Farewell to the idea of "the rule of law," "a country of laws, not men," etc.
That is no
longer true: The political class has--with the total support of the Lying Media--quietly replaced the rule of law with the Rule of Power: If you're a Democrat politician, or a big contributor to that party, you can break any law with no consequence.
Naturally you think this is hyperbole--tinfoil-hat stuff.
Obama broke federal immigration laws, and ordered federal employees to do the same. Was he punished in any way for doing so?
I'm waiting for your answer, Democrats and Lying Media.
"C'mon, that wasn't a big deal."
Really? Doesn't the Constitution say that the president "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed...." or doesn't it? (Hint: try Article 2, Section 3)
When the actual, y'know, words of the ghastly mess called the Obamacare law said people could only receive taxpayer subsidies for health insurance if they joined a "state health-insurance exchange," and the Democrats only belatedly discovered this (since not a goddamn one of 'em ever made the effort to actually read their ghastly bill before voting for it!), and realized that outcome wouldn't buy 'em the votes they were counting on, did Obama pressure the Supreme Court to rule that the plain, clear words didn't mean what they said?
Why yes, he did.
Is that "taking care that the Laws be faithfully executed"?
Really, take all the time you like to answer that one, Democrats. I can wait. As we all can.
When a couple of thousand residents of Baltimore rioted and looted, were they prosecuted for breaking the law?
Not exactly: Instead the Democrat mayor said the government needed to give them "room to destroy." See? Not a big deal....if you're a member of a conected group.
If some poor enlisted man had totally, unapologetically violated the laws governing the security of beyond-Top-Secret classified information, would he have been jailed? Yes, happens every few years. But when the Democratic party's presidential nominee was proven to have done exactly that, was she jailed?
Not only was she not punished, she was allowed to continue as the party's nominee.
After all, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
H/T Chris Jamison at Belmont
Naturally you think this is hyperbole--tinfoil-hat stuff.
Obama broke federal immigration laws, and ordered federal employees to do the same. Was he punished in any way for doing so?
I'm waiting for your answer, Democrats and Lying Media.
"C'mon, that wasn't a big deal."
Really? Doesn't the Constitution say that the president "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed...." or doesn't it? (Hint: try Article 2, Section 3)
When the actual, y'know, words of the ghastly mess called the Obamacare law said people could only receive taxpayer subsidies for health insurance if they joined a "state health-insurance exchange," and the Democrats only belatedly discovered this (since not a goddamn one of 'em ever made the effort to actually read their ghastly bill before voting for it!), and realized that outcome wouldn't buy 'em the votes they were counting on, did Obama pressure the Supreme Court to rule that the plain, clear words didn't mean what they said?
Why yes, he did.
Is that "taking care that the Laws be faithfully executed"?
Really, take all the time you like to answer that one, Democrats. I can wait. As we all can.
When a couple of thousand residents of Baltimore rioted and looted, were they prosecuted for breaking the law?
Not exactly: Instead the Democrat mayor said the government needed to give them "room to destroy." See? Not a big deal....if you're a member of a conected group.
If some poor enlisted man had totally, unapologetically violated the laws governing the security of beyond-Top-Secret classified information, would he have been jailed? Yes, happens every few years. But when the Democratic party's presidential nominee was proven to have done exactly that, was she jailed?
Not only was she not punished, she was allowed to continue as the party's nominee.
After all, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
H/T Chris Jamison at Belmont
posted by SF at
4:19 PM