June 19, 2020

Yesterday the corrupt Supreme Court ruled...wait, surely you heard, right?

While your attention was focused on the "second wave of the Chinese virus," or on Black Lies Matter, or the "opioid epidemic," or...whatever...the U.S. Supreme Court just shot you in the head.

You didn't notice, of course, cuz you're busy holding down a job (if you're lucky enough to have one after the months-long lockdown) or otherwise trying to raise your kids. 

Of course you DID hear about the SC's game-changing 5-4 ruling, right?  With the corrupt John Roberts providing the crucial 5th vote.

Okay, if you answered that it was the court's ruling that re-wrote the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to RULE that the term "sex" included "gender preference" I'll give you full credit.  But the RULING I'm talking about pertains to a thing called "DACA."

Of course if you're a college-age American who's not a communist or member of La Raza you probably never heard about "DACA."  Let's see if you know.  What do you think the cunning abbrieviation stands for?

It stands for "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals"--a name cunningly chosen so that not a single American could have any idea what it actually meant or did from its title.  It has the force of law.  So do you think DACA was a law?

No.  It was an "executive order" issued by the emperor Barack Hussein Obama.  It allowed foreign kids illegally brought into the U.S. when they were up to 15 years old to stay in the U.S. indefinitely. 

This was a brazen violation of U.S. immigration LAW, but of course in our modern, Dem-ruled age, laws are...shall we say, "flexible"--they're routinely violated if it helps The Cause," citizen.  And you'd better not complain, or you'll be branded a raaaaaacist and promptly fired.

The result of DACA--a result totally intended by Obama--would be two-million new votes for Democrats within 20 years.  Meaning permanent Dem presidents for at least 50 years afterwards.

Is that cool or what, eh?

Critics saw this, and warned congressional Republicans about it, but the RINO's ignored the warnings cuz they're really Dems posing as Republicans.  Also, they're supported by big companies that want cheap labor.

All that's background.  Now, since DACA was created by Obama's "executive order" instead of by a law passed by congress [spit!], Trump issued his own executive order to undo Obama's illegal executive order, ending the illegal program and allowing those whom Obama had allowed to stay in the U.S. to be deported.  So can you guess what the Supreme Court just RULED?

Sure you can.  It's childs' play for anyone with an IQ over room temperature.  The court ruled that once a Democrat president--Obama--issued an "executive order," neither Trump nor any other later Republican president would be allowed to undo the previous "executive order."

Cool, eh?  What that just did was give presidents the power to change valid U.S. laws any way they wished--and preventing any later president from undoing the violation.

Imagine how the court would rule if a Republican president issued an order that 700,000 refugees from communist-ruled nations--people who would be expected to be deeply hostile to socialism and communism--would be allowed to stay in the U.S. forever, and that ruling was challenged by a later Democrat president.  Think the RULING would be the same as we just saw?

See, the Founders said we would be a "nation of laws."  As dozens of top Democrat congress-shits solemnly bleated, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!"  But of course that's crap:  All Democrats are above the law.  A Dem president can change laws by executive order--something the Constitution theoretically doesn't allow.  And that change can never be undone by an executive order by a later president.

Cool, eh?  It's a "one-way ratchet," taking us closer to socialism, with no push-back allowed.

And the Lying Mainstream Media giddily, excitedly endorsed this ghastly, unconstitutional decision.

Of course they did, cuz they're totally, enthusiastically pro-Dem and anti-Trump.  May they all roast in hell.


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