June 25, 2020

County officials in Oregon *order* everyone to wear masks--but non-whites don't have to

Ever heard the saying "In the United States, NO ONE is above the law!"?

Oh, yeah:  about 50 Democrats appeared on teevee piously, solemnly intoned this phrase for da cameras when they were whining that Trump had threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine--something that never happened, unlike Joe Biden who BRAGGED on-camera about doing exactly that. 

But that's for another post.  For now, consider this:

Officials in Lincoln County, Oregon, ORDERED everyone to wear a facemask in public.  But they specifically exempted non-white people from that command.

Oh, but that's okay, because [mumble mumble bullshit bullshit raaaaacism]!!!

The actual excuse was "to prevent racial profiling."

Literally, the crazy librats of Oregon said people of color didn't have to follow the new rule if they had “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment.” The command even specifically ordered that “No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply.”

See, "activists" wailed that the must-wear-mask order could put non-white people in danger.  The director of the ACLU’s "Racial Justice Program," ReNika Moore, told CNN  “For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandanna in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way.”

Wait...I have chronic breathing problems, so for me, wearing a mask is a dangerous choice.  Can I get an exemption from the order?  I mean, if county dictators accepted "ReNika Moore's" screech that a lose-lose result was good enough to exempt blacks from the order, I should prevail on the same claim, right?  Right?

I mean, if the county refuses to give me that out, it would be proof positive that there are "two sets of laws" in the U.S., because blacks are exempt from laws the rest of us must follow under penalty of a fine or even jail time.

But...but...but...Democrats keep piously, solemnly intoning that "No one is above the law!"  Gosh, I'm beginning to think they might have been [gasp!]...lying!



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