June 30, 2020

NY Times op-ed: All statues of George Washington must be toppled. Seriously

The New York Times--regarded as the flagship of the left-wing "mainstream media"--continues to print articles preening itself on its virtue.

In the latest example, on Sunday the so-called "newspaper" published an "opinion piece" by a dumb leftist son of a bitch named Charles Blow, who demands that even statues of George Washington should be destroyed.

He further lies that "This is not an erasure of history...."  And you should believe him cuz he writes for the f'n New York Times!

"This is NOT an erasure of history."  Really?  Well technically it's hard to argue that history can be erased, so there's that.  But for all practical purposes, destroying statues of our Founders is an attempt to erase them from the minds of young Americans. 

And the Left/Democrats/socialists/communists/"progressives" just eat this stuff up.

But Blow's real agenda--he hates America--slips through when he writes,
On the issue of American slavery, I am an absolutist: enslavers were amoral monsters.
Like everyone else today, Blow opposes slavery.  But his real target is "American slavery."

See, Blow knows the entire world practiced slavery for millenia, but his REAL target is "American slavery."  Because he's working to destroy American ideals, and pride in this nation.

Oh, here's a charming mis-lead from leftist Times commenters:  They write "Oh, we DON'T want to actually destroy the statues!  Oh no no no, citizen!  We would NEVER demand THAT!  Instead we merely demand that they be put in museums, where they can be displayed with 2,000-word condemnations of these awful persons--like what's-his-name--you know, that guy who did something with the Brits.  He may have been a president, maybe the first one.  I dunno, nobody cares about all dat stuff no mo'.  All we know is da guy owned slaves!  And dat means he couldn't have done anything that anyone should be proud of...let alone displaying a statue!"

Ah.  "We don' wanna destroy these, we just demand they be moved to a museum,"?   Really?

If you really think the BLM/Antifa crowd will allow these statues to be displayed in a museum you're too dumb to breathe.  So here's an easy prediction:  The "put 'em in a museum" line is bullshit, cunningly crafted to make tearing them down more palatable to dumb whites.  In Dem-ruled shit-holes (New York city, Chitcongo, San Fran, Atlanta, New Jersey, Minneapolis, Seattle) the rulers themselves will remove the statues, with a promise to "form a blue-ribbon commission to study where to display them."

Those blue-ribbon commissions will meet for a year or two and then will quietly fade away after whites forget about the statues.

Just watch.  Not a single statue of any of our nation's Founders will be put in a museum.

And for the record:  NO ONE is defending slavery.  


Sound familiar?


Dems tweet that Trump's Mt. Rushmore event ‘glorifies white supremacy’

Democrat leaders tweeted that Trump is "holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore." 

"Glorifying white supremacy"?  How is that?  Wait, are you sure that tweet isn't a fake?  Yeh, dat's it!!  It's fake news planted by Republicans!

Really?  Take a look:

Every single day the Democrat party gets more unbalanced.  You have to wonder when, exactly, the Dems decided Mount Rushmore was a monument to white supremacy, eh?

One has to ask:  If the Dems REALLY believe their own claim that the monument is linked to white supremacy, then when the Dems ruled both the White House and both chambers of congress, why didn't they destroy it then?  Or at least bitch about how raaaaacist! it was back then, eh?

Why did they only squeal about it being linked to "white supremacy" after Trump was elected?

The question answers itself.


June 29, 2020

BLM thugs threaten to burn a business if it fills a paid food order from cops

Two days ago the thugs who run "Black Lies Matter" threatened to burn down a business in the small town of Red Bank, Tennessee.

You may be curious as to WHY the thugs of BLM did that, eh?  Ah, well... The business in question is a BBQ restaurant, and it accepted an order from...wait for it...local cops for BBQ.

Naturally, Black Lies Matter was OUTRAGED, and their reaction was absolutely typical:  They threatened to burn the place down.  So the owners of the business cancelled the order from the police.

It's easy to see that the communists who are actually the strategists behind BLM have found a tool they can use to keep ANY business from doing business with police.  My guess that we'll be seeing a LOT more of this in the future.  Cuz what business owner would be willing to risk having their business burned to the ground by defying Black Lies Matter, eh?

This also suggests the next step (which is already happening):  BLM will begin extorting corporations, demanding money in exchange for not burning them down.  After all, that strategy has worked for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for decades.

Interestingly, when a white guy named Michael Avenato tried to extort Nike for millions, the Powers charged him with extortion.  But when BLM does it...crickets.  Cuz the Democrat pols are totally in the tank for blacks.

Tell me one more time:  Who really has the "privilege" in the U.S. today, eh?

The co-founders of BLM have admitted that they're "trained Marxists," committed to ending the traditional family.  They're also racists to their rotten core

And just for the record:  Lots of blacks disagree with BLM's strategy of destruction, arson, looting and extortion, and a few are even speaking out.  More need to.


June 28, 2020

Potential game-changer yesterday in D.C.

A potential game-changer happened yesterday:  In DC a dozen blacks wearing American flag t-shirts marched across the front of the Capitol building chanting "All lives matter."

The video below has gone viral.  Well worth watching.  If this spreads there may be hope to avoid civil war after all.

Watch as a BLM "protester" screams at whites "We're not just equal to you, we're far above you."

BLM and Antifa teamed up for another rally in D.C.  In the video below (after the still pic) the only interesting part is in the first minute or so, as the black female in the purple shirt screams at the whites,

"We're not just equal to you, we're far above you."



BLM organizer who said “white skin is sub-humxn” honored by the Canadian government

A BLM organizer who said “white skin is sub-humxn” [sic; in the cutesy, language-mauling style of communists everywhere, she refuses to write "human" cuz...] honored by the Canadian government.

Yusra Khogali agrees with the founders of the U.S. branch of Black Lives Matter (BLM) in claiming “we’re trained Marxists” and her determination to destroy capitalism.

Khogali is the daughter of Sudanese refugees has also claimed white people are “recessive genetic defects” who should be “wiped out,” that “whiteness is not humxness,” and “white skin is sub-humxn” in 2015 Facebook posts.

Despite these clearly racist attacks, Khogali received a Canadian government-sanctioned “Young Women in Leadership Award” in 2018.

You'd think governments wouldn't give honors to raacist assholes like Khogali, but Leftist gruberments like Justin Trudeau's will go to any lengths to suck up to minorities, cuz they know that will keep in power for another few years.


Democrats pass resolution demanding John Wayne Airport be renamed

I think most people consider John Wayne to have been a good actor. He also seemed to love America.


Wayne was a Californian--lived in Orange County. So after he died the county named its airport after him.

So it will come as a surprise to no one that Orange County Democrats just passed a resolution demanding NOT ONLY that name of their airport be changed, but also that all pictures and "likenesses" of the actor be removed.

Reason the reasonable, sane Dems cited is comments Wayne made in 1971.

Of course since Democrats rule California with an iron fist, their demand will quickly be honored.  But just in case some raaaacis' person drags his or her feet, here's a great idea for ya: You asshole snowflakes should BOYCOTT that airport!!!!

Yep yep yep!  Boycott that racist airport!  Demand that no black person fly into or out of it!  That would be a great way to show Whitey how powerful y'all are, and how you'll absolutely destroy anyone who refuses to surrender to your demands.

Hey, that'll show those raaacists!

And since that's gonna work so well, here's another suggestion for ya:  You should demand that the Washington Monument be destroyed.  I mean hey, your thugs 'scuse me: "mostly peaceful protesters" have already torn down statues of Washington, so it's not like it would be a big reach, eh?


Mob threatens to "shut down" a Target if it doesn’t stop calling cops on "minority shoplifters"

In Washington DC a mob of "mostly peaceful protesters"--almost all black--swarmed into a Target and screamed that they'd "shut your business down" unless Target stopped calling cops on minority shoplifters.

Of course you can't believe that even blacks would make such a clearly hypocritical demand, right?  I mean, they're actually demanding that BLACK shoplifters be able to steal whatever they like, whenever they like, with no penalty.

Which means Target would have to raise prices to make up for the stolen goods.  So does the black demand make sense even to moronic liberal whites?

Why yes, yes it does, because liberals are too goddamn dumb to realize the consequences of ANY demand by the rioters, looters and arsonists.  They just support it cuz it makes 'em feel...virtuous.  Which to libs overrides all other considerations. 

Video: white male picks up trash and puts in barrel; every time, 2 black women dump the trash back on the ground

Take a look at the video below.  There's a metaphor there.  Do you get it?

Blacks have had a rally, trash everywhere.  Two young white males are earnestly picking up the trash and putting it in a trash barrel.  And every time they put a piece of trash in the barrel, one of the two fat black b*****s takes it right back out and throws it on the ground again.

Yet a million "useful idiot" whites believe that by helping the BLM rioters, arsonists and looters, they can usher in a new age of civil, reasonable behavior.

Yep, civilized.  Good, solid citizens.  Just like the two black women demonstrated in the video.

Yep yep yep.

Backup link:

June 27, 2020

Big "fashionable" clothes company names black trans plus-size lesbian as their new cover"girl"

All large companies have a huge motive to signal their virtue.  That motive is, they're afraid that if they don't, the mob will trash their stores.

Companies that sell crap to consumers have same motive, but also another:  Hiring creatures that most of us find...abhorrent...gains the company notoriety and trendiness--which often translates into sales and new revenue.

So it comes as not a great surprise to learn that the new cover "girl" for Calvin Klein is a "plus-size," black transgender queer lesbian.

Of course most of you think that's so over-the-top, so totally implausible, that you can't believe it.  Well here ya go:


After Minnezuela city council votes to abolish cops, it forces taxpayers to pay $4,500 per DAY for security for 3 members"

The city council of the Democrat-ruled city of Minneapolis has voted to abolish the police. 
But when three council members claimed to have received "threatening messages on social media," they screeched that dey were entitled to a group of armed men to insure their personal security.

Ooooh, but dey din' want dem cops doin' it, cuz cops be raaaacis'!  So the entire council voted to have taxpayers pay for the three to have private armed guards, at a cost of $4,500 per day.

Cool, eh?

And local Mainstream Media in Minnezuela is totes fine with this, cuz...virtue signalling.

Two of the three council members that taxpayers are paying private security for are black.  One is a man pretending to be a woman, going by the name Andrea Jenkins.

Ya know, when you want the most logical, effective, efficient decisions for your city, smart voters vote for trannies, cuz they have so much experience making good decisions for ruling a city.

Well, smaht Democrats in Minnezuela do.  And it's working SO well.

"Andrea" Jenkins, Minnezuela city council, voted to abolish cops, then squealed "protect me"

June 26, 2020

Snowflake demands that yet another statue of Lincoln be removed. And this time...

If you've been paying attention you know that black rioters have demanded that a statue of Abraham Lincoln in NYC be removed.

Since Lincoln, if I recall correctly, "freed all slaves" in the southern states, you may well wonder why the black rioters, looters and arsonists would even consider pulling down his statue, eh?

Ah, got it:  The statue in NYC shows a newly-freed former slave at Lincoln's feet.  Which is intolerable to the rioters.  And fair enough.

So cut to the statue below.  It's at the U of Wisconsin/Madison, where a snowflake has now started a petition demanding that it, too, be removed.  Cuz...   Wait, this statue does NOT have a freed slave at Lincoln's feet.  It's just Lincoln in a chair, just like the Lincoln memorial in DC.

So why would the snowflake--who's supposedly white, btw--demand that THIS statue be removed?

It's because she CLAIMS that Lincoln "had problems with raaacism."

Really, that's on her dumb-ass petition.  Of course she doesn't explain what she claims are Lincoln's "problems with racism."  In a reasonable country some reporter would ask.  But of course no reporter for the Lying Mainstream Media would EVAH do that, eh?  Cuz the media absolutely LOVES it when rioters pull down statues of great Americans.

You might ask yourself why that is.


Black "school consultants" making millions from public-school contracts to turn your kids into revolutionaries

For communist "school consultants" the recent riots, arson and looting are the ticket to tens of millions of dollars in contracts, as school boards and various public-school administrators climb on the anti-raaaacism bandwagon.

A parent living in the Oakland area tells what this means for your children:  Her kid's school district hired a consultant called "Soul Shoppe" to hold zoom meetings for area students.  The meeting was advertised through the school district as a way for elementary school kids to “share what’s in your emotional balloon.”

And what do you suppose is the consultant claims is in your kid's emotional balloon?

Why, it's “feelings about the racism, protests, and violence that are occurring in our world at the moment.”  And if your kid doesn't have the "right" feelings, the consultant will be happy to instruct him or her as to the feelings he or she should have.

During the "workshop" the predominantly white elementary school students were asked how they felt about racism.  An adult presenter told students that racism makes her feel “afraid, sad, and angry, and lonely.” The workshop leader agreed, stating, “Right now so many of us feel sad, angry, and left out…because of the color of our skin,” later adding, “Right now people like me and [a co-host] are being hurt because of the color of our skin.”

What he meant by “getting hurt” was never specified, but the hosts quickly gave context that resonated with kids by mentioning a black boy who cried after being told that he couldn’t be an astronaut because of the color of his skin.

Wait, we've had black astronauts for 20 years!  The consultants surely knew this, but easily realized that they could make white students feel bad--guilty--for making the false claim. 

This consultants are pushing lies, utter crap.  Worse, your tax dollars are paying for it.

Why should parents be concerned with schools churning out social justice mobs? Although a few might later become the “tenured radicals,” most youthful protesters don’t do well in life. At a protest, a young person surrenders his individuality to the crowd. He is engulfed by the ecstasy of belonging to the mob, and many find the feeling so thrilling that returning to normal life is a downer.

There are teenagers in this country who've had the last three months of school cancelled beause of the riots, and after being cooped up and deprived of social interaction they're now roaming the streets with clenched fists and chanting something about “racist cops.”  They'll graduate to looting and pulling down statues of Washington and Jefferson.

After the thrill of imagining themselves as revolutionaries, are they going to go back to algebra in August?


June 25, 2020

County officials in Oregon *order* everyone to wear masks--but non-whites don't have to

Ever heard the saying "In the United States, NO ONE is above the law!"?

Oh, yeah:  about 50 Democrats appeared on teevee piously, solemnly intoned this phrase for da cameras when they were whining that Trump had threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine--something that never happened, unlike Joe Biden who BRAGGED on-camera about doing exactly that. 

But that's for another post.  For now, consider this:

Officials in Lincoln County, Oregon, ORDERED everyone to wear a facemask in public.  But they specifically exempted non-white people from that command.

Oh, but that's okay, because [mumble mumble bullshit bullshit raaaaacism]!!!

The actual excuse was "to prevent racial profiling."

Literally, the crazy librats of Oregon said people of color didn't have to follow the new rule if they had “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment.” The command even specifically ordered that “No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply.”

See, "activists" wailed that the must-wear-mask order could put non-white people in danger.  The director of the ACLU’s "Racial Justice Program," ReNika Moore, told CNN  “For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandanna in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way.”

Wait...I have chronic breathing problems, so for me, wearing a mask is a dangerous choice.  Can I get an exemption from the order?  I mean, if county dictators accepted "ReNika Moore's" screech that a lose-lose result was good enough to exempt blacks from the order, I should prevail on the same claim, right?  Right?

I mean, if the county refuses to give me that out, it would be proof positive that there are "two sets of laws" in the U.S., because blacks are exempt from laws the rest of us must follow under penalty of a fine or even jail time.

But...but...but...Democrats keep piously, solemnly intoning that "No one is above the law!"  Gosh, I'm beginning to think they might have been [gasp!]...lying!


NYC BLM leader says if US 'doesn't give us what we want, we will burn down this system'

There's a basic principle of warfare and negotiation that says if your opponents say they want to kill you, it's a good idea to believe 'em.

[Just so we're clear to any idiots reading this:  This principle does NOT imply that if your opponent says he's only interested in sweetness and light, you can rely on that.  Cuz, see, people who hate you will often lie smoothly to get moronic Americans to support the enemy.  Which happens, often.  Stalin called such people "useful idiots."]

So...yesterday the alleged president of BLM "of greater New York" [a black who's adopted the name "Hawk Newsome"] was interviewed by Martha MacCallum, who asked him

"You've said violence is sometimes necessary...  What [do] you hope to achieve through violence?"
Here's what the dumb son of a bitch said in "answer":
"This country is built on violence. What was the American Revolution, what's our diplomacy across the globe?  We blow up countries and replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical."

"If this country doesn't give us what we want, we will burn down this system and replace it.  And I could be speaking figuratively [or] literally.
"[Consider] the 1960s, when black people were rioting.  We had the highest growth in wealth, in property ownership.  I don't condone nor do I condemn rioting.  I'm just telling you what I observed."
Your challenge is accepted, moron.  You imply that rioting did great things for blacks in the 1960s.  Really?  Certainly Lyndon Johnson rammed thru laws to give you assholes all kinds of welfare, in order to keep you voting for Democrats.  So you consider that a great thing--a "growth in wealth, in property ownership."  But in reality it was a cunning trap, one that destroyed black families.

You know this, moron, but you ignore it because you feel righteous vengeance when blacks riot, loot and burn white businesses.  The vengeance makes you feel good, like crack or heroin.  And of course it makes you feel more powerful.  That's a helluva drug, eh moron?

So you have every reason to continue supporting your rioting, burning and looting homies, ad infinitum.  No down-side, nope nope nope.  Just guilt-riddled white liberals kissing your feet, eh?

You claim to be a disciple of Christ, yet you don't seem to have stumbled across  Matthew 26, 26:52:
"Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." 
Later writers shortened this to "He who lives by the sword shall he die by the sword."  But of course you know that wasn't meant to apply to your tribe, eh? 

You piously claim "I love the Lord and my Lord and savior," but then add "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."

Do you really believe blacks are NOT free in the United States?  Apparently you've either forgotten that Americans elected a member of your tribe president just a dozen years ago, or you think the rest of us have.  Ah, but you claim to believe blacks aren't "free" in America.  You demand "liberation." but from what? 

Every wrongful death is an outrage.  But for every cop or white civilian who wrongfully kills a black, there are a dozen cases of blacks murdering whites.  But of course you find one of those ghastly, immoral, while you blythely ignore the other.

You have a choice, "Hawk."  You can continue to be a revolutionary asshole, and lead the nation into civil war, or you can stop with the vengeance, hate, rioting, looting and arson.  Of course if you did that what network would beg to interview you, eh?  What would become of your ego-feeding power?

June 24, 2020

Coup d'Etat

Remember the people below. Most of them will get away with no punishment.

"Mostly peaceful protesters" in Madison beat a state senator...for taking pics of the mob

In the Peoples' Republic of Madison, Wisconsin, the howling mob was assembled, looking for blood.  A state senator took some video, when two fat white women in the mob noticed and started screaming at him to stop taking pictures.  They rushed him and demanded that he delete any pics from his phone.

Other members of the mob followed, and began kicking and punching him, kicking him in the head after he was down.

The twist is that the state senator was a gay Democrat.  But of course the mob didn't care--just as it won't care who you are when it comes after you for...anything.  And you won't be allowed to defend yourself or your family.

Welcome to the New World Order, citizen.


Undercover video of Fakebook "moderators" laughing their asses off about deleting conservative posts

Project Veritas interviews a "Facebook insider" who says the leftist social media cesspool constantly censors conservative posters. Here's one example:


If you want fairness, Fakebook is your enemy. Of course the Left doesn't want fair. They want to destroy you "by any means necessary."

Full interview is at link below, down a couple of inches.


Map shows that a third of the virus deaths have happened in counties with just 4% of the population

If something is a problem in, say, Wichita Kansas, you rarely hear about it in the Mainstream Media.  Reason is that the media are headquartered in New York and Washington. (I'm omitting Atlanta because no worthwhile news agency is located there)

By contrast, if a problem happens in a media location, the media scream that it's the WORST PROBLEM IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY!!!!  And if the gruberment doesn't drop everything else to fix it, YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

If you're a resident of NYC or DC you have no idea what all that means, but if you live in, say, Lincoln Nebraska or Cheyenne Wyoming, you know it's true.

With that as background, someone took all the reported deaths due to the Chinese virus, and found that one-third of the deaths occurred in counties containing just 4 percent of the U.S. population (the red counties on the map below).  Another third of the deaths occurred in counties containing 11 percent of the US. population (yellow counties).

The remaining third of the deaths were divided among 85% of the population.

And yet "the experts" claimed the Chinese Virus was a deadly threat to every American--so deadly that they pressured governors to shut down 98 percent of the nation's economy.

The virus was over-hyped because it hit Democrat-ruled states and cities that just happened to be the media headquarters.

If the virus had only killed half the population of Wyoming, that story may have made page 35 of the NY Times for one day.


A tiny win for the forces that oppose government corruption

This morning saw a tiny, tiny defeat for the corrupt forces of the Deep State:  The DC court of appeals ordered the federal judge presiding over the case of Mike Flynn (Emmet Sullivan, a Deep-State moron) to dismiss the case against Flynn.

This dismissal follows from the fact that documents slowly pried out of the corrupt FBI and DOJ revealed that the investigation into Flynn had "no investigative basis" and was corrupt from the outset.

That is, Obama holdovers in both those agencies set out to charge and jail Flynn solely to damage the Trump administration

This is so important to you that I'll say it again:  The wanna-be dictators burrowed into the highest levels of gruberment realized they could damage a political enemy--in this case the president of the United States--by going after the person he chose as his national security advisor--and they went after
Flynn with everything they had.

They ultimately pressured Flynn to plead guilty to "lying to the FBI" by threatening to jail his son on a totally unrelated charge.  This is illegal, but that trivial fact didn't dissuade the corrupt Obama holdovers in the FBI and DOJ from doing it anyway.

Cuz hey, if Hilliary had won the election, as everyone absolutely KNEW she would, none of their illegal corruption would ever have been revealed.

Think on this for a minute.

Then consider the following prediction:  Judge Sullivan is totally corrupt, so I predict that even after the order from the Court of Appeals, I predict Sullivan won't comply, but will appeal the order by asking the full court to rule on the matter.

My guess is that a majority of the judges on the Court of Appeals are liberals/Deep-Staters, so the order will be reversed on appeal.  Then it will be appealed to the Supreme Court, arriving there after yet another year.  And given two recent decisions from the SC in which justices thought to be conservative sided with the liberals, the outcome there is a toss-up.

But at least for a day or two, it's a win for the forces that oppose corruption and abuse of power.


Three people stabbed to death in the U.K. Mainstream Media doesn't mention a key fact...

Imagine if a "white supremacist" stabbed three men to death in an unprovoked attack.  And suppose all three of the victims were gay.  Do you think this would have made the front page of every mainstream rag in the country, in 4-inch-high headlines?


Last Saturday in the U.K, a "man" stabbed three gay men to death. 

Astonishingly, not a single U.K. mainstream media outlet mentioned the "gay" aspect.  "So what if the victims were all gay? Why bother sifting around for motives?"

Gosh, when you think of how the Lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if the killer had been a "white supremacist," the lack of any mention of "gay victims" or "hate crime" is...a bit surprising, eh?

But as always, when we look a bit more closely the reason emerges:  The killer was a Muslim immigrant from Libya, Khairi Saadallah.

Ah.  In that case, perfectly reasonable.  Off you go.  Have a nice day.

The killer is reported to have come to the attention of MI5 last year, but the expert analysts at that service apparently decided that he "was not an immediate risk."

So let's look at possible motive.  Does anyone have any idea why a Muslim would have wanted to kill three unarmed gay men? 

"Who would even ask such a question?  What are you implying, bigot?  You must be an Islamophobe."

If the killer had been anyone other than a Muslim, the BBC (and other mainstream "news" media) would be screaming about the "hate crime" aspect.  But so far the BBC hasn't even mentioned that the three Reading victims were gay--when that would be in the first paragraph of all stories if the killer had been, say, wearing a MAGA hat. 

Why the vast difference in how the media have covered these particular murders? 

It's because left-wing editors know there's a hierarchy, in which it's vital to protect some groups more than others:  Every rational American adult knows, from experience, that the media would instantly demonize someone who killed three gay men without provocation.  The Media would be screaming that the murders were "hate crimes."  But when the guy who murdered three gay men is a Muslim, the media steadfastly ignores the fact that all three victims were gay.

Cuz, hierarchy.  Leftist editors normally exalt gays, but have decided Muslims are more worthy of protection than gays.  It's more important to editors to avoid ‘othering’ Muslims.  They worry that mentioning the fact that all three of the men who were murdered by the Muslim immigrant might cause a few people to wonder if Islam is a good cause to support.


June 23, 2020

First Confederate generals, then Thomas Jefferson, then Washington. Next? Jesus. Seriously

When the howling mobs of BLM/Antifa (including thousands of moronic whites) began tearing down statues of Confederate generals, the media and Democrat "political leaders" cheered.

Back in 2015 then-candidate Trump cautioned that it wouldn't end with statues of Confederate generals, and guessed that it wouldn't be long before the mob was tearing down statues of Jefferson and even George Washington.

The Mainstream Media and Dem pols and late-night talk show morons all had the same reaction: "What a paranoid nutter!" they sneered.

Paranoid, ya say?  You morons wanna re-consider that statement?  Cuz within the past week the mob has torn down statues of both Jefferson and Washington, and the top Union general in the Civil War, and the dude who wrote our national anthem.

What's next?  Demanding that statues and elaborate stained-glass windows depicting Jesus Christ be torn down?  The Mainstream Media and Dem pols sneered that this was absolutely absurd, since most of them claim Jesus is a fictitious character.

But the pace of the Left's descent into insanity is so fast that what was an impossibly absurd idea yesterday afternoon is a total demand this morning.  Sure enough, yesterday the mixed-race co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Shaun King, proposed exactly what you thought impossible:  He wants Americans to remove "all murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, his mother and his white friends" (presumably the Apostles).

Naturally if you're not a member of BLM or Antifa you have a hard time believing any human could demand such a thing, but here's King on his verified twatter account:

Wait, does BLM think Jesus was a Confederate general?  Somehow I don't think even BLM is that dumb.  Oh wait, I got it:  They're convinced Jesus owned slaves.  No?  If neither of those is true, why would Shaun King want to destroy all statues and stained-glass windows depicting Jesus?

King himself told you:  It's because the depictions show Jesus and his disciples as...wait for it...white.

What's next, banning white paint?  White roses?  White horses?  Snow?

Ya know, if there were any honest, gutsy reporters, someone would ask every goddamn Democrat politician if he or she agrees with Shaun King and his allies about his demand.


Mainstream Media claims "Antifa" has **no connection at ALL" with communism. Really?

A KGB defector predicted exactly what we're seeing in the U.S. today--in 1984

Yuri Bezmenov was a KGB operative for years.  He gradually became horrified by the communist system, and in 1970 he defected to Canada.  In 1984 he was interviewed on video, which is the clip below.

He claims that for decades the former Soviet Union has been carrying out a long-range plan to turn the U.S. into a communist nation. The plan is a slow process called ideological subversion or "active measures."  In effect it's psychological warfare.

The first phase was to corrupt our education system, so that young Americans wouldn't know anything about the principles, beliefs or morality of the Founders, but would instead believe the highest goal for an "advanced society" was achieving absolute equality of outcome--which would be enshrined above all else. 

But how can that be achieved when some people work hard, study hard and sacrifice, while others sneer at all three of those principles? Ah, you're starting to see the flaw.

Bezmenov claimed that by 1984 all of what he called the "opinion shapers" in the U.S.--the media and Hollywood--were amoral idiots, products of the 70's.  These faux-intellectuals sneered at religion, and in fact had no core beliefs, so constantly looked for causes they could get excited about.

Here's a partial transcript of his 1984 interview. I've edited it to remove quirks in the language.
Interviewer:  You spoke several times before about ideological subversion.  When the Soviets use that phrase, what do they mean?

Bezmenov: Ideological subversion is a process which is overt and open.  You can see it with your own eyes.  All you have to do-- all American mass media has to do-- is to  open up their eyes and they can see it. There is no mystery. [It has] nothing to do with espionage.

What it  means is **to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of accurate information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their community or their country.**

It’s a huge process that happens very slowly.  It's divided into four stages.  First is demoralization.  It takes 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation, because this is the minimum time it takes to educate one generation of students.  In this phase, Marxist-Leninist ideology is pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism (American patriotism).

The result you can see. Most of the people who graduated in the sixties--drop-outs or fake intellectuals--are now [this was in 1984] occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, [and the] educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them.
Ring any bells ?
They are contaminated--programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain way. It's impossible to change their mind.  Even if you expose them to authentic information, you still can't change their basic perception or behavior.  For those people the process of demoralization is irreversible.

To [rid your] society of these people you'd need another 15 to 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically-minded and common-sense people, who would act in the interests of the United States.

Interviewer:  And yet you say those people who have been ‘programmed’ and [are] in place and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept... are the very people who would be marked for execution after a communist revolution?

Bezmenov: Most of them, yes.  Because the psychological shock when they finally see what the "beautiful society" of ‘equality’ and ‘social justice’ really means, they will revolt. They will be very unhappy, frustrated people, and a Marxist regime does not tolerate such people.

Unlike in [the] present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. Here you can get popular like Daniel Ellsberg or rich like Jane Fonda for being a ‘dissident,’ for criticizing your Pentagon.  But in the future these people will be simply squashed. In the soviet system nobody will pay them for their beautiful, noble ideas of equality. They don't understand this so it will be a great shock for them.

The demoralization process in [the] United States has already been completed.  Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to [a] lack of moral standards.

And as I mentioned before, even exposing a young American to true information doesn't matter anymore, because someone who's been demoralized is unable to recognize such information as true.  Facts mean nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, documents, pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it. That's the [tragedy] of demoralization.

So basically America is stuck with demoralization.  Even if you start right now, here, this minute, you start educating [a] new generation of American[s], it would still take you fifteen to twenty years to turn the tide back to pride and patriotism.

The next stage is destabilization.  It takes only two to five years to destabilize a nation—what matters [are] economy, foreign relations, [and] defense systems. And you can see it quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas as defense and [the] economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in [the] United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe, fourteen years ago when I landed in this part of the world, that the process [would go] that fast.

The next stage is crisis. It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. You can see it in Central America now [1984].
Anyone think crisis has hit the U.S. in the last three weeks or so?
Finally, after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have so-called "normalization."  "Normalization" is a cynical expression from Soviet propaganda. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in ‘68, Comrade Brezhnev said, ‘Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized.’

This is what will happen in [the] United States if you allow all these schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kind[s] of goodies and the paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put [a] Big Brother government in Washington, D.C. with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale, who will promise lots of thing[s], never mind whether the promises are fulfillable or not. He will go to Moscow to kiss the bottoms of [a] new generation of Soviet assassins.  He will create false illusions that the situation is under control.  But the situation is not under control.  It is disgustingly out of control.

Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living in peacetime.  False.  [The] United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system. And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov, of course.  It's the system.  However ridiculous it may sound, [it is] the world Communist system or Communist conspiracy. Whether I scare some people or not, I don't give a hoot.  If you are not scared by now, nothing can scare you.

But you don’t have to be paranoid about it. What actually happens now [is] that unlike [me], you have literally several years to live on unless [the] United States [wakes] up. The time bomb is ticking: with every second [he snaps his fingers], the disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike [me], you will have nowhere to defect to.  This is the last country of freedom and possibility.

Interviewer:  Okay, so what can we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?

Bezmenov:  The immediate thing that comes to my mind is that there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain [to] them the real danger of socialist, communist, whatever, welfare state, Big Brother government. If people fail to grasp the danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States. You may kiss good bye to your freedom, including freedoms [for] homosexuals, [for] prison inmate[s]; all this freedom will vanish, evaporate.  Including your precious lives.

The second thing: [at] the moment at least part of [the] United States population is convinced that the danger is real. They have to force their government, and I'm not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity. I'm talking about forcing [the] United States government to stop aiding Communism. Because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet military-industrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. And it is very easy to do: no credits, no technology, no money, no political or diplomatic recognition, and of course no such idiocy as grain deals to [the] USSR.

So basic[ally], two very simple... maybe two simplistic answers or solutions, but nevertheless they are the only solutions: educate yourself, [and] understand what’s going on around you. You are not living at [a] time of peace. You are in a state of war and you have precious little time to save yourselves.  There’s not much time left for convulsions to the beautiful disco music. Very soon it will go--virtually overnight.

I know Americans don’t like to listen to things which are unpleasant, but I have defected not to tell you the stories about such idiocy as microfilm, James Bond-type espionage. This is garbage.  I have come to talk to you about survival. It’s a question of [the] survival of this system. You may ask me what is [in it] for me. Survival, obviously. Because I like... as I said, I am now in your boat. If it sinks, we sink together.

There is no other place on this planet to defect to.


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June 22, 2020

BLM/Antifa mob tears down statue of Civil War general--who commanded the Union army!

Two days ago, BLM and Antifa thugs in San Francisco toppled statues of people they hated.  One of those was the notorious Civil War general Ulysses S. Grant.

"Cuz, see, dat Grant guy was a traitor, fought for da folks whut owned slaves!"

Ah, I see.  Except...Grant was an abolitionist [for BLM and fans, that means he pushed for ending slavery] who commanded Northern troops. [For BLM and fans, that was the side that fought against the Confederacy.]

 U.S. Grant was born into an abolitionist family. He married the daughter of a slave-holding family. That family gifted him a slave, William Jones.  In 1859, when Grant was destitute, he freed Jones.

In accordance with the laws of that time, Grant could have sold Jones, easing Grant's own poverty, but instead chose to set Jones free, well before the Civil War.

So...would ya think BLM would tolerate the fact that although Grant was given a slave by his in-laws, he set him free before the Civil War instead of selling Jones to ease his own poverty, and later went on to command the Union army to victory?

Hahahahahaha!  You have to be more observant.  BLM will NEVER be satisfied, no matter how many statues are toppled, no matter how many flags or stores are burned, no matter how many black presidents are elected.  Also, I suspect that if you were able to survey 300 BLM protesters, not five could tell you who the hell Grant was, or what side he commanded.

All they know is, the Cadre political officer (that's the fat black gal wearing the pink hat in the Tulsa footage) said "We gon take down dat statue of dat Cibil War guy!," and that was the end of the discussion.

Democrats, liberals, socialists and anti-white raaaacists want to destroy everything in our history, because reasons.  Conservatives haven't tried to save Confederate statues cuz slavery was bad, but they had the lunatic belief that the rioters could be appeased by just tearing down statues of Confederate leaders and generals.

Now the howling mob has ALREADY destroyed statues of both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington--something morons on your tv said was an absurd scare story created by conservatives and Trump supporters. 

Wow, what the Media and late-night talk show hosts ridiculed as an "absurd scare story" sure happened fast, eh?  And of course the sneerers would never think of apologizing, eh?

So what's next?  Will BLM destroy the Jefferson Memorial?  Dynamite the Washington Monument?  You wanna bet a thousand bucks the political officers of the Left won't demand one or both of those?

When the mob demanded that "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" be removed from libraries, how many people thought that DEMAND was a one-off?

When will the BLM/Antifa mob gather to burn down, say, Mount Vernon?  Or demand that photos of former Speakers of the House be removed from the capitol building?  Oh, wait...Nancy Pelosi has already DONE THAT.

But of course you knew she'd done that, right?  If you did know, how did you learn about it?  Cuz it damn sure wasn't from a mainstream Media outlet.  They were totally silent.  Cuz, virtue-signalling, eh?

Picture is worth a thousand words?


Webpage asking for donations to BLM actually directs donation to Democrat PAC "ActBlue"

Bet you never heard this one:  Website was asking for donations to BLM, but someone thought to take a look at the code instructing what to do when someone clicked on the "Donate" button.

Turns out if you clicked the "Donate" button it took users to ACTBLUE, a Democrat PAC--which accepted the donation to itself.

"Whoa, I thought the donation was to BLM."

"Hey, don't worry, citizen," say the folks who run ActBlue.  "We'll be sure to transfer the funds to BLM.  Really.  Trust us!"

Wonder how many people who wanted to donate money to BLM knew their money was actually going to the Democrat PAC ActBlue?

But really, what's the difference, eh?  Same folks.

BLM/Antifa thugs pull down more statues--this time having nothing to do with the Confederacy

Hey Americans, anyone know what place "Francis Scott Key" has in history?

Time's up.  He wrote our national anthem, the "Star Spangled Banner.

Of course BLM and Antifa, breathlessly working to destroy our nation and its history, hate anyone who would do such a terrible thing as write an anthem for the possibility of a new nation, so...

In San Francisco two days ago, the violent rioters toppled and destroyed a statue of Key, as cops stood around with their thumbs up their asses, as ordered by the communist female mayor, London Breed.  (It's the second clip; couldn't separate 'em.)

Hey, ya know what will put a stop to this?  Elect more Democrat mayors and governors.  Yep yep yep.  Cuz when a child stabs a neighbor, or burns their house down, clever, modern, hip parents do nothing to show the kid that he's done anything wrong.  Might hurt his self-esteem, eh?

Liberals tell us we should tolerate absolutely anything to avoid hurting a kid's self-esteem.  I mean, if we punish a kid for bad behavior, he might grow up to do something really harmful, eh?

Now: For a real education on what most Democrats are pushing, read all the tweets on the guy's feed.  So many saying "Hey, the anthem is a crappy song," and "It's a pro-slavery song."  (Hint: It's not, but they believe it, so...) 

June 21, 2020

You've been in power for 51 years, and have done nothing worth noting, but blame Trump


June 20, 2020

Co-founder of Black Lies Matter admits she and comrades are "trained marxists"

Co-founder of BLM, on video, admits she and the other co-founder are both "trained marxists."

Does anyone find this surprising?


And here's ten demands--DEMANDS--that a black screamer named Chanelle Helm is insisting whites do for her:
1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.
2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.
3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.
4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.
7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty [sic] — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know [sic] what the fuck they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.
8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.
9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.
This bitch is calling for violence.  Your challenge is accepted, bitch.
10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.
Finally, check out her petulant, screeching hashtags:
Does anyone think this monster is just kidding?  Does anyone think she wouldn't take everything from you and your kids if she thought she could get away with it?  Is anyone unclear on why she wants to abolish all police?  And take away your guns?

28 Democrat congresscreeps sign a letter demanding that males be allowed to compete against females. Seriously.

As the nation has reeled from rioting, arson and looting, some other events have understandably been ignored.  Here's one:

The tranny mafia has DEMANDED that males who claim to be female have the absolute right to compete as women, against real females.  You'd think the insanity of this proposition would be self-evident, but in fact attorneys for the ACLU have actually argued--apparently seriously--that trannies have this right because of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

So how do the ACLU attorneys argue that that law permit the result they seek?  Why, it's obvious, citizen!  Title 9 prohibits discrimination against women in sports.  And according to the ACLU, trannies who claim to be women are "real" women.  It's so obvious!

Well...with rational adults having a bit more say now that we don't have a wacko socialist president, the Department of Education ruled that the ACLU's claim (that men claiming to be female were real females) was utter bullshit.  So that should end this nonsense, right?

Hahahahahahaha!  Seems you've forgotten that we're dealing with Deep-State democrats, who seek to destroy the U.S. by forcing insanity down everyone's throat.  Sure enough, last week 27 Democrat members of congress [spit!], plus senator Richard Blumenthal (a.k.a. "Danang Dick") signed a letter to the Dept of Ed DEMANDING that the department allow biological males to compete in girls' sports.

The Democrats claim the department’s order “discriminates against transgender youth” by not allowing biological males to compete as girls.

Hard to believe any sane person could seriously make such a claim, but Dems have risen to the challenge.

Connecticut Democrat congresswowser Jahana Hayes, the letter’s lead signer, said the Department's decision not to allow males to compete against females "is a transparent example of their campaign against the rights and dignity of LGBTQ children.”

It constantly amazes me that half of voters think these people are competent to run the country.

Oh, and just in case you thought these 28 Democrats were just crazy, but the rest were okay, consider this:  The very first bill introduced by Nancy Pelosi in January of last year ordered schools to allow biologically male athletes claiming to be female to compete as girls.  That is, it would have made law what the 28 Dem morons who wrote last week's letter were demanding.

The bill--cunningly and falsely called the Equality Act--passed with unanimous support from every House Democrat.  Fortunately for the sane people in the U.S, it didn't pass in the senate.

Wait...who could possibly oppose something called the "Equality Act," eh?  I mean, what could be more equal, thus more righteous and just, than allowing biological males to compete as female?  I mean seriously, isn't that the very definition of fairness?

Of course the idea of a LAW forcing schools to let trannies compete as females is far from dead: Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, pledged to get the Equality Act passed into law within his first 100 days in office if he wins the November election.

So if you plan to vote Democrat you should know exactly what the Democrats are promising.


Rioting mob attacks CNN headquarters; CNN responds by...putting up a wall. Wait, didn't they scream that walls...

After BLM/Antifa rioters attacked CNN's headquarters, how do you think CNN responded?

Why of course!!  "We'll put up a wall around the entrance!  Problem solved!"

Wait...hasn't CNN been screaming at Americans since 2017 that WALLS DON'T WORK??

Why yes, yes they have.

Sure didn't take 'em long to change that bullshit, eh?   Exhibit #5,493 that the Lying Mainstream Media doesn't really believe much of the bullshit they spew.

June 19, 2020

When the blacks toppled Confederate statues, the Media cheered. Will they cheer this one?

If you keep up with current events you can guess the answer to this one:  In the shithole communist city of Portland, a group of haters pulled down a statue of...what historic figure?

Here's a clue:


Did you guess yet?  You say Thomas Jefferson?  It's true that blacks have pulled down statues of Jefferson, but this isn't him.

Give up?  It's the "father of our country," George Washington himself.  And that pole over his shoulder is a burned American flag.

Does anyone really think this nation can be saved?

Bonus question:  How many Lying Mainstream Media outlets do you think will mention this outrage?  Would even one put it on the front page?

Now, how do you think the mainstream media would react if a group of whites toppled a statue of Martin Luther King?

Does anyone believe the Lying Mainstream Media is fair and unbiased?

And here's something...interesting: Trump predicted precisely this a few years ago. He said at the time that America-haters were going after statues of Robert E. Lee today, but next it will be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The Lying Mainstream Media and Dems laughed uproariously and called him a paranoid nut, but he was absolutely right.


Brainwashed youth buy into the propaganda. But don't worry...

Since the late 60s at least two generations of youth have been brainwashed into believing the propaganda being spewed by Democrats, socialists, "progressives" and their offspring, Antifa and BLM.

These indoctrinated youth aren't just the ones throwing firebombs, cement hate-shakes, bike locks, skateboards and in some instances bullets. They're not just in the faculty lounges.  They're also in the boardrooms and lunchrooms of almost every large or mid-size company.

Their obsessions involve learning who was detected listening to Rush Limbaugh in their cubicle; who was spotted in the mall wearing a red baseball cap (forbidden!); who dared to say "all lives matter," who objected to the company starting mandatory anti-racism training; whose confidential personnel file that showed they made a $50 contribution to a Republican candidate.

George Orwell called these people the "thought police."  Such people have a powerful position in every communist society.

But don't worry, citizen:  You have nothing to worry about.  Well, as long as you're on the correct side.

Yesterday the corrupt Supreme Court ruled...wait, surely you heard, right?

While your attention was focused on the "second wave of the Chinese virus," or on Black Lies Matter, or the "opioid epidemic," or...whatever...the U.S. Supreme Court just shot you in the head.

You didn't notice, of course, cuz you're busy holding down a job (if you're lucky enough to have one after the months-long lockdown) or otherwise trying to raise your kids. 

Of course you DID hear about the SC's game-changing 5-4 ruling, right?  With the corrupt John Roberts providing the crucial 5th vote.

Okay, if you answered that it was the court's ruling that re-wrote the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to RULE that the term "sex" included "gender preference" I'll give you full credit.  But the RULING I'm talking about pertains to a thing called "DACA."

Of course if you're a college-age American who's not a communist or member of La Raza you probably never heard about "DACA."  Let's see if you know.  What do you think the cunning abbrieviation stands for?

It stands for "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals"--a name cunningly chosen so that not a single American could have any idea what it actually meant or did from its title.  It has the force of law.  So do you think DACA was a law?

No.  It was an "executive order" issued by the emperor Barack Hussein Obama.  It allowed foreign kids illegally brought into the U.S. when they were up to 15 years old to stay in the U.S. indefinitely. 

This was a brazen violation of U.S. immigration LAW, but of course in our modern, Dem-ruled age, laws are...shall we say, "flexible"--they're routinely violated if it helps The Cause," citizen.  And you'd better not complain, or you'll be branded a raaaaaacist and promptly fired.

The result of DACA--a result totally intended by Obama--would be two-million new votes for Democrats within 20 years.  Meaning permanent Dem presidents for at least 50 years afterwards.

Is that cool or what, eh?

Critics saw this, and warned congressional Republicans about it, but the RINO's ignored the warnings cuz they're really Dems posing as Republicans.  Also, they're supported by big companies that want cheap labor.

All that's background.  Now, since DACA was created by Obama's "executive order" instead of by a law passed by congress [spit!], Trump issued his own executive order to undo Obama's illegal executive order, ending the illegal program and allowing those whom Obama had allowed to stay in the U.S. to be deported.  So can you guess what the Supreme Court just RULED?

Sure you can.  It's childs' play for anyone with an IQ over room temperature.  The court ruled that once a Democrat president--Obama--issued an "executive order," neither Trump nor any other later Republican president would be allowed to undo the previous "executive order."

Cool, eh?  What that just did was give presidents the power to change valid U.S. laws any way they wished--and preventing any later president from undoing the violation.

Imagine how the court would rule if a Republican president issued an order that 700,000 refugees from communist-ruled nations--people who would be expected to be deeply hostile to socialism and communism--would be allowed to stay in the U.S. forever, and that ruling was challenged by a later Democrat president.  Think the RULING would be the same as we just saw?

See, the Founders said we would be a "nation of laws."  As dozens of top Democrat congress-shits solemnly bleated, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!"  But of course that's crap:  All Democrats are above the law.  A Dem president can change laws by executive order--something the Constitution theoretically doesn't allow.  And that change can never be undone by an executive order by a later president.

Cool, eh?  It's a "one-way ratchet," taking us closer to socialism, with no push-back allowed.

And the Lying Mainstream Media giddily, excitedly endorsed this ghastly, unconstitutional decision.

Of course they did, cuz they're totally, enthusiastically pro-Dem and anti-Trump.  May they all roast in hell.

Clinton-appointed fed judge in LA rules that taxpayers must "give" the homeless homes

While everyone's attention was focused on race riots, a federal judge in California made a RULING that might interest you.

Of course you don't live in California, so why should you care?

Oh, dat's right:  Because this establishes legal precedent that will soon be forced on every state.


Cali has a wonderful climate, and lots of drugs, so it's a magnet for druggies and drug pushers and people who prefer living in a tent in Los Angeles to living in a tent in, say, Minneapolis.  So it comes as a surprise to no one with a functioning brain that druggies and "the homeless" flock to LA.

As of January, LA county reportedly had 66,000 "homeless" people.  Of course rational people are distressed by this.  The difference is in what the two parties propose to reduce it.

Dems/ liberals/ socialists/ "progressives" and communists want to force "the city" or "the county" to build homes or apartments for them, and give those to the homeless.  What a great idea!  Except, of course, that the only source of money for "the city" and "the county" is...taxpayers.  So any measure that forces "the city" or "the county" to build homes for druggies and the mentally ill must be paid for by...wait for it...taxpayers.

Which is perfectly fine for the Dems/liberals/socialists.  It's part of their wondrous virtue.

SO...last March the "LA Alliance for Human Rights" sued the city and county, claiming they'd "failed to address the homelessness crisis."  The Alliance demanded that the city and county be ordered to build and give taxpayer-funded homes to druggies and the mentally ill--"the homeless." 

And to the surprise of no one, U.S. District Judge David O. Carter--a Bill Clinton appointee--agreed, ordering both the city and county to relocate anyone camped within 500 feet of a freeway into a shelter or "alternative housing."

Now Carter has "approved an agreement" between the LA Alliance for Human Rights and the county, ordering the latter to build 7,000 housing units for the homeless.

Oh wait...that was NOT an "order" by the far-left judge.  No no no no!  Instead he merely "approved an agreement," meaning the virtue-signalling Democrat pols happily caved to the demands of the Left to spend another gazillion bucks of taxpayer taxes to build "free" units for the "homeless."

The last time Los Angeles build "housing units" for the druggies, the "units" ended up costing taxpayers $500,000 per unit.  Seriously.  But of course that's perfectly reasonable, eh?  As Obama famously claimed, "Not a smidgen of corruption."  Uh-huh.

Of course once a federal judge rules that taxpayers must give druggies and the mentally ill a "free" home, what's next?  Well, as someone pointed out, it's really hard to get around LA on public transit, so you can expect the "homeless advocates" to sue the city/county to give the homeless a free car.

Cuz really, citizen, if you're willing to pay half a million bucks to give 'em a condo, the cost of a car is negligible, right?

Of course the law requires that everyone who owns a car must have auto liability insurance, right?  And since druggies spend any cash they have on drugs, it's both unreasonable and just cruel to expect them to pay for something as silly as auto insurance.  So you can expect a Dem judge will order taxpayers to pay for their auto insurance.

And of course, liberals claim that internet access and a cell phone are also basic human rights, so it's only a matter of time before judge Carter orders taxpayers to "give" the homeless those things too.

And of course we simply MUST give everyone health insurance, eh?  Cuz Democrats scream that health care is yet another "basic human right."

And then there's access to information.  That's a basic human right too, eh?  And you get that from the Mainstream Media, and for the stupid that means television.  So how long before Carter orders taxpayers to give the druggies a TV.  And it would be cruel to give 'em just ANY cheap, small TV, right?  So I'm thinking he'd order a minimum size...say 55-inch flat-screen.  And cable TV, of course.  You absolutely have to give 'em "free" cable, cuz...well, it's a "basic human right," right?

And of course internet service.  That too is a basic human right, right?

And then there's "guaranteed basic income."  Cuz the "progressives" tell us that, too, is a "basic human right."

Say, just out of curiosity: since a "guaranteed basic income" is a "basic human right," do communist regimes pay people who don't work?  Just asking for a friend.

The greatest threat to freedom is federal judges.

June 18, 2020

Why the Media try to make certain events vanish

If you're a young American--say college age--you may vaguely recall that 19 years ago "some people did something" (as Ilhan Omar cunningly described it), killing lots of Americans.  So do you students know how that happened?

Muslims hijacked 4 commercial airliners and flew them into some buildings.  Do you recall how many Americans were killed?

Oh, only 2900 or so.  Not enough to get riled up about, eh?

If your high school taught "real" history--wait, it didn't, so let's start over:  Do ya know the 3 buildings the Muslims flew 3 of the hijacked planes--filled with innocent passengers--into?  And do you know what happened to the 4th jetliner?

Hey, not to worry:  It doesn't matter...because the Lying Mainstream Media have been working feverishly ever since to erase every trace of that day in September, 2001.  So don't worry, citizen.

I mention this dastardly attack because as we watch our nation being set afire by BLM and their moronic white supporters, I'd like to show you how expertly, how deftly, the Mainstream Media works to make events that don't support their Narrative vanish from history.

The purpose of making unhelpful events disappear is that if you don't know they happened, you can't recognize when a totalitarian is working to make are same thing happen today.  As is happening in Seattle.

If foreigners killing 2900 Americans is awful, what would you think if a charismatic fake preacher ordered 918 of his followers to commit suicide--including many parents who killed their own children first?  Would you think that was...unsettling?  Worth studying to see how it could possibly have happened?

Sure.  But the story isn't in a single U.S. history textbook.  It's been ignored, as though it never happened.  But most people think ordering 918 mostly-black followers to kill themselves would be something to be studied, eh?

The reason it's vanished is that the charismatic fake preacher was best buddies with the entire Democrat party in California.  Because he had lots of followers (estimates are between 3000 and 5000), he could steer lots of votes.  Naturally Dem pols sought his endorsement.

The fake preacher was Jim Jones, a white Democrat.  Jones called his organization "The Peoples' Temple," called cops “pigs” and told his mostly black followers that whitey was holding 'em down.  He called on them to resist the racism of the United States of America.  He pushed communism as the solution.

One vignette perfectly shows Jones as a fake:  He had a ritual of slamming Bibles to the floor of his "temple" in front of his followers and yelling, "This black book has held down you people for 2,000 years. It has no power."  Another Jones slogan was “God was a liar. The snake told the truth.”

Yet the media (and Wiki) refer to him as a "preacher."

Eventually Jones left the Bay Area with 1000 followers and established a settlement in Guyana, called Jonestown, with himself as de facto dictator.

Jones's support for blacks and California Democrats, including former Governor Jerry Brown, won him lots of fawning press coverage.  It also got Dem leaders to order law enforcement to ignore his growing criminality long after it should have been apparent to everyone.

Among Jones's supporters were Willie Brown, senator Kamala Harris and governor Gavin Newsom. So you can easily see why the Media want to erase Jones and the mass suicide of blacks that he ordered.

Jim Jones is "what you should see every day when you look in the mirror", Governor Jerry Brown gushed.  Like leftist histories of the USSR, historians, academics and PBS have painted Jones as caring, anti-racist, standing up for the rights of the poor, while ignoring the suidides he ordered.  The Left views him as a kind of role model, at least for most of his life.

Jones exploited resentment against racism, playing on the anger of blacks and the guilt of whites, and offering redemption through socialism.  By offering to end racism Jones was able to justify any crime.  It was a forerunner to "By any means necessary."

The Democrats and their media allies are telling Americans that burning cities and looting stores is not a crime, but the path to utopia.  As the female Attorney General of Massachusetts excused it, “America is burning, but that’s how forests grow."

As the end approached, Jones began inventing enemies to evade responsibility for his corruption and crimes.  A month before the mass suicides a Soviet diplomat visited Jonestown and listened to Jones's followers singing “I’m a socialist today and I’m glad."

Like Jim Jones, the Democrats have no vision or hope to offer. Utopia has been replaced with pain and death.  The country’s biggest cities have become failed experiments in social justice where the socialist cant is preached all the louder even as things get worse.

The arc of history points not to progress, but to Jonestown.  Democrats--the new Joneses--are demanding the abolition of police, the release of all prisoners, release of new criminal suspects without bail, normalization of crime, the Green New Deal, free college, guaranteed income and socialized medicine.  They don't bother to say how all these things will be paid for, because they know that will fall to their enemies to solve.

Not surprisingly, more Americans are deciding that if this is the future, it may not be worthwhile to have children.  The communist congresscreep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says "There’s scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: Is it OK to still have children?”

White birth rates have been below the "replacement rate" for years, and continue to fall every year.  Which is perfectly fine with the socialists, communists, Democrats and AOC.


Film-maker interviews communist cadre member in so-called "independent state" in Seattle

In Seattle, documentary film-maker Ami Horowitz interviewed a communist/BLM/Antifa cadre member (Jaiden Grayson).  It's worth watching her demand that the rest of us do...well, everything she demands.  And you won't be surprised to learn that she demands...well, everything, including the kitchen sink


June 17, 2020

Black gang attacks lone white carrying groceries. Video.

A white male is leaving a store, with sacks in each hand, when 5 blacks walk up and begin beating him.  They keep kicking him after he's on the ground.

After every black has kicked him, and the gang of thug-attackers is walking away, one turns around, walks back to the guy and kicks him full-on in the face.

Sooner or later a group of black thugs will attack a guy carrying groceries in only ONE hand, and a 9mm with a 13-round magazine in the other, in his pocket.  He'll kill or wound all the attackers, and the civil war will begin.

I don't doubt many blacks are peaceful and earn a living.  Unfortunately far too many are like these thugs.


One of the 3 hero U.S. servicemen who rushed terrorist armed with AK-47 running for office

Way, WAY back in 2015 three members of the U.S. military were on a French train when a Muslim pulled out an AK-47, screamed "Allahoo snackbar" and pulled the trigger.

By the grace of God his gun jammed--at which point--without any conversation or hesitation--all three U.S. soldiers jumped up, rushed the terrorist and "subdued" him before he could clear the jam and kill as many unarmed passengers as he wished.

(You need to know that it's impossible to know whether a jam can be cleared in one second--in which case all three Americans would likely have been killed.)

Of course you knew about that heroic, selfless act, right?  No?  Hmmm...can't say I'm surprised, cuz it only got about ten minutes of coverage by the Lying Mainstream Media.

Well, that and Clint Eastwood made a movie about it.  But of course you never heard about that movie either, eh?  Can't say I'm surprised.

Well...now one of those U.S. soldiers is running to try to win the seat of a corrupt Dem/socialist in Oregon, who's owned that office for...wait for it...33 years.

Good luck, soldier.  Unfortunately we can already see the headline in the Oregon papers:
"Islamophobic racist who attacked a peaceful Muslim protester on public transit trying to take job away from a selfless, caring public servant."

Democrat senator claims the U.S. "didn't inherit slavery, **we created it"**

If you don't pay much attention to politics you may not recall a pol named Tim Kaine.  He's a senator from Virginia, and was Hilliary's pick for vice-president of the U.S.

Kaine gave a speech in the senate yesterday, in which he made the totally, utterly absurd claim that the United States created the institution of slavery.

Of course you think this is too absurd to be true.  Sadly, it IS true, and if you have the patience you can watch him say this in the video below.  Here ya go:
“The first African Americans sent to the English colonies came to Virginia in 1619.  But they landed in colonies that didn’t have slavery. There were no laws about slavery in the colonies at that time. The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”
One is almost left speechless by this level of stupidity.  Tim, ya moron, the f'n Egyptians had slaves 3500 years ago!  Are you really, truly unaware of the whole parting-of-the-Red-Sea, let-my-people-go thing?

Even f'n Wiki [spit!] says slavery existed as far back as Sumeria in 3500 BC, which is a paltry 2000 years before the Egyptians even existed.  Surely you know how to search Wiki, right?  No, apparently you don't.

We know slavery existed then because of a thing called the "Code of Hammurabi."  Of course you don't believe that exists either.  Oh well....

So you imply you've never heard of either of those, and you REALLY do believe the U.S. "created slavery."  Why am I not surprised?

Slavery has existed from the beginning of recorded history, and it's almost impossible to believe you or any other moron didn't know that.

But your speech implies that either didn't know--in which case you're an idiot who should never have been elected to anything--or else you did know, but lied in your speech.

Since you're a Dem senator, you simply must be smart, eh?  So you must have been knowingly lying when you made the absurd claim that the U.S. "created slavery."  Now why would you do that, eh?  Oh yeah:  To make Americans feel guilty so they'll vote for your corrupt, stinking party.  Oh, and to make yourself look virtuous to BLM and your fellow party members.

Kaine is a moron, and corrupt in the bargain.  He'd sell his mother if he thought it would buy him a vote.

In the vid below, the relevant quote above is at 4:07.  Everything before that is typical Dem bullshit, except for the one obvious truism that no American or enlightened western citizen believes slavery is reasonable.  (By contrast, the koran says...  Eh, why bother?)

The video of the idiot.

Backup source:

Black bloc/Antifa rioters attack police in Paris--video

Watch the video below of "Black bloc"/Antifa attacking cops in Paris.  The air is thick with rocks as big as your fist.  The cops are retreating, which inspires the attackers to greater violence, and leads them to believe--reasonably--that from now on they will always be able to defeat the police.

With just one or two exceptions Western politicians are cowards who will never order their police to fight back.  In fact, in Britain and much of the west, cowardly or corrupt politicians use the cops to arrest anyone who tries to resist these bastards.

Will the good people of the west ever decide "enough is enough," and start fighting back? 

"Peacefully assembling" to protest, fine.  But burning, looting and destroying are crimes and should result in long jail terms.



June 16, 2020

In NYC, 30-y.o. male knocks 92-year-old woman using a walker to the sidewalk

In the lawless cesspool known as New York City a male was caught on video walking toward a 92-year-old woman using a walker, going the other direction.

As the male reaches the elderly woman with the walker, he punches her in the face.  She falls to the sidewalk, striking her head on a fire hydrant.  The male looks back at the crumpled figure and walks away.

This is pure evil--the very definition of a hate crime.  Oh, wait...my bad!  I forgot.  Your Democrat party leaders and elite betters have told you blacks can't be raaaacist or commit hate crimes.

The police are supposedly looking for the assailant, but why bother?  The Democrats who run the city will immediately release him, without requiring that he post a bond to show up for his trial.

Now a question for readers:  If you wanted to reduce this kind of life-threatening evil, would you push for more law enforcement, or less?  Do ya think eliminating police departments will lead to more of this sort of sneering, contemptuous battery, or less?


Two more statues pulled down in Oregon. But really good reason, eh?

Three days ago a group pulled down two statues on the University of Oregon campus.  Of course you didn't hear about that, cuz Eugene is such a small town.  Hardly worth mentioning, eh?

The statues were of Confederate generals who had been slave owners.  Or something.

Just kidding.  The statues were simply "Pioneer" and "Pioneer Mother."  But in the current insanity gripping the U.S.--in which vandalism, looting, arson and murder are totally unpunished because of cowardly Democrat politicians--the vandals have tacit permission to destroy anything they dislike.

Cuz, see, "Pioneer" is a totally objectionable term, comrade.  And if you disagree, you're a raaaacist!

Of course there's an easy fix for this:  De-fund the University of Oregon and the Eugene police department.  Let the bad-ass vandals take over.  Then see what happens to enrollment, and the crime rate, and the willingness of business owners to stay open in Eugene.

Don't intervene in any way.  And when the vandals try to leave to get drugs or cigs or food, let them mysteriously vanish from civil society--which is exactly what they wanted, eh?

I can't wait for da "mostly peaceful protesters" to march on the Alamo, as BLM has said they're gonna do.  I'm sure no one will defend that awful display of  "white supremacists" defending a building from the wonderful forces of the predecessor organization to La Raza.

