March 09, 2014

Obozo budget chief refuses to answer simple question from senator about the budget

You simply must watch the video below.

It shows just one more example of how nations led by cunning, arrogant, lying sociopaths ignore those quaint things called "laws."  We are no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of arrogant sociopathic leaders and their henchmen.

Or in this case, henchpersons.  The female is Obozo's budget chief, Sylvia Mathews Burwell.  She's appearing before the U.S. senate, and has been asked a simple question:  Does the budget just submitted by the Obama administration propose more spending than permitted by a law passed by congress just ten weeks ago?

It does, proposing $56 Billion more in discretionary spending than the law that was laboriously negotiated and passed ten weeks ago.  But as you'll see, Burwell absolutely refuses to answer this simple question.

With people like Burwell and her bosses running the government it's no wonder so many young people (certainly not all by any means, but frighteningly large numbers) are choosing to stay video-game-playing stoners.  Why bother working to get an education, find and hold down a good job, pay your taxes and 'fight the good fight' when the people at the top just piss it all away anyway?  The law means nothing anymore.  Ditto the Constitution.

Now watch a single minute of the video of Lois Lerner's farcical "testimony" before the House Government Oversight Committee last week.  The committee had obtained emails in which Lerner was cautioning other IRS crooks to treat the agency's targeting of conservative "c4" organizations "carefully."  When Lerner was asked "Who told you 'We need to be careful about this?'" she took the 5th, refusing to answer.

I'm not a lawyer but I don't see how answering that question could possibly incriminate her.  But she'll get away with it.  They all do.

No one seems to be willing to prosecute corruption and law-breaking by government employees.

But you can see the administration's lackeys are learning:  Rather than flatly lie to the senate committee, Burwell simply refused to answer.  How...clever.


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