March 22, 2024

Great film debunking "climate change" (formerly "global warming")

A huge industry has emerged to make people believe several scary things.  And thanks to corrupt government "scientists" (willing to lie to obtain money from government) and the liberal media, most people around the world now firmly believe
  * that the climate is warming;
  * that it's doing so at an alarming and totally unprecedented rate;
  * that almost all of this alleged warming is being caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide;
  * that almost all this "extra" CO2 comes from humans burning carbon-based fuels like gasoline, oil, natural gas and coal.

Any of that sound familiar?  If you're like most Americans you believe all of those things--and you believe anyone who disagrees with any of 'em is a "conspiracy theorist" or "dumb deplorable," or any of a dozen sneering terms used by government officials and the Media.

That's because not one of you does your own research.  And the Media knows you don't, because you're too busy trying to raise your kids and make your house payment and pay your (ever-increasing) taxes.  So with no spare time to research, it's totally understandable that you'd believe whatever the regime and their Media lackeys tell ya.  I get it.

It's vital that you know that I'm not throwing rocks at you for not doing your own research.  Your top priority--understandably--is raising your kids, keeping food on the table, keeping your job and your family's home, and I totally understand and agree.  

By contrast, I'm in the unique position of not having kids, and having (by luck) the best overall scientific education of anyone you know, so I have the time and the background to do the research needed to expose the lies.

And yes, lies.  Not just "Oh, we may have made a mistake," but overt LIES.  More about that later.

Three facts should have alerted everyone to the fact that "Global Warming" was a hoax.  Two of those weren't science-related at all:  The first was 15 years ago when the wokiez abruptly changed the name of the scare from "global warming" to "climate change."  The scammers did that after a series of about 5 record-cold winters in a row.  

After that string of record-cold winters, polls were showing that Americans were beginning to suspect  "global warming" wasn't happening, so the scammers changed the name of the thing to "climate change," since that way no matter what happened, they could scream that it was caused by carbon dioxide.  See?  Win-win!   

The second clue that it was a hoax was far more subtle:  when government and their Media lackeys scream about what both claim is an "existential crisis" (a threat to your survival), AND their "solution" just happens to require you to destroy your nation's economy and surrender many of your freedoms, AND the destruction and surrender of freedom is only demanded of western nations, it's a huge clue that you're being lied to.

The third clue was the discovery that both of the regime's climate-monitoring lackey agencies--NOAA and (oddly) NASA--were caught consistently changing actual historical temperature records to make temperatures from the terrible "dust bowl" of the 1930s look cooler, and modern temperatures hotter.

I know, you don't believe a "government agency" would evah do dat!  Yeah, I get it.  You probably also believe biden got 81 million votes too.  But thanks to diligent civilian investigators who went to local weather stations and compared the actual, measured temps against the temps NOAA and NASA were claiming were real, the agencies were caught.

Of course you never heard a single word about that.

Research, folks.  See, it nevah occurred to the lackeys at NOAA and NASA that anyone would take the time and effort to check what they said against the actual hand-written records.  So they didn't bother destroying those original records.  By contrast, scammers in the British meteorological service purchased hand-written temperature records from many former Commonwealth nations, then after they'd had ample time to alter those records they claimed to have lost the originals.  Seriously.  And no one questioned that horseshit.

Fortunately not all scientists were on-board with the hoax.  But they soon discovered that if you publicly questioned the scam, your grants vanished.  If you were a professor, your travel budget was cut.  You couldn't get any scientific journal to publish your research papers.  So most kept quiet.

This handful of scientists unwilling to trade their integrity for money continued to speak out.  And  now at long last, someone's made an 80-minute film letting them explain the dozens of reasons why global warming is a hoax.  It's called “Climate: The Movie,” and was just released.  It lists and then debunks every warmie talking point.  

As you listen to this group of brilliant and highly-credentialed scientists, including Nobel-prize winners, the truth of their position--and the lies of the hoaxers--become obvious.  Not only are these men (and a couple of women) brilliant, but they're also brave in their defiance, since daring to rebut the government's "global warming" scam has caused their reputations to be destroyed.
Key points:

  • Geologic data tell us the Earth is just now emerging from an ice-age.  That is, the planet is near a historically low temperature.  Normally it's much warmer than now. 
  • By analyzing air bubbles in ice thousands of feet thick in Antarctica, scientists know CO2 levels for the past 800,000 years.  Those levels were far higher in the past than today.  Yet a major prediction of the hoaxers is that rising CO2 will cause "thermal runaway" which will make temperatures rise exponentially.  If that's true, how did life survive when CO2 levels were 20 times higher than today?  They can't explain it, so they ignore it.
  • About 15 years ago, analysis of ice cores from up to 800,000 years ago reported that CO2 and temperature rose in exact lock-step.  The scammers claimed this was proof that rising CO2 caused global warming.  But a couple of years later, more careful analysis showed that instead of CO2 rising before temperatures rose, it was actually the reverse: temperature rose before CO2 rose.  That alone would destroy the "global warming is caused by CO2" theory.  (At minute 26:30) 
  • In the 1970s there was a pronounced drop in global temperatures--so strong that Time Magazine ran a cover story called "The New Ice Age?"  But CO2 was constantly increasing before and during this time.  But if CO2 was causing "global warming," how could the planet cool in the 1970s? 
  • Virtually all temperatures-measuring stations are in heat-retaining urban areas.  The few stations in rural areas have shown virtually no change in temperature records over the past century.  This is so well known that it's called the "urban heat island" effect ("UHI").  Warmie fans try to ignore this, since it contradicts their theory and they can't explain it. 
  • Many of those urban measuring stations have been found to be in the exhaust plumes of air conditioner compressors or aircraft parking ramps, so they measure higher-than-actual temps.  By contrast, satellites measure the temperature of the entire Earth every day, and their temperature measurements don’t show global warming.  The warmies haven't yet figured out a way to discredit the satellites--so they just ignore that data.
  • The hoaxers predicted global warming would produce many more hurricanes and tornadoes, and that they'd be stronger.  The data show that hasn't happened.  But because the ones that DO happen are so dramatic, the Media always quote scientists wailing that the "unprecedented destruction" is due to global warming.
  • Scientists who have pointed out the numerous flaws in the hoax have invariably been defunded and excommunicated from scientific circles.  Among other strong pressures, they found scientific journals refused to publish their papers.  Many other examples of pressure on scientists who didn't totally agree that CO2 caused global warming are given in the film.

Try this experiment:  If you have kids older than ten, ask 'em what they've heard about "global warming" and carbon dioxide.  Your kids have been totally indoctrinated by global warming propaganda at school, linking it to Americans driving cars.  The propaganda has been SO good and so relentless that you're likely to be surprised at how much they believe CO2 is killing all life on Earth.  So if you find the film persuasive you might want to watch it with them, to alleviate their fears.

Here are links to the film:

Chances are at least one of these may survive the inevitable pressure to delete 'em.



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