June 26, 2020

Snowflake demands that yet another statue of Lincoln be removed. And this time...

If you've been paying attention you know that black rioters have demanded that a statue of Abraham Lincoln in NYC be removed.

Since Lincoln, if I recall correctly, "freed all slaves" in the southern states, you may well wonder why the black rioters, looters and arsonists would even consider pulling down his statue, eh?

Ah, got it:  The statue in NYC shows a newly-freed former slave at Lincoln's feet.  Which is intolerable to the rioters.  And fair enough.

So cut to the statue below.  It's at the U of Wisconsin/Madison, where a snowflake has now started a petition demanding that it, too, be removed.  Cuz...   Wait, this statue does NOT have a freed slave at Lincoln's feet.  It's just Lincoln in a chair, just like the Lincoln memorial in DC.

So why would the snowflake--who's supposedly white, btw--demand that THIS statue be removed?

It's because she CLAIMS that Lincoln "had problems with raaacism."

Really, that's on her dumb-ass petition.  Of course she doesn't explain what she claims are Lincoln's "problems with racism."  In a reasonable country some reporter would ask.  But of course no reporter for the Lying Mainstream Media would EVAH do that, eh?  Cuz the media absolutely LOVES it when rioters pull down statues of great Americans.

You might ask yourself why that is.



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