When you're debating someone and manage to get out a sentence that totally destroys their logic and position, they often respond with the verbal equivalent of "Well, uh...well, uh...well, uh...well you hate puppies and kitties, and our side *loves* 'em!"
If you've ever seen that happen, you know exactly what I mean. And once you've seen it it's a lot easier to recognize it when you see it again. (It's a form of "cognitive dissonance.")
With that background, consider this crisp, well-reasoned answer from the former
speaker of the House (amazing--how in the world did that happen to a rational nation?). A reporter asked her a simple, polite question:
REPORTER: You have been championing the benefits of the health care law
for the last four years, but you don't see a lot of other Democrats
celebrating the anniversary today. In fact, some of the messaging
the Democrats are running on this term is fixing the problems with the
health care law since the rocky rollout.
Is the law proving to be more of a political liability for your party?
PELOSI: This isn't about politics, this is about the
health of America. This is about standing tall as the country did on
Social Security, Medicare, the Affordable Care Act. So this isn't -- we
don't weigh its value as to what it means politically. We weigh its
value as to what it means to the health/well-being, economic and health
security of America's families.
I take issue -- I see these little things in the paper about this or
that. [Very informative.] But our members -- the story that you don't write or see, maybe
because you're in Washington and our members are out in their districts.
And as I travel, I see our members standing tall. As I said to you
before, we're not running on this; we're running on what the American
people want us to run on and that is job creation. Show us the jobs.
Where are the jobs?
Why are we not here passing a jobs agenda [instead of?] 51 times having
political nonsense on the floor of the House? But I'm very proud of our
members. Yeah, any bill that is passed is not perfect. I wanted
single-payer, I wanted a public option.
You know, I have some changes I would make myself. But as the
implementation takes place, as we see improvements that can be made to
any compromise, which the bill was, we will do that. But just because
people say I don't want to repeal it but I do want to fix it doesn't
mean they are walking away from it.
One can't help being stunned by the level of denial of reality--or else brazen lying, take your pick--shown by the Democrat former speaker of the house.
Pelosi has the gall to claim the ACA (Obamacare) was a
compromise? Must be some novel, Democrat-invented meaning of the word, since it was rammed through without a single Republican amendment or vote.
Note how she starts the Big Con with "This isn't about politics, it's about the health of America." Well Nan, six million Americans with individual, private health insurance policies had those policies cancelled by the direct and intentional operation of your beloved law. And now roughly five million people have signed up for health insurance under Obamacare (though the government brazenly refuses to say how many of those have paid their first premium). Seems like we've got a million *fewer* with health insurance than before you rammed through that piece of shit.
If your goal was to improve health, you didn't. You just used taxpayer dollars to GIVE favored Democrat support groups--your beloved "base"--health insurance. That's pure socialist politics. Yet you claim Obamacare is
not about politics.
You also gotta love the reflexive bullshit to the reporter about 'Oh, you're in Washington so you don't see what our members see, cuz they're
out in their districts.' Sure they are, sweetie.
Oh, and you gotta love that reflexive bullshit about "We're
not running on this, we're running on what the American
people want us to run on and that is job creation. Show us the jobs.
Where are the jobs?" What Pelosi doesn't seem to realize is that most jobs are created by small businesses--which are owned and run by individuals who make decisions every day to keep their businesses alive. They are extremely attuned to the impact of laws either already passed or being considered by careless thieves like you.
And here's a shock for ya, Nan: So far, at least,
you can't force business owners to hire more people if they don't want to. Though I fully suspect your party will try to change even that. Hell, your Democrat-controlled "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission" actually ruled that employers could NOT decline to hire someone just because the applicant had been convicted of a
felony. And that a trucking company couldn't turn down a person applying to be a driver who'd been convicted of drunk driving!
With your party endorsing insane, batshit-crazy rulings like that you ask "Where are the jobs?" You cannot possibly be that dumb.
And of course she's not: This is the woman who, when she was speaker of the House, had her staff pick up the phone and order the Air Force to provide her with a VIP jet to whisk her home from to San Francisco every week or two so she wouldn't have to bother rubbing shoulders with ordinary taxpayers flying on commercial airlines (well, those flying first-class, anyway). No previous Speaker had ever done that, and no law allowed it. She simply...ordered it, and no one was willing to tell her no.
Of course not one percent of the public has ever heard of this--which means Pelosi is free to utter this pure horse-shit about how "our members"--i.e. her fellow Democrat congresswhores--are really just common folk who actually spend most of their time in their districts listening to voters, and all the Dem voters believe it.
But by all means, Democrats, keep telling us how great Obamacare is, and how it was really a wonderful
compromise. Tell us how your Democrats in congress are proud to run on this great accomplishment, except you're NOT running on it because...um..."We're running on what the American
people want us to run on and that is job creation." Hoo-eee, keep the bullshit comin,' Nancy.
Keep spouting new lies fast enough and the rubes will be so dazzled and confused that no one will realize it's all bullshit.
Just one more example of Nan's either willful lies or stupidity: Florida's 13th congressional district voted for Obozo in 2008 and 2012, and for a Democrat for governor in 2010. In other words, it's a Dem-favoring district. But three weeks ago a Republican beat Democrat Alex Sink in for the seat. Nancy's response?
With all the money spent, with all the criticism of the Affordable Care
Act and a 13-point advantage Republican district, we got it down to
below 2 points.
13-point Republican advantage? Utter crap. It's the 13th *congressional district,* though, so perhaps Nan was confused. Nah, standard defensive crap. In fact, the district's voters had backed the same Democrat (Sink) in the 2010 governor's race. So presumably the loss wasn't because the Democrat was less attractive than in 2010, but simply because voters are beginning to wake up to the disaster that is Obamacare.
But Nan can't admit that, because she played such a key role in ramming it through the House.