March 25, 2024

Democrats: "We’re not coming for your precious guns, you conspiracy nuts!'

One of the vast powers of biden's federal government is its ability to gift tens of millions of dollars of federal (i.e. taxpayer) funds to states controlled by Democrats.

States never pass up the chance to get "free" federal money, so the Dems use this massive power to get Democrat-ruled states (and states controlled by greedy, gullible GOP governors and legislatures) to do whatever the hell the regime wants.

SO...a couple of days ago biden's epically incompetent VP, "Cackles" Harris, announced "Joe and I have 'invested' $750 MILLION to help every state pass 'red-flag laws."

Now, if you're well informed (and if you're an adult you almost certainly believe you are!), you know what a "red-flag law" is, right?  Sure:  Such laws allow states to confiscate every gun from anyone the state claims is "a danger to themselves or others."

Wait, that's a pretty vague test, eh?  Who gets to decide that?  Is there a hearing in court, due process, the right to confront accusers, call witnesses, defend yourself?

Hahahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!  Enjoy your stay!

Remember the people who are pushing this are the leaders of the Democrat party, so the answer is "None of the above.  We will confiscate firearms from anyone we declare is a threat."

See, the Dems believe your rights--guaranteed by the Constitution--must yield to..."safety."   So of course Democrats are utterly giddy about this prospect, as seen by Harris's gleeful announcement. 

On Saturday Harris announced two regime proposals purportedly intended to "reduce gun violence."  The first would create yet another federal agency, called the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center--funded with three-quarters of a BILLION dollars--to help states pass "red-flag laws."

Red-flag laws sound SO reasonable, eh?  Cuz some nuts--no one seems to know what percentage--give fairly clear warning signs that they're bent on killing--signs which are invariably ignored by the FBI and DHS, since letting the nut kill helps the Democrats get what they want, eh?

But before you Dem voters get too giddy over this (too late, you're already slobbering over it), you should know how these new "red-flag laws" will work: They'll allow states to disarm anyone liberal idiots claim is a "threat."

Have you attended a school board meeting to complain that the staff at your kid's school are secretly urging kids to "transition," and keeping this a secret from parents?  Merrick Garland's DOJ has already called you a a domestic terrorist, in writing--thus decreeing that you're a clear threat.

Ever made a post on social media noting the ghastly rights violations inflicted by the biden regime on the J6 political prisoners?  (Refusing to allow bail, among many others.) The biden/harris/garland/mayorkas regime now considers you a "threat to our precious democracy” (i.e. Democrat rule).

Own a MAGA hat or a Gadsden flag?  That's enough to mark you as a threat to the regime.  

Kamala’s second proposal was to urge state legislatures not only to pass "red-flag laws" but to use some of that $750 million funding to confiscate weapons from people the regime deems a threat.  Every damn Democrat-ruled state--and several RINO-ruled ones--will apply for $30 million or so to do that, cuz..."free money!  Yay!"

Not one American out of 500 remembers that in 2019 during a debate between Democrat presidential  candidates “Beto” O’Rourke said “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”  The Mainstream Media absolutely swooned.  Gushed.  Biden's handlers had him keep quiet, letting "Beto" (real name Robert Francis) float the left's prized goal without comment.  

Smart.  So the Democrats could signal to their goofy, gullible voters that they wanted to confiscate guns, while still allowing the Party to bleat “We’re not coming for your precious guns, you right-wing conspiracy nuts!”  And then the regime quietly keeps moving to do just that.

The insistence by the Media that the biden/harris/Democrat regime has no intention of confiscating guns, but just want what are always called “commonsense gun laws” is one of the most blatant of woke lies--demonstrably, since Dems refuse to enforce any gun-control laws on the books against convicted criminals.

Try asking a Democrat if criminals obey laws, and be prepared for a long, loud, sputtering effort to avoid answering the question.

Obviously criminals do NOT obey laws, so no matter how many new laws you pass, criminals will always have guns.  Indeed, cities with the strictest gun control laws, such as the Democrat-controlled killing fields of Chicago, suffer the most gun violence.

Red-flag laws are simply "the nose of the camel," meaning they get gullible, naive people comfortable with the idea of the regime being able to take guns away from people who never broke any laws before the Democrats passed new red-flag laws.

The Democrat party is actually pro-crime.  If you're not sure about that, ask why they allow known thugs and attackers to walk out of jail two hours after being arrested, without posting a single dollar of bond or bail.

The Dems are happy to allow attackers caught on surveillance cameras to walk out, free to attack again.  Week after week we watch liberal judges routinely refusing to jail felons caught with guns, despite felons not being allowed to own guns in almost every state.  Clearly Democrat judges aren't enforcing laws already on the books to reduce crime.  Yet the Dems and their Media supporters think more laws will help.

The Left's refusal to enforce existing laws to reduce black-on-black gun crime shows their true agenda: While a handful of mothers in Chitcongo protest about the huge number of black-on-black shootings, the Left and Dems never protest or grandstand in Congress about the hundreds of children killed in drive-by shootings or stray bullets in the inner city.  What does that tell you?

"Crazy" happens randomly.  When some white nut kills people, the Left hits the airwaves with huge protests decrying "gun violence."  They immediately demand "more gun control laws to protect innocent lives!" But black-on-black shootings never trigger national protests.

Odd, eh?  Clearly shows the party's goal is only gun control for some people. But Democrat voters don't seem to have noticed.

Democrats would love to pass a law to confiscate all civilian-owned guns.  Problem is that darn Second Amendment.  Since that darn Constitution the left ignores says amendments can only be passed--or repealed--if ratified by two-thirds of the states, they're unlikely to get 34 states to agree to repeal the Second.  So they're always looking for "workarounds" that would have the same effect.

One such was to make it so hard to get a city mayor's permission to own a gun that few people were willing to jump thru all the hoops.  That was the tactic New York City and Chitcongo and DC used for decades, before the Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional.

When that trick was finally knocked down, Dems in California were ready to pass a state law imposing a tax of a dollar per bullet.  Another was a state law that would have required anyone who owned a gun  to buy a $2,000 gun safe--totally as a "safety measure," of course!  Didn't matter if there were no children in the home, cuz rulez is rulez, eh?

Yet another serious proposal by the Democrats was to pass a law requiring that all guns owned by civilians would be required to have a device that would only allow the gun to fire if the fingerprint of the person holding the gun matched that of the registered owner.  That would add about $1,000 to the price of every gun, but since the stated goal was "safety" and not a tax, such laws would pass judicial review.

So-called "red-flag laws" reject "due process" to allow states to take firearms away from anyone the state (or federal regime) doesn't like--Second Amendment be damned.  That is unacceptable.


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