March 24, 2024

Associate Press lies to defend biden regime secretly flying 325,000 illegals direct to U.S. cities

How shamelessly, brazenly, does the Associated Press shill (LIE) for the biden regime?  Take a look below.

After the Center for Immigration Studies discovered (via a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit) that the biden regime had allowed 325,000 illegals from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua to fly directly from their home nations to unnamed U.S. cities far from the border, the Dems pushed the AP to put the following horseshit on their "newz-wire:"
Claims Biden administration is secretly flying migrants into the country are unfounded
--Associated Press, Mar 7, 2024

On Super Tuesday former President Trump elevated false information that had gone viral on social media, claiming the Biden administration secretly flew hundreds of thousands of migrants into the U.S.  Here's what you need to know:>>

<<Clear inference: "here's duh troof"<<

>>Trump echoed *false statements on social media* that the Biden administration had secretly flown hundreds of thousands of migrants to the United States

Those false claims follow a report by the Center for Immigration Studies that said the administration refused to list airports where people arrived under a "parole" program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.>>

<<A couple of paragraphs later you'll see that the AP admits those claims were true, and quibbled over the word "secretly."  The lying rat-bastards *admit that the biden regime refused to name the 43 U.S. airports the illegals were flown to,* but say dey wuz NO secrecy here!  Cuz duh regime admitted dey wuz flown in, eh?  

And how do ya think the lawless regime claimed the FOIA didn't require 'em to reveal the 43 cities duh illegals wuz flown to?  Simple: there's an exemption for "for law-enforcement-sensitive information."  

SO...see, citizen?  Not "secret" at all!  We just refused to tell ya what airports!  All quite legal under the exemption for "law enforcement-sensitive information," see?  So NOT secret!  We jus' refused to tell ya!  And the AP claims this makes it totally NOT a secret program!

Lying, lying, motherfucking rat-bastards.

The AP also bleats that the biden regime was NOT allowing "migrants" to be flown into the U.S. *"randomly."*  Ahh, I see.  That makes everything just fine!  

>>Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the U.S. *every month*...>>

Wait..."every *month*"?  When do ya think the regime was gonna tell U.S. voters about this, eh?  Answer: never.  They wanted it to be kept secret, to avoid losing votes in November.  If they hadn't been afraid it would cost votes they would have proudly announced it, claiming it benefitted the nation.  Which, of course, is utter horseshit.

Now here's a masterpiece:
>>Social media posts claim the administration is doing this to bring in new Democrats voters, but people admitted into the country under parole have no path to citizenship.">>

<<YET.  But the Dems are already pushing for that too.  And guess what citizenship allows: the right to vote.  Got it?<<

>>The *false claims* follow a report by the Center for Immigration Studies that *said the administration refused to list airports where [the Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans arrived]...*>>

<<But that's NOT false.  The biden regime refused to list the "arrival airports."  Moreover, the AP even admitted this in the very next paragraph!  Do they think we can't read?  Here's that next paragraph:
>> "U.S. Customs and Border Protection publishes the number of migrants admitted under the program, by nationality. This information is available on its website and in press releases. *It does not list arriving airports.*>>

Are you finally starting to see how brazenly, shamelessly the lie to you?  Contradicting their own statements in consecutive paragraphs?

>>Biden exercised his "parole" authority under a 1952 law that allows him to admit people "only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.">>

<<"Only on a case-by-case basis OR significant public benefit," y'say?  Okay, which was it?  Sure wasn't "significant public benefit."  Ya wanna claim it was done case-by-case?

AP again:
>>The article by the Center for Immigration Studies says CBP approved flights that brought 320,000 to the United States last year. The author learned they were flown to 43 U.S. airports *but the government refused to say which ones, citing an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act for law enforcement-sensitive information.
   The migrants are NOT coming in from "parts unknown," as Trump charged. Instead CBP vets each one for eligibility...>>

<<That's yet another utter, brazen lie.  They CBP-One phone app that allows them to apply does NOT require fingerprints, nor any type of background check.  Lies, lies, lies to fool gullible voters.<<

>>Biden has granted entry—whether by land or air—to at least 1 million people using his parole authority... A White House spokesperson said reports of the biden administration secretly flying people into the U.S. were "categorically false" and that all entrants were "thoroughly screened.">>

<<Again the treasonous, rat-bastard Democrats are claiming the reports are "categorically false" by quibbling over the word "secretly," claiming that refusing to list the "arriving airports" for the 325,000 illegals is not in any way "secretly."  

This hair-splitting is utter horseshit.  If it's not a secret, tell Americans where you flew the illegals to.  But you refuse to do that, citing a bullshit exemption for "law enforcement-sensitive information."  Explain why revealing the arrival airports is "law enforcement-sensitive information," lying assholes.

It's not, and you know it.  You just don't wanna anger a few thousand Democrat voters  in each of those arrival cities, cuz you know damn well Americans hate this bullshit.

Of course you can't believe the America-hating communists at the Associated Press would lie so brazenly, eh?  Sure, I get it.  So here's the link to the AP bullshit.



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