August 16, 2018

Should the U.S. have two sets of laws--one for the elites and one for regular people?

For some years now I've been mulling over what the Left has been doing to our beloved country--which is, trying to get every citizen to accept the notion that there are two tiers, two classes of citizens:  One class must obey a harsh set of laws, while the other class--much smaller, composed of people who consider themselves"elites"-- can break virtually all laws with impunity--no punishment at all.

Seems ta' me that a huge majority of Americans reject that notion, and are angered (though to widely different degrees) when the "elites" escape punishment for a crime that would have the non-elite sentenced to jail.  So yes, it's a fairness issue.

In any case, here's my conclusion:
If you pass a law or put forth a rule, I will do everything in my power to see that you suffer the exact same penalty under it that you have imposed on the rest of us.
And if you even seek to escape punishment for breaking a law or rule you've imposed on the rest of us, or if you try to rig the system to exempt one of your friends from the same, you will have forfeited any claim you have to hold whatever office you hold.

I will not be subject to any rule or law you make if you permit you or your friends to be free of that same rule.
Ironically, the Left screams that they're all about fairness, and yet they have no trouble at all with this two-tier system, with different rules for the two different classes.  It's interesting that no one has called 'em on this yet.


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