August 31, 2014

U.N. "peacekeeping" forces captured or retreat on Israel-Syria border

The United Nations operates what it bills as "peacekeeping forces."  These of course do nothing of the sort, but the charade allows the U.N. to raise lots of money from idealists by claiming to help keep peace.  So-called "peacekeeping" forces from Fiji, the Philippines and Ireland are stationed between Israel and Syria.  

According to the general commanding the Fiji troops, last Thursday morning the on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights three vehicles carrying about 150 armed men--reportedly members of the Muslim "al-Nusra front" group--arrived at the Fijian camp.

The general said the men demanded the Fijian troops leave within 10 minutes and insisted they board the rebel vehicles. The Fijians were taken by the rebels to an unknown location and are still missing.
Shortly thereafter a group of armed men converged on a pair of encampments of Philippine "peacekeepers" a few miles away, ordering the troops to surrender their weapons and get in the rebel vehicles.

To their great credit the Philippine troops refused.  Reportedly there was a firefight, and the Philippine troops retreated into Israel.

The Fijians are still being held by the Muslim fighters.

I relate this story because until experience educates 'em, humans interpret names and titles as being descriptive of a thing's actual function.  Thus most people would thing a group said to be a "peacekeeping force" get it.

But as the above events show--for the thousandth time--U.N. troops are utterly ineffective at peacekeeping, because they are "armed forces" in name only:  Everyone knows their orders are to simply serve as sensors or tripwires.

Fair enough, but once the tripwire is tripped, then what?

The concept of U.N. "peacekeeping forces" is nothing more than a great fundraiser for U.N. officials--who, by the way, refuse to disclose salaries and bonuses they give themselves.

The U.N. may have been started with good intentions, but has become one of the most useless, corrupt, subverted organizations on earth.  If peace is to be kept it will be because group "A" decides attacking group "B" is suicidal--because B is not only armed to the teeth but has repeatedly destroyed any group that threatens it.

Not sure if Obama ever learned that.  His leftist parents surely didn't tell him, and he wouldn't have learned it in school in Indonesia.  Eh, not important.  Because "the world is much less dangerous today than it was 30 years ago."

At least that's what Barack Obama claims.

But don't worry:  Emperor Barack and his clever state department have a sure-fire plan: #Bring_back_our_UN_peacekeepers

Cuz a hashtag assault worked so well in recovering 300 school girls kidnapped by Boko Haram four months ago, right?

Obama: "Things are *much* less dangerous now than 20 years ago."

With ISIS executing thousands of unarmed prisoners and beheading Americans, Russia gradually invading Ukraine and the largest outbreak of Ebola in history, a couple of days ago Obama spoke at a fundraiser held by the Democrat National Committee.  And here's how he says things *really* are:

Did you get that?  The fantasy president *promises* that not only are things less dangerous today than they were 20 or 30 years ago, they're "much less dangerous."

You will, of course, be suitably reassured.  Because the Democrat media will assure you that he's right.  Indeed, even now the U.S. media is starting to ignore the ghastly butchery by ISIS/ISIL/IS.  Ukraine has dropped off the radar.  Obama has already assured Russia that the U.S. has no treaties or interest in events there, so...

You have to wonder if he really believes what's written for him, or just doesn't care how unreal it sounds.

August 30, 2014

Obama administration orders school officials not to attempt to verify ages of illegal-alien "students"

The very informative Ace of Spades blog noted that the mayor of Lynn, Massachusetts gave a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  She had something to say about the illegal-alien "children" Obama has allowed to stay in the U.S., and spent taxpayer funds to fly to cities far from the Mexican border.

These so-called "children" are enrolling in local schools--as expected, and which is required to qualify for the "deferred action on immigration."  And the mayor said this:
"One of the things we noticed when we were processing some of these students coming in was that they were adults.
In fact, one of the "students" turned out to be 35 years old.
"We were told through a directive from the Department of Justice (DOJ) that we were not to question or verify -- attempt to verify their ages."

Under what possible legal principle can the Obama administration--through its agents in the infamously lawless Department of Injustice--order school officials not to "question or attempt to verify" the ages of illegal immigrants enrolling in their schools?

Unless they passed one in the dead of night--as with Obamacare--there is no such law or authority.  Rather, this is one more example of lawless behavior by Ogabe's regime--a dictatorship in open rebellion against the laws of the United States.

A 35-year-old clearly can't pass as a highschool-age student.  But to take advantage of the Obama executive order allowing certain illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. forever, they must be students--and so must pretend to be teenagers, even if it's a ridiculous reach.

So they're pretending.  Local officials know it's a scam.  Obama knows it's a scam, and that people who actually interact with the so-called "children" recognize it as such.  But all that matters to Obama and Democrats is that no local official makes an official finding of adults posing as highschool students.

Obama knows that if anyone questions these so-called "children," a lot of them will turn out to be adults--which will cause a handful of negative headlines, and harm his "It's for The Children" cover story. So his government has ordered local governments not to attempt to verify the ages of these alleged "children."

Dear Democrats and media:  You sold this guy to voters.  You covered for every red flag, every warning bell, every gaffe.  You are totally responsible for the multiple disasters he's caused, whether through unconstitutional executive orders or through his infamous habit of refusing to make decisions to support national security.

Hope you're enjoying it.

August 29, 2014

Shocker: Lois Lerner's emails are on a server after all--but Obama henchmen say "too hard to find 'em"

If you're a normal, hard-working adult, probably trying to raise kids, chances are great that you've almost forgotten about the IRS scandal of a couple of years ago.  That was the one where a brazen Democrat head of an IRS subdivision used her agency's powers to delay approving tax-exempt status for conservative political organizations--for as much as three years--while quickly approving the same status for similar organizations that supported Democrats and progressive causes.

The person running that little empire was Lois Lerner.

When a House committee asked the head of the IRS to explain, the first story was "nothing of the sort happened."  Then as evidence trickled in, that changed to 'It was all because of a couple of rogue employees in a field office in some far-from-Washington city like Cincinnati.'  Too far away for us to monitor, see?

Then emails started surfacing between the far-away field office and IRS headquarters suggesting that the Obama administration was not only aware but may actually have hatched the plan to begin with, to cripple conservative fund-raising and political efforts.

If so that would have been extremely illegal.

A House committee subpoenaed Lerner to testify.  She took the Fifth.  Then they subpoenaed all Lerner's government emails--at which point the IRS claimed that Lerner's hard-drive had crashed, conveniently wiping out exactly the years of emails that would have held a smoking gun.  Then after computer specialists announced that since emails have both a sender and a receiver, emails Lerner sent would also be on the recipient's computer, the IRS announced that the hard-drives of seven close associates of Lerner's had ALSO crashed and been destroyed.

Rational adults began to suspect something was rotten with this string of coincidences.  But it got worse.

There's a quaint thing called a "law"--which supposedly limited what governments could do.  One such "law" required federal agencies to back up emails and other records.  But unbelievably, the IRS claimed that no such backups existed for their little kingdom.  Yep, we just said "No, thanks, we don't think we'll do that" and that was that.  Cuz laws are for the little people. 

And sure enough, while lots of Americans were stunned and outraged by this, the public's attention predictably turned elsewhere.  The Obama administration seemed to have escaped.

Then a week ago attorneys for the IRS told Judicial Watch that, um, all the IRS records--including Lois Lerner’s emails--were indeed backed up on a government server.  But the Obama administration said it would be too hard to search this back-up system to find Lerner's emails.

Ah, got it.  Too hard to do.  Check.  Well then, off you go.  Have a nice day.

This is a jaw-dropping revelation.  Shockingly, the Obama administration--through their appointees at the IRS--has been lying to the American people for a year in claiming no backups for IRS records existed.  Lois Lerner’s emails are NOT missing, but rather the Obama administration has lied and refused to provide them, despite a lawsuit and subpoena.

The Obama administration has known all along that the backup records existed – but chose to dishonestly withhold that information.  Their strategy appears to have been that destroying or withholding subpoenaed evidence wouldn't be discovered--or if it was, would cause less damage to Democrats than whatever is in the files they’ve so far concealed and lied about.

This is sure evidence of a government with nothing but pure contempt for the people.

August 28, 2014

State Department: If someone claiming to be Muslim says something threatening, they aren't true Muslims

The leader of Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram released a video in which he says
Democracy is worse than homosexuality, worse than sleeping with your mother.  You are all pagans and we will kill you, even if you do not attack us we will kill you … Allah commands us to kill without pity.  Allah has granted us success in Gwoza because we have risen to do Allah’s work.
In Washington a High Priestess for the State Department immediately issued a statement to reporters that the man who appeared in the video didn't represent Muslims and was not a true Muslim, because true Muslims would never dream of saying such things when the U.S. has such a brilliant, charismatic leader as President Obama.

Obama on ISIS: "We don't have a strategy yet." Press secretary lies to cover

"Business Insider" reports that Obama made some comments to the press today about a few of the current international crises, and when a reporter asked him about the next step his administration had planned to confront or contain ISIS here's what he said:
I don't want to put the cart before the horse.  We don't have a strategy yet.
Interesting, but not a bit surprising.

More interesting was the "tweet" sent by his press secretary said barely an hour later:
In his remarks today [Obama] was explicit--as he has been in the past--about the comprehensive strategy we'll use to confront ISIL threat.
Wait...didn't Obama just say an hour earlier that "We don't have a strategy yet"?  And yet his press sec brazenly says Obama "was explicit...about the comprehensive strategy we'll use to confront" ISIL.

I don't think stuff like this is just incompetence.  Rather, I think Obama's advisors had this statement crafted and ready to go, regardless of its total falsity.

Reality?  Who cares?

Transparency?  That's just a catchy sound-bite for the networks to use to win votes from the rubes.  You didn't seriously believe we meant that, did you?

The Constitution?  Irrelevant words penned by white men, so not binding on the Emperor.

Border security?  We'll let in whoever we want, and you can't stop us.

Your kids' future?  We couldn't care less.

August 21, 2014

Student suspended for saying "Bless you" in U.S. classroom

If you want to know why so many parts of this nation are in such terrible trouble, look no farther than your nearest public school.

In Dyer County, TN, a classroom in the high school lists banned expressions--things the teacher has said you can't say in class.

One of those things is "Bless you."

Last week, after a student sneezed in class, senior Kendra Turner said "Bless you."

The teacher sent her to the principal's office, and she spent the rest of the day in in-school detention.

Her parents--understandably incense--demanded a meeting with the administration.  The teacher claimed--what a surprise--that Turner was being disruptive and aggressive.

Everyone else in the school district is ducking requests for comment.

August 19, 2014

If a government agency said adding water to your gas tank would increase your mileage, what % of Americans would buy it?

When the government--or any other source, for that matter--formulates a program or action based on something that's utter bullshit, what difference does it make whether they were merely stupid and incompetent, or brazenly lying to you?

Oh, certainly if you found out the whole thing was an outright lie you'd probably be a LOT madder than if it was just a mistake.  But for all practical purposes, the effect on you of a disastrous policy is the same either way.

Politicians and the permanent empire of government employees know that only a fraction of the public has both the education, the time and the motivation to forecast the likely result of any given policy.  That gives the government a big advantage.  But the really huge edge for the government is that the government can get its fable and claims in front of virtually everyone, while the number of people who will ever hear a critical voice by a competent expert is minuscule.

And of course when it comes to technical issues, in many cases only around five percent of the population has enough education to even grasp the arguments.  So basically if a politician or government agency makes some sort of declaration, most citizens are likely to accept it.

Example:  Candidate Obama was caught on tape saying that he intended to make it economically unfeasible to open new coal-fired generating plants, and to force existing plants to close.  At a fundraiser with rich San Franciscans he proudly said his policies would "cause your electricity bills to skyrocket."

The alphabet networks and other major media outlets didn't report it, so if you weren't a political junkie you never heard about it.  The public never batted an eye.

After Obama was elected he quietly directed the EPA to issue regulations on emissions of carbon dioxide by powerplants.  These were extremely punitive, and operators were forced to either make incredibly costly retrofits or shut the plants down.

That's all background.  The story here is the current statement from an EPA staffer.  Pressed about the loss of jobs in mining and power production, here's how they responded:
The EPA...has cited an array of benefits from the power plant proposal.  The agency says the plan will lead to “climate and health benefits” worth between $55 billion and $93 billion by 2030, including avoiding thousands of premature deaths and asthma attacks in children. Plus the EPA argues that the proposal could ultimately shrink electric bills and address the “costly effects” of global warming.

As for the impact on jobs, the agency claims that while fossil-fuel jobs will be lost, other jobs will be created. The EPA specifically estimates there may be [thousands of] fewer jobs associated with fossil fuels by 2020, but [more thousands of] new jobs associated with improving efficiency of existing plants and building natural gas-fired and renewable energy plants.

"We believe the United States has to lead on climate change," an EPA spokeswoman said.  "And this plan will spur innovation and investment to help us get there. It means more jobs not less in construction, transmission, clean energy and more. This plan is not about shutting things down -- it's about building things up. Coal will remain a third of our nations' energy makeup in 2030."
Here's what very few people outside the electrical industry know:  Except for hydroelectric (and there aren't any more sites for large dams in the U.S.), coal is the least-expensive way to make electricity.  So if you're a president intent on shutting down coal-fired power plants, anything you propose to replace that lost generating capacity will be more expensive, not less.

But in the story above, the writer has the EPA claiming "the proposal could ultimately shrink electric bills..."

Notice the qualifier "could."  If their analysis shows the cost of electricity will drop, why didn't they say "will"?

Because that's not going to happen.  And they know it.  But by feeding the AP propagandist that weasel-worded line, 99 percent of the public will think "Closing coal-fired plants will lower my electric bill."

The utter ridiculousness of that line doesn't occur to people unless they know something about commercial electricity generation.  And as you might imagine, that's a microscopic percentage of the population.

The EPA also says their plan "is NOT about shutting things down."  In an increasingly shaky economy that is SUCH a reassuring claim!  But is it true?  Why, it must be--they printed the number of jobs they claimed would be added by "construction, transmission, clean energy and more," and the number "associated with fossil fuels" and thus lost as a result of the policies, and the first one is bigger than the second, so doesn't that prove it?

What are the chances that the EPAs munchkins are wrong about those estimates?  Why, whatever would make you think that?  After all, it's not like the EPA bureaucrats are as incompetent as the ones in the Commerce Department, who officially estimated the economy's performance for the first quarter of this year--made during that same quarter--as one or two percent growth when the actual result was a 3% contraction. 

That would never happen with the EPA, because those folks are a lot smarter. And of course they'd never lie or torture an economic model to support the policies of a president from a party they rabidly support, eh?  Because that would be unethical, perhaps even illegal.  And we know that government employees are scrupulous about obeying our nation's laws. Just ask Lois Lerner and her comrades at the IRS.

So our lawless president has his agency issue rules that will force coal plants to close, but by the time that action causes shortages of electricity and skyrocketing electric bills he'll be out of office.  Virtually none of the public will connect those dismal, costly results to his policies and those of his party.  Instead it will be just one more thing that "just happened" all by itself.

A reporter with a technical background could explain it to the public, but such explanations will be confined to the pages of technical journals, and the story will be ignored by the mainstream media.  Editors will claim it's too technical, too complicated, to interest the public.

And when stories start appearing about poor people unable to afford air-conditioning, the Democrats will happily introduce a law to spend another $200 billion of taxpayer funds--really borrowed money--to give to low-income folks.

Win-win.  At least for Democrats.

August 18, 2014

Texas Democrats get grand jury to indict Republican governor for a veto

District Attorneys decide whether to bring criminal charges against people.  As a result, most people believe they have a frightening amount of power.  A crooked DA, or one who is known to have committed acts that could expose them to blackmail by criminals, is a huge danger to the community.

Here is one such story.

The District Attorney in Travis County, Texas, is Rosemary Lehmberg.  In April of 2013, after a phone tip to police, Ms. Lehmberg was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.  Police noted she was weaving across traffic lanes.

She denied that she was drunk, but in dashcam video she was staggering and on several occasions officers had to support her to keep her from falling.

There was an open bottle of vodka in Lehmberg’s car--a violation of the state’s open container law.

In the video Lehmberg taunts the arresting officers and tells them to call "Greg" (the county sheriff).  "Does Greg know you've got the DA locked up?"  One of the officers said Lehmberg kicked doors and acted violently.

Her blood alcohol level would later be found to be 0.239.  (In most states a BAC of 0.08 is considered the legal limit, above which is considered "drunk" for purposes of driving violations.)

Lehmberg pleaded guilty to drunk driving and served 20 days of a 40-day sentence.  But stunningly, she refused to resign her position as Travis County DA-- a position she still holds to this day.

Now:  The video of the DA staggering and threatening police officers should be a huge embarrassment for her political party.  Had Ms. Lehmberg been a Republican, a day or two after the arrest but before the trial, someone higher up the food chain would quietly inform her that she had gravely damaged the integrity of the party and must resign.  She would be told that if she refused to resign she'd be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law instead of a trivial 40-day sentence.

But Travis County is run by Democrats, whose power is ironclad and invulnerable.  Being Democrats, in possession of an incredibly powerful office, they had no intention of losing an iota of that power by forcing their officeholder to resign.  Hence she stays in the post, providing precisely the worst kind of example to Americans in general, and young Americans in particular.

Which is, people with power who break the law never pay any price for doing so.  Thus by definition, the entire American system is thoroughly and irredeemably corrupt.

Ya like the sound of that?  Cuz that's precisely the conclusion kids draw from the facts of this case.

But wait!  It gets worse.

By some black magic the Travis County DA's office runs a unit that investigates "public integrity"--and presumably the lack thereof--for the entire state.  And the legislature--which is to say, state taxpayers--pay that DA's office several million bucks every year for this.

Texas governor Rick Perry was outraged at Ms. Lehmberg's refusal to resign after not only drunk driving but also trying to intimidate the cops.  Though Perry didn't have the authority to force her to resign, he threatened to veto the state's appropriation of $7.5 million to fund the public-integrity unit run by the Travis County DA.

When Lehmberg still refused, Perry did what he'd threatened, and vetoed the bill.

If you think that's the end of it you don't know Democrats.

Last Friday a Travis County grand jury indicted Perry on two charges related to this matter.  The grand jury charged Perry with "abuse of official capacity," a first-degree felony, and "coercion of a public servant," a third-degree felony. The first charge carries a punishment of 5-99 years and a fine of up to $10,000. The second charge is punishable by 2-10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.

Take a minute to wrap your mind around that.  The DA was driving drunk, tried to intimidate the arresting offices into releasing her, refused to resign--and the grand jury indicts Perry for "abuse of official capacity" and "coercion of a public servant"?

This is insane--an inversion of justice.  But it's how Democrats rule.  It's a warning shot to anyone else trying to root out bad public officials who happen to be Democrats.  "Just look the other way or you'll have problems."

It's exactly what the Obama administration did in siccing the SEC on congress after the Speaker of the House announced his plan to sue Team Obama to get the courts to rule on whether Obama's order to federal agents not to enforce U.S. immigration law was legal.

It's been said that people get the government they deserve.  That's a depressing thought, but probably accurate.

August 14, 2014

John Kerry: "Climate change is the biggest challenge that we face"

Secretary of State John Kerry told an audience in Hawaii that climate change is “the biggest challenge of all that we face right now.”

Wait...does he really think "climate change" (formerly "global warming" but now re-labeled to make it even harder disagree with!) is a bigger challenge than the murderous thugs of the Islamic State killing everyone not on their side, trying to establish "the caliphate"?

With Kerry, who knows?  But from what he said, he must think that's true.

“The science is screaming at us,” he said. “Ask any kid in school. They understand what a greenhouse is, how it works, why we call it the greenhouse effect. They get it.”

Yeah, I always learn the answers to world-class problems by asking kids for the answer.  Works great.
“If you accept the science,” Kerry continued. “If you accept that the science is causing climate to change, you have to heed what those same scientists are telling us about how you prevent the inevitable consequences and impacts.  That’s why President Obama has made climate change a top priority. He’s doing by executive authority what we’re not able to get the Congress to do.”
Wait...did he say "the science is causing climate to change"?  What?  He can't mean that.  Does anyone know what he does mean?

Oh, wait..."Kerry."  Never mind.

One more thing, John--you slimy, pig-ignorant, treasonous motherfucker:  You whined that Obama is doing...something... by executive authority because Congress won't do anything.  But why did you care whether Congress acted--why do you need them to act?--if your Emperor can do everything by using his magical executive authority?

Seems to me this is an implicit admission that by law--in this case the Constitution--the government actually does need to get congress to pass laws to let it do things.  So by ignoring this requirement and doing it all by presidential decree, you're violating the Constitution.

Mind showing us where the Constitution gives your Emperor the power to make laws without congress?

August 13, 2014

ISIS beheading Christian children in Iraq

Of course you've heard of ISIS--now renamed the Islamic State.  Here are some photos of their work in Iraq.

Do NOT click the link if you're squeamish.

If you do click, you'll see some gruesome scenes--including a beheaded young Christian girl.

Wait, wait:  How could anyone possibly behead a young girl?  It's just not possible that a human would do that.  And the source is a Catholic site, so maybe this is propaganda? 

Wait, that must be it:  The pic must be a photoshop.

All those pics must be photoshops.

Yeah, dat's it.  Just keep telling yourself:  They're all photoshops.

Because the alternative--that the pics are real--is too horrible to believe.

All photoshops.  Gotta be. 

Keep telling yourself that.  That'll protect you.

Hussein: "No boots on the ground in Iraq!" Pentagon: We have 1000 U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq

Obama:  "There will be no boots on the ground in Iraq."

Uh...did he bother checking with the Pentagon?  And remember, the military doesn't do jack-shit overseas unless explicit ordered by the civilians.

Cuz according to the Dem-loving rag "The Hill", the U.S. has 1000 troops in Iraq.

Ooops.  Is somebody lying or merely stupid/uninformed?

Oh wait, I got it:  the Pentagon doesn't know where its people are!  So Barry's right. 

Yeh, dat's da ticket.

Obama agents: You taxpayers will pay for schooling of illegal aliens. Period.

From the reliably Democrat-loving rag, The Hill:
The Obama administration is preparing the nation’s schools to accept thousands of new students who illegally crossed the southwest border and are now awaiting trials on their possible deportations.

A fact sheet from the Department of Education sent to states and schools on Monday highlights the children’s right to attend public school.

It says all children in the United States “are entitled to equal access to a public elementary and secondary education, regardless of their or their parents’ actual or perceived national origin, citizenship, or immigration status.”

The prospect of tens of thousands of children mostly from Central American countries attending school as they wait for their immigration status to be decided has the potential to be explosive after this summer’s emotional public debate about the border
Really?  Who you gonna complain to?  Try it in a school board meeting and they'll throw your ass out, pronto.  You're just a dumb-ass taxpaying citizen, so you ain't got the right to complain to your betters.
Francisco Negron, general council for the National School Board Association, said there is no question that schools will accommodate the children.
"Public schools are keenly aware of their obligations to follow the law," he said, the children "come to us to receive their services and they'll get them."
The average immigration proceeding in the past has taken an average of more than 500 days, but the administration has given priority to the children to move to the front of the line, in an attempt to speed up the deportation process.
But how you gonna make 'em show up for the deportation hearing?  Hell, the feds have no idea where a whopping large number of these kids actually are.  They just drove 'em to the Phoenix Greyhound terminal and turned 'em loose.  What they will tell you is that some number of 'em are with family.  Or some other adult.  But we don't know where that adult is either.  Oh well, what difference does it make?
The Obama administration has blamed the influx of unaccompanied children on drug-cartel-fueled violence in the three Central American countries, while Republicans in Congress have said White House policies have led many of the children to believe they will be able to stay if they cross the border.

They have particularly criticized Obama’s decision to not defer certain people brought to the United States illegally as children. The White House is considering additional executive actions on the border, and it is under pressure from some activists to broaden its policies deferring deportations.

Congress failed this summer to agree to legislation to provide additional support for agencies handling the deluge of immigrants, with the House approving a $694 million bill focused on security and the Senate not moving any legislation.

The Obama administration has urged people to welcome the new immigrants, though it has also said that most of the children who have fled to the United States will be sent back to their home countries.
Oh yeah.  Ohhhhh yeah, most of those kids are gonna get sent...back?

Is that before or after pigs fly, or Democrats start honoring the Constitution?

Oh wait, I forgot this is The Hill, so they're not about to give this bullshit claim the derisive sneer it deserves.

I realize that if kids are gonna stay in the U.S. for decades or longer, it makes sense to give 'em an education.

It doesn't make a lot of sense if they're gonna be deported.

Now consider this:  If you're a taxpaying American citizen and you try to enroll your kid in a school outside the "district" where you reside, the School Powers come down on you like a freakin' anvil.  You can't enroll your kid in a school without showing a water bill that shows you reside in that district.

But if you're an illegal alien you can go to any school you like--at least according to the Emperor and his Democrat supporters--without showing jack-shit.

Try that as an American and they'll try to throw your ass in jail.

This country is so fucked, at least under the current regime.  Maybe it won't improve when we get rid of Barack Hussein.  Hard to say when 53% of the electorate is so fucking stupid.

August 10, 2014

Situation report

If you're an American, things are only moderately bad.

On the other hand, if you're a Christian in the middle east, your neighbors are being beheaded for their faith.

The American left has finally manufactured a world it likes, mainly because it's now "led"--at least nominally-- by the object of their adulation. How could they have known things would turn out this way?

How could anyone have known?  Virtually very day a headline uses that word "unexpectedly."  And now we are about to witness a clash between the “how could we know” PC elites and a bloodthirsty Islamic killers.

Christians in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and the rest of the middle east don't have any options. They're being killed in droves, their wives and daughters kidnapped. There is no way back; no way forward either except through the slave market or the mass grave.

Can what's left of the free world defeat the Islamic State? Or will they make good their boast to fly their flag over whatever's left of the White House?

August 09, 2014

Is Obama malicious or merely incompetent?

If you were flying on a commercial jet and the pilot did something almost certain to cause the plane to crash, would you spend any time debating whether the action was malicious or merely dumb?

I suggest that while that question might be of interest to historians, it would make little difference to you.

Similarly, it makes little difference to me whether Obama is overtly *trying* to destroy the U.S. or is merely incompetent.  The outcome is likely to be the same either way.

Obama seems to have several policies that most rational adults could predict will lead to bad results:  Open borders; amnesty for illegal aliens; illegally using the IRS for political purposes; selectively deciding which laws federal agents won't enforce; cutting our armed forces; making it harder or more costly for business to hire; approving EPA rules that will make manufacturing more costly; taking over health insurance, and decimating the ranks of doctors; appointing education chiefs with crappy, anti-American records;

Simultaneously, reality is showing the crucial importance of border control, maintaining a strong military to combat genuine barbarian monsters; the need for secure energy supplies and a strong economy.

I don't know whether Obama is just inept and making dumb decisions or is trying to destroy the U.S.

Personally I think the first answer is more likely.  But it seems to me we end up with the same outcome either way.

August 06, 2014

Who said this?

Who said this?
... [W]hat I'm going to do is I am going to try to reorganize [the American health care system] to be more amenable to treating sick people. But that means you -- particularly you young people, particularly you young healthy people -- you're going to have to pay more.

And by the way, we are going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too expensive. So we're going to let you die.

Also, I'm going to use the bargaining leverage of the federal government in terms of Medicare, Medicaid... to force drug companies and insurance companies and medical suppliers to reduce their costs.

But that means less innovation, and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market, which means you, are probably not going to live that much longer than your parents.
Why, that would be socialist/Democratic stalwart Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary in the Clinton administration, speaking candidly about health care at UC Berkeley on October 26, 2007.

Question:  Why was the Secretary of Labor speaking as if he was setting health-care policy two weeks before the 2008 election of Barack Hussein Obama?

As an aside, Reich is now a professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley.  And he has a blog.

On Aug. 2 on his blog he lamented that there is “little or no relationship” between what someone is paid and their actual worth to society.  He continued, "The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay marriage or abortion.  It’s insider trading, obscene CEO pay...."
According to economists, Reich is paid $240,000 for teaching just one class at Berkeley.  Nice.

That's certainly not "obscene CEO pay" but just plain "obscene."

Not to mention crashingly hypocritical.  But that's to be expected:  Look at his party, and who he worked for:  the husband of  "When we left the White House we were dead broke!"

Muslim in the U.S.: Boston bombing was "a blessing."

Hinda Dhirane is a Muslim living in Washington state.  Federal prosecutors say she funneled money to a terrorist group called Al Shabaab, which operates in Somalia.

As part of the investigation, the feds tapped her phone.

In court Tuesday, prosecutors say she called the Boston Marathon bombing a “blessing.”

Think about that for a minute. 

A "blessing," eh?

This is who we're dealing with.

But they wouldn't do this again, right?  Because "Islam is the religion of peace," right?

Liberals and Democrats support Islam's advance.  If you allow them to, they will have Sharia law operating in certain designated areas before you know it.  It's happened in Britain.  What makes you think it won't happen here?

Oh, that's right:  We have the Constitution--the supreme law of the land--and our leaders defend it.

Hahahahahaha!  Barry and his Dem enablers have long-since trampled that notion.  Barry and the Dems ignore laws they don't like, and let various agencies make "rules" that have the force of law despite having no basis IN our law.

It's on, folks.  Watch for Barry's next executive order, end of August, legalizing all illegal aliens.

August 05, 2014

Why would any government start a sperm bank to encourage women to become single moms?

Most people agree that it's very hard for a single mother to raise children to be well-educated, solid, productive adults.  Not impossible, obviously, but very hard.

All the statistics show that children of single mothers are far more likely to be on public assistance, use illegal drugs and become single mothers themselves.

So would it make sense for a government to *encourage* single women to become mothers?

Oh, wait...we're talking about *government*--where the only thing that makes sense is more taxes and more votes for the party in power.

In this case it's the U.K., starting a sperm bank specifically for lesbians.  But if you think that's not coming here soon you haven't been paying attention.

Why is this man hanging two kids from a fence in Gaza?

The photo below was taken in Gaza.  The man appears to be suspending the second of two young boys on a fence, hanging them by their shirts in such a way that they can't free themselves.

Question:  Why is the man doing this?

The caption says he's doing it to prevent the IDF from attacking the house inside the fence.  This novel use of children is effective only because the IDF has demonstrated that it does not want to kill innocent civilians.

But why would the IDF be interested in attacking this particular house?  The answer is that Hamas stores rockets in homes in densely-populated neighborhood, and often fires them from those houses at Israeli towns near the border.

Of course this novel "defense" depends entirely on the IDF seeing the children.  As small as they are, they're very hard to see from more than a hundred yards away--and virtually impossible to spot from an aircraft.  Accordingly, you might wonder how effective this "defense" can be. 

Logically, some of the time spotters would fail to see the children, and would order a strike on the target.  Instant propaganda victory for Hamas.

You may have heard stories about Muslim terrorists using children as human shields.  Because this is so outrageous, so contra to civilized behavior, you almost certainly dismissed those stories as propaganda.

Yeah, dat's it:  The man in the pic was probably just having fun with a couple of local kids. He probably took 'em both down before they choked to death.

August 04, 2014

Hamas has reportedly dug 40 tunnels...into Israel

As you may have heard, the Israeli army has been finding tunnels dug from Gaza.

Lots of tunnels

In the past you may have read stories about Gaza residents tunneling from Gaza under the border with Egypt.  Those tunnels were built to smuggle weapons and luxury goods from Egypt to Gaza, and the smuggling trade has apparently been a lucrative one for hundreds or thousands of Gaza residents.

But the new tunnels were *not* under the border with Egypt, but under the Israeli border.

You might well wonder who on the Israeli side would have helped smuggle goods into Gaza.  But of course that wasn't the purpose of these tunnels.

Rather, the tunnels into Israel seem to have been designed for a far more deadly purpose:  To enable Hamas terrorists to surface near Israeli settlements.

As to why that might be, consider that a number of the 40 tunnels reportedly discovered into Israel were packed with explosives, tranquilizer drugs and syringes.

Unless you're terminally stupid you can figure it out.

Six of the reported 40 tunnels from Gaza into Israel

If a Christian said...

"In the province of Venice, Italy recently a Catholic priest recited a prayer to “count the Muslims one by one and kill them to the very last one.”  He asked God to “turn their food to poison and make the air they breathe blazing hot.” The sermon was posted on the internet last week."

Of course if you're a rational person you're already pretty sure this is bullshit, for a couple of reasons.

The most obvious is that you're pretty sure this kind of rhetoric hasn't been heard from Catholics in, oh, 300 years or so.  Even in the worst of "the troubles" in Belfast decades ago, when a large number Catholics were bombing civilians in an effort to force the British to cede Northern Ireland to the Irish Republic, I don't recall a single member of the Catholic clergy calling for violence. 

While individuals of any faith can get bloodthirsty, that's just not a part of "official" Catholicism--or any other branch of Christianity.

But the second telltale that the first 'graf above was bullshit is that you didn't see it all over the mainstream media.  Cuz you know sure as hell that if a Christian cleric had said something like that, it would have been headline news.

Well if that's true, why didn't any mainstream outlet publish the following story:
In a Friday sermon in the Province of Venice, northern Italy, Sheik Abd Al-Barr Al-Rawdhi prayed to Allah to “count [the Jews] one by one and kill them to the very last one.” Al-Rawdhi, leading the prayers at Al-Rahma Mosque in San Donà di Piave, called upon Allah to “turn their food to poison and make the air they breathe blazing hot.” The sermon was posted on the Internet on July 29, 2014.
Cuz I can guarantee it wasn't moved by any wire service or network in the U.S.

Gee, wonder why not?