June 18, 2020

Why the Media try to make certain events vanish

If you're a young American--say college age--you may vaguely recall that 19 years ago "some people did something" (as Ilhan Omar cunningly described it), killing lots of Americans.  So do you students know how that happened?

Muslims hijacked 4 commercial airliners and flew them into some buildings.  Do you recall how many Americans were killed?

Oh, only 2900 or so.  Not enough to get riled up about, eh?

If your high school taught "real" history--wait, it didn't, so let's start over:  Do ya know the 3 buildings the Muslims flew 3 of the hijacked planes--filled with innocent passengers--into?  And do you know what happened to the 4th jetliner?

Hey, not to worry:  It doesn't matter...because the Lying Mainstream Media have been working feverishly ever since to erase every trace of that day in September, 2001.  So don't worry, citizen.

I mention this dastardly attack because as we watch our nation being set afire by BLM and their moronic white supporters, I'd like to show you how expertly, how deftly, the Mainstream Media works to make events that don't support their Narrative vanish from history.

The purpose of making unhelpful events disappear is that if you don't know they happened, you can't recognize when a totalitarian is working to make are same thing happen today.  As is happening in Seattle.

If foreigners killing 2900 Americans is awful, what would you think if a charismatic fake preacher ordered 918 of his followers to commit suicide--including many parents who killed their own children first?  Would you think that was...unsettling?  Worth studying to see how it could possibly have happened?

Sure.  But the story isn't in a single U.S. history textbook.  It's been ignored, as though it never happened.  But most people think ordering 918 mostly-black followers to kill themselves would be something to be studied, eh?

The reason it's vanished is that the charismatic fake preacher was best buddies with the entire Democrat party in California.  Because he had lots of followers (estimates are between 3000 and 5000), he could steer lots of votes.  Naturally Dem pols sought his endorsement.

The fake preacher was Jim Jones, a white Democrat.  Jones called his organization "The Peoples' Temple," called cops “pigs” and told his mostly black followers that whitey was holding 'em down.  He called on them to resist the racism of the United States of America.  He pushed communism as the solution.

One vignette perfectly shows Jones as a fake:  He had a ritual of slamming Bibles to the floor of his "temple" in front of his followers and yelling, "This black book has held down you people for 2,000 years. It has no power."  Another Jones slogan was “God was a liar. The snake told the truth.”

Yet the media (and Wiki) refer to him as a "preacher."

Eventually Jones left the Bay Area with 1000 followers and established a settlement in Guyana, called Jonestown, with himself as de facto dictator.

Jones's support for blacks and California Democrats, including former Governor Jerry Brown, won him lots of fawning press coverage.  It also got Dem leaders to order law enforcement to ignore his growing criminality long after it should have been apparent to everyone.

Among Jones's supporters were Willie Brown, senator Kamala Harris and governor Gavin Newsom. So you can easily see why the Media want to erase Jones and the mass suicide of blacks that he ordered.

Jim Jones is "what you should see every day when you look in the mirror", Governor Jerry Brown gushed.  Like leftist histories of the USSR, historians, academics and PBS have painted Jones as caring, anti-racist, standing up for the rights of the poor, while ignoring the suidides he ordered.  The Left views him as a kind of role model, at least for most of his life.

Jones exploited resentment against racism, playing on the anger of blacks and the guilt of whites, and offering redemption through socialism.  By offering to end racism Jones was able to justify any crime.  It was a forerunner to "By any means necessary."

The Democrats and their media allies are telling Americans that burning cities and looting stores is not a crime, but the path to utopia.  As the female Attorney General of Massachusetts excused it, “America is burning, but that’s how forests grow."

As the end approached, Jones began inventing enemies to evade responsibility for his corruption and crimes.  A month before the mass suicides a Soviet diplomat visited Jonestown and listened to Jones's followers singing “I’m a socialist today and I’m glad."

Like Jim Jones, the Democrats have no vision or hope to offer. Utopia has been replaced with pain and death.  The country’s biggest cities have become failed experiments in social justice where the socialist cant is preached all the louder even as things get worse.

The arc of history points not to progress, but to Jonestown.  Democrats--the new Joneses--are demanding the abolition of police, the release of all prisoners, release of new criminal suspects without bail, normalization of crime, the Green New Deal, free college, guaranteed income and socialized medicine.  They don't bother to say how all these things will be paid for, because they know that will fall to their enemies to solve.

Not surprisingly, more Americans are deciding that if this is the future, it may not be worthwhile to have children.  The communist congresscreep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says "There’s scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: Is it OK to still have children?”

White birth rates have been below the "replacement rate" for years, and continue to fall every year.  Which is perfectly fine with the socialists, communists, Democrats and AOC.



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