Elizabeth Warren and that moron poly-sci prof from Fordham--all of whom were utterly contemptuous about Mollie's murder:  Chris, you idiot, you flaming asshole:  Here's the huge difference, which all you enemies of the good deliberately choose to ignore:  Mollie's separation from her family is permanent, because--now try hard to follow me here--she was MURDERED. 

By infinitely huge contrast, the kids at the border were merely TEMPORARILY separated from people who claimed to be their parents but often weren't.  They were NOT killed.  Their separation is temporary.  Moreover, even this TEMPORARY separation arises from the fact that the adults who actually did bring their kids with them--knowing that in the past, coming in with kids would win the illegal invader a free pass--did this illegal act of their own free will.

Mollie didn't get a choice.

Chris, you bitched that Trump played to "political advantage."  But that's exactly what you just did, trying to pretend your wonderful illegal aliens aren't murdering and raping Americans every day.  Which is the same bullshit Lieawatha and other leading Dems are spewing.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Cuomo couldn't possibly have said this!  It shows the contempt too blatantly.  Voters won't like it."  Okay, watch the video clip of him saying it:

May you and your fellow ghouls die in a fire and be tortured in hell.  End of transmission.


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