June 30, 2020

NY Times op-ed: All statues of George Washington must be toppled. Seriously

The New York Times--regarded as the flagship of the left-wing "mainstream media"--continues to print articles preening itself on its virtue.

In the latest example, on Sunday the so-called "newspaper" published an "opinion piece" by a dumb leftist son of a bitch named Charles Blow, who demands that even statues of George Washington should be destroyed.

He further lies that "This is not an erasure of history...."  And you should believe him cuz he writes for the f'n New York Times!

"This is NOT an erasure of history."  Really?  Well technically it's hard to argue that history can be erased, so there's that.  But for all practical purposes, destroying statues of our Founders is an attempt to erase them from the minds of young Americans. 

And the Left/Democrats/socialists/communists/"progressives" just eat this stuff up.

But Blow's real agenda--he hates America--slips through when he writes,
On the issue of American slavery, I am an absolutist: enslavers were amoral monsters.
Like everyone else today, Blow opposes slavery.  But his real target is "American slavery."

See, Blow knows the entire world practiced slavery for millenia, but his REAL target is "American slavery."  Because he's working to destroy American ideals, and pride in this nation.

Oh, here's a charming mis-lead from leftist Times commenters:  They write "Oh, we DON'T want to actually destroy the statues!  Oh no no no, citizen!  We would NEVER demand THAT!  Instead we merely demand that they be put in museums, where they can be displayed with 2,000-word condemnations of these awful persons--like what's-his-name--you know, that guy who did something with the Brits.  He may have been a president, maybe the first one.  I dunno, nobody cares about all dat stuff no mo'.  All we know is da guy owned slaves!  And dat means he couldn't have done anything that anyone should be proud of...let alone displaying a statue!"

Ah.  "We don' wanna destroy these, we just demand they be moved to a museum,"?   Really?

If you really think the BLM/Antifa crowd will allow these statues to be displayed in a museum you're too dumb to breathe.  So here's an easy prediction:  The "put 'em in a museum" line is bullshit, cunningly crafted to make tearing them down more palatable to dumb whites.  In Dem-ruled shit-holes (New York city, Chitcongo, San Fran, Atlanta, New Jersey, Minneapolis, Seattle) the rulers themselves will remove the statues, with a promise to "form a blue-ribbon commission to study where to display them."

Those blue-ribbon commissions will meet for a year or two and then will quietly fade away after whites forget about the statues.

Just watch.  Not a single statue of any of our nation's Founders will be put in a museum.

And for the record:  NO ONE is defending slavery.  



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