June 26, 2020

Black "school consultants" making millions from public-school contracts to turn your kids into revolutionaries

For communist "school consultants" the recent riots, arson and looting are the ticket to tens of millions of dollars in contracts, as school boards and various public-school administrators climb on the anti-raaaacism bandwagon.

A parent living in the Oakland area tells what this means for your children:  Her kid's school district hired a consultant called "Soul Shoppe" to hold zoom meetings for area students.  The meeting was advertised through the school district as a way for elementary school kids to “share what’s in your emotional balloon.”

And what do you suppose is the consultant claims is in your kid's emotional balloon?

Why, it's “feelings about the racism, protests, and violence that are occurring in our world at the moment.”  And if your kid doesn't have the "right" feelings, the consultant will be happy to instruct him or her as to the feelings he or she should have.

During the "workshop" the predominantly white elementary school students were asked how they felt about racism.  An adult presenter told students that racism makes her feel “afraid, sad, and angry, and lonely.” The workshop leader agreed, stating, “Right now so many of us feel sad, angry, and left out…because of the color of our skin,” later adding, “Right now people like me and [a co-host] are being hurt because of the color of our skin.”

What he meant by “getting hurt” was never specified, but the hosts quickly gave context that resonated with kids by mentioning a black boy who cried after being told that he couldn’t be an astronaut because of the color of his skin.

Wait, we've had black astronauts for 20 years!  The consultants surely knew this, but easily realized that they could make white students feel bad--guilty--for making the false claim. 

This consultants are pushing lies, utter crap.  Worse, your tax dollars are paying for it.

Why should parents be concerned with schools churning out social justice mobs? Although a few might later become the “tenured radicals,” most youthful protesters don’t do well in life. At a protest, a young person surrenders his individuality to the crowd. He is engulfed by the ecstasy of belonging to the mob, and many find the feeling so thrilling that returning to normal life is a downer.

There are teenagers in this country who've had the last three months of school cancelled beause of the riots, and after being cooped up and deprived of social interaction they're now roaming the streets with clenched fists and chanting something about “racist cops.”  They'll graduate to looting and pulling down statues of Washington and Jefferson.

After the thrill of imagining themselves as revolutionaries, are they going to go back to algebra in August?



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